- Economists Can Joke, Too
- Posted 1 year ago
Economists Have a Sense of Humor Too: Economics Memes That Will Make You “LOL”
Economists are often immersed in the serious and complex world of numbers, charts, and theories. But contrary to popular belief, economists do have a sense of humor too! In fact, there is a whole subculture of economics memes that bring a lighthearted and comical perspective to the field.
- Profili di economisti
- Posted 1 year ago
Adam Smith
Students often learn about important figures in economics only briefly and in passing, yet the content taught in economics courses often comes from brilliant economists such as these.
en es de fr it -
- Corso supplementare
- (Online)
- Posted 5 years ago
The History of Economic Thought
at University of Oxford in Regno Unito -
- Blog Post
- Posted 6 years ago
Marxian v Neoclassical Economics
Economics is a broad and always developing subject, and there have been many schools of economic thought over the years. Today we'll be looking at two prominent schools that are relevant for modern economists, Marxian and neoclassical economics, to see how they differ and why they both continue to be of interest despite their many differences.