- Economics Careers
- Posted 1 year ago
The Job Outlook for Economists in the US
Being (or becoming!) an economist probably seems like a good idea. After all, you’re reading the INOMICS Blog! Beyond reading relevant advice and interesting articles, it can be helpful to have real data to answer questions about the job market for economists.
- Building Your Teaching Career
- Posted 2 years ago
Developing a teaching profile: Why and how?
The increasing importance of evidencing teaching effectiveness In recent years, the UK higher education environment has noticeably changed. Research Assessment Exercises and then the Research Excellence Framework have highlighted the importance of academics not only being research- active but regularly publishing high quality outputs in internationally recognised academic journals.
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- Career Advice
- Posted 3 years ago
Policy or academic economist: Which should I become?
“I am an economist,” I once proudly mentioned at a party, in a round of small talk. “Oh, so you do a lot of money counting and financial reporting?” was the reply I heard, like so many economics graduates before me. “Nah, let’s leave that to the business and finance professionals,” I answered. But what do real economists do exactly?
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