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Top Economics Conferences 2016/17
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Are you looking for a great economics conference? Here we list some of the top economics events taking place 2016/17.
November 2016
Call for Papers: Special Issue of Open Economies Review on Global Labor Markets
- Organizer: International Monetary Fund
- Conference Dates: Nov 1, 2016
- Deadline for paper submissions: Nov 1, 2016
- Deadline for participant registration: Monday, August 8, 2016
- Location: Washington, D.C., United States
Open Economies Review will publish a special issue during 2017 devoted to analysis of labor markets in advanced countries, emerging markets, and low-income countries. The deadline for submissions is November 1, 2016. Only completed papers will be considered. The issue will be edited by Nauro Campos (Brunel University), Karim El Aynaoui (OCP Policy Center) and Prakash Loungani (IMF).
11th Annual SME Banking Europe
- Organizer: Fleming.
- Conference Dates: Nov 8, 2016 to Nov 9, 2016
- Deadline for paper submissions: Nov 1, 2016
- Deadline for participant registration: Monday, November 7, 2016
- Location: Vienna, Austria
This high-profile gathering of banking professionals combines innovative insights on successful business banking strategies and hands-on case studies from leading banking & financial institutions.
6th International Symposium “Shaping Europe 2020: socio – economic challenges”
- Organizer: Pro Global Science Association
- Conference Dates: Nov 18, 2016 to Nov 19, 2016
- Deadline for paper submissions: Oct 30, 2016
- Deadline for participant registration: Sunday, October 30, 2016
- Location: Bucharest, Romania
This year it is the second series of Virtual Conferences, proposing to you an innovative and flexible virtual conference format. A special attention will be paid to early-stage researchers and academic PhD students and Post Docs who are encouraged to take part in the 2016 International Competition: The best research paper on “Circular economy”. There is no registration fee for the best research paper on the subject of circular economy, and a Winner Certificate.
Conference in Behavioral Economics and Financial Literacy
- Organizer: UOC Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
- Conference Dates: Nov 28, 2016 to Nov 29, 2016
- Deadline for paper submissions: Oct 10, 2016
- Deadline for participant registration: Wednesday, November 16, 2016
- Location: Barcelona, Spain
The aim of BEFL is to bring together both empirical and theoretical researchers on all aspects of behavioural economics and financial literacy. It welcomes papers that examine the financial decisions of individuals, groups and organizations, and the interaction between financial literacy and behavioral economics. It also encourages submissions from all other areas within behavioural and experimental economics.
December 2016
- 10th South-Eastern European Economic Research Workshop
- Organizer: Bank of Albania
- Conference Dates: Dec 1, 2016 to Dec 2, 2016
- Deadline for paper submissions: Nov 15, 2016
- Deadline for participant registration: Wednesday, August 31, 2016
- Location: Tirana, Albania
The 10th SEE Economic Research Workshop aims to bring together researchers, scholars and central banks experts to present and discuss their research work in economics and finance. The topic of this workshop will be “Including monetary policy and financial shocks and trends in modeling and policy analysis”. Researchers are invited to submit original papers that relate to the conference topic.There is no fee of registration/participation. All expenses related to travel and accommodation are expected to be borne by the participants. Coffee breaks and two lunches will be covered by Bank of Albania. An interesting social program will be also organized on the occasion of this event.
Call for Papers: The Implications of Negative Interest Rates for Emerging Asia
- Organizer: Asian Development Bank Institute
- Conference Dates: Dec 1, 2016 to Dec 2, 2016
- Deadline for paper submissions: Oct 15, 2016
- Deadline for participant registration: Saturday, October 15, 2016
- Location: Tokyo, Japan
The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) Annual Conference brings together high-level speakers, including Asian Development Bank President Takehiko Nakao and top policy makers. Sayuri Shirai, former Bank of Japan Board member who will speak on Japan’s experience in implementing negative interest rates. ADBI invites the submission of theoretical and empirical papers on the implications of negative interest rates for emerging Asia.
2nd International Conference on Applied Economics and Finance (ICOAEF 2016)
- Organizer: Girne American University
- Conference Dates: Dec 5, 2016 to Dec 6, 2016
- Deadline for paper submissions: Oct 29, 2016
- Deadline for participant registration: Thursday, December 1, 2016
- Location: Kyrenia, Cyprus
ICOAEF 2016 provides an opportunity for all those interested in the Applied Economics and Finance to discuss their research and to exchange ideas. Researchers are invited to submit both empirical and theoretical papers that are broadly consistent with the conference’s special topic. The conference is open to both young and experienced researchers, Ph.D. students, post-doctoral researchers, and professionals from business, government and non-governmental institutions.
The 6th Xiamen University International Workshop on Experimental Economics
- Organizer: Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics (WISE)
- Conference Dates: Dec 16, 2016 to Dec 18, 2016
- Deadline for paper submissions: Oct 24, 2016
- Deadline for participant registration: Friday, November 18, 2016
- Location: Xiamen, China
The Call for Papers for the Sixth International Workshop on Experimental Economics at Xiamen University welcomes submissions incorporating or analyzing controlled experiments using human subjects in studies of decision theory, game theory, development, policy analysis, management science, marketing, political science, or finance. They encourage submissions related to all topics in the field of behavioral and experimental economics.
January 2017
Current Trends in Public Sector Research
- Organizer: Faculty of Economics and Administration, Masaryk University
- Conference Dates: Jan 19, 2017 to Jan 20, 2017
- Deadline for paper submissions: Oct 2, 2016
- Deadline for participant registration: Monday, October 31, 2016
- Location: Brno, Czech Republic
The topic of the keynote speech “Health services delivery: challenges and responses” will be a central theme of the conference. The keynote speaker of the conference is Prof. James Warner Björkman (Professor Emeritus of Public Policy and Administration at the Institute of Social Studies, The Hague). The main topics include: public administration and public sector, public finance, public services and nonprofit sector, institutions and the environment – the special session.
