- Mixing Things Up
- Posted 1 year ago
10 Tips to Make Your Classes More Engaging for Students
Teaching is an honorable, but difficult, job to do. Economics instructors working in higher education must rapidly and thoroughly communicate complex concepts and theories within tight semester time frames, effectively enough that most students will learn the concepts and pass the course.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
Should Graduate Students Co-Teach?
Co-teaching has become popular in recent years, especially in university teaching training. It involves two teachers, one experienced and one in training, coming together to teach a class together. They share the instruction, the setting of tasks, the marking, and the physical classroom space. The idea is that for a profession like teaching, in which teachers are constantly learning even after they finish their teacher training, more direct instruction is helpful. Observing and interacting with a more experienced colleague allows new teaches to learn more and get guidance if they are having any classroom issues.
- Teaching Careers/Training Resource, Career Advice Article, Advice
- Posted 9 years ago
Combining Teaching and Working in Industry
For academic careers, the big question is always: academia or industry? But why not a bit of both? If you want to combine teaching and working in industry, there are possibilities for part-time teaching work or tutoring jobs which fall outside of traditional work hours. You can have an industry job and try teaching too. Below we'll look at some of the options.
- How to teach Article , Career Advice Article, Advice
- Posted 9 years ago
Teaching for varying class sizes
When you're teaching, it's important to find a way to engage with all of your students, to keep their interest and to make sure that they understand the information that you're conveying to them. However, the size of a class can make a huge difference to what teaching methods are most appropriate and effective.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
5 Apps That Every Professor Needs to Know
There are lots of technological tools available to help support professors in their teaching, research, and administration. But these tools aren't just for your home computer โ there are lots of apps for mobile devices which can be useful in university life too. We've covered top apps for students before, and today we're listing some of the best mobile apps for professors.