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          Demand for Econ PhDs, the Nobel Prize, Rankings, Economics Apps, Salaries and Other Top Blog Posts 2012


Demand for Econ PhDs, the Nobel Prize, Rankings, Economics Apps, Salaries and Other Top Blog Posts 2012

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As we reached the end of the year 2012, we decided to compile a list of the top INOMICS blog posts, those that received a record number of visitors throughout the year.  Enjoy your reading and Happy New Year to everyone!

1. Supply and Demand for New Ph.D’s in Economics
Based on the Survey of the labor market for new Ph.D hires in economics 2011-2012

2. Ranking Economics Departments: Number of Top Institutions by Country
The percentage of Economics Departments by Country in the World’s “Top 100 Economics Departments” (based on RePEc rankings).

3. Where are the economists coming from?
A list of countries with the highest number of Economics graduates.

4. Top Apps for Economists
A list of economics apps for Android available in the market.

5. Salaries for Econ PhDs in the US
How much do Economics PhDs earn in the US?

6. Has Economics Education become too mathematical?
Justin Campbell’s post on the role of mathematics in economics education.

7. Top Economics Podcasts
A collection of free economics podcasts.

8. Top Economics Conferences 2012
Recently we also published a list of Top Finance Conferences 2013

9. Nobel Prize in Economics 2012: Winners Announced
A tribute to Alvin A. Roth and Lloyd S. Shapley.

10. Google Economics
A contribution from guest blogger Max Berre on why Google hires economists.

11. Infographic: Economics Job Market 2012
Findings from the Economics Job Market Report 2012 in one picture.

Photo Credit: Maguis & David

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