The 2017 Zurich Initiative on Computational Economics
- Organizer: Department of Banking and Finance of the University of Zurich
- Conference Dates: Jan 24, 2017 to Feb 1, 2017
- Deadline for paper submissions: Jan 24, 2017
- Deadline for participant registration: Sunday, September 25, 2016
- Location: Zürich, Switzerland
The aim of ZICE17 is to create a collaborative community of computational scientists and economists by training young scholars (advanced graduate students) in state-of-the-art numerical methods and computer technology, and their application to economic modeling and analysis. The activities will begin with formal lectures on a range of topics followed by tutorials that familiarize participants with computer software applied to economic models. In addition, participants will work on assignments to facilitate the learning of numerical methods and will be able to speak with the lecturers about their own work during “office hours”. Graduate students from all universities are encouraged to apply. There is no fee for participating in ZICE17.
February 2017
5h PhD-Student Workshop on Industrial and Public Economics (WIPE)
- Organizer: Research Centre on Industrial and Public Economics (CREIP) – Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
- Conference Dates: Feb 8, 2017 to Feb 9, 2017
- Deadline for paper submissions: Nov 25, 2016
- Deadline for participant registration: Friday, January 13, 2017
- Location: Reus Tarragona, Spain
WIPE aims to be an academic meeting where PhD students, young doctors, postdoc researchers and senior researchers could exchange experiences, research topics, ongoing projects and future research activities on the Industrial and Public Economics. WIPE will include about 16 presentations and plenary sessions with one keynote speaker (Luís Cabral, New York University). Papers to be presented must fit into topics of Industrial and Public Economics like, among others, Environmental Economics, Regional Economics, and Markets and Institutions. There are not workshop fees, but attendants should cover their own travel and accommodation expenditures.
March 2017
VII International Entrepreneurship Conference ENTIME: Entrepreneurship In Modern Economy – Challenges And Risks
- Organizer: Faculty of Management and Economics, Gdansk University of Technology
- Conference Dates: Mar 16, 2017 to Mar 17, 2017
- Deadline for paper submissions: Oct 16, 2016
- Deadline for participant registration: Sunday, October 16, 2016
- Location: Gdańsk, Poland
ENTIME is designed to bring together leading-edge views of academic scholars and insightful practitioners from the fields of international business and small business/entrepreneurship, in order to examine challenges and risks that firms have to face and deal with in a modern economy. The event is a great opportunity to share knowledge and experience of entrepreneurial research and studies from all over the world.
April 2017
International Academic Conference on Management, Economics and Marketing
- Organizer: Czech Technical University
- Conference Dates: Apr 14, 2017 to Apr 15, 2017
- Deadline for paper submissions: Mar 5, 2017
- Deadline for participant registration: Wednesday, March 15, 2017
- Location: Budapest, Hungary
International Academic Conference on Management, Economics and Marketing in Budapest 2017 is an important international gathering of scholars, educators and PhD students. IAC-MEM 2017 will take place in conference facilities located in Budapest, the touristic, business and historic center of Hungary.
SIBR 2017 Sydney Conference on Interdisciplinary Business & Economics Research
- Organizer: Society of Interdisciplinary Business Research and Research & Development Institute of Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University
- Conference Dates: Apr 15, 2017 to Apr 16, 2017
- Deadline for paper submissions: Jan 27, 2017
- Deadline for participant registration: Friday, April 14, 2017
- Location: Sydney, Australia
SIBR Conference brings together researchers from the full range of business and economics disciplines to share latest research findings and brainstorm new research ideas across disciplines. It is a unique forum for researchers with cross-disciplinary interests to meet and interact. Research papers/abstracts cutting across business and non-business disciplines are also welcome.
IXth International Days Of Study Jean Monnet - Trans - Mediterranean Partnerships: What New Production System And Factorial And Migration Dynamics?
- Organizer: Jean Monnet Chair in Comparative Regional Integration (University of Bordeaux, Griem)
- Conference Dates: Apr 26, 2017 to Apr 27, 2017
- Deadline for paper submissions: Nov 15, 2016
- Deadline for participant registration: Saturday, April 1, 2017
- Location: Rabat, Morocco
The works which will begin and will be completed in plenary will take place in two multidisciplinary workshops around the themes on regional productive division of labor and the necessary evolution of the Euro - Mediterranean cooperation, particularly with regard to controlled management of the allocation of factorial resources. Authors will be notified in the month of December 2016 of the outcome of their proposal after consideration by the Scientific Committee of the IXth Days Jean Monnet International Study.
June 2017
Young Economists’ Meeting in Brno
- Organizers: Martin Guzi, Miloš Fišar, Ondřej Krčál and Rosťa Staněk
- Conference Dates: Jun 1, 2017 to Jun 2, 2017
- Deadline for paper submissions: Mar 31, 2017
- Deadline for participant registration: Sunday, April 30, 2017
- Location: Brno, Czech Republic
The Young Economists' Meeting 2017 will take place on June 1-2 in Brno. Join to discuss your research and meet like-minded young researchers. You can submit your research under one of the following conference tracks: Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Labor Economics or Finance. Young economists below the age of 35 may submit their papers for the Best Paper Award (a prize of 5000 CZK). There is no fee for conference participants. Travel grants are offered to help participants cover their travel costs and accommodation in Brno.
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