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Top Economics Departments in USA 2015
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Study economics gives a full understanding of the monetary decisions people make that have a direct influence in poverty, tax rates and inflation. In the same way, a degree in economics delivers valuable understanding of statistics and its use to plan better financial decisions. Economy is a science that is related to all aspects of the life, whether a micro-economy or global macro-economic issues, a career in economics is suitable for people with an understanding and delight for academic reading and mathematics.
The United States offers to students the most of the best schools of economics of the world. Moreover, graduates from American Universities have high salaries in comparison with other social sciences degrees. We have picked up the economics departments at American universities for you. The following alphabetically list is taken is a compilation from different rankings such as QS Rankings and US News Ranking
Department of Economics, American University
Washington, D.C
Department of Economics , Boston University
Boston, Massachusetts
Department of Economics, California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
Pasadena, California, United States
Department of Economics , Columbia University
New York City, New York
Department of Economics, University of San Francisco
San Francisco, California
Department of Economics, Duke University
Durham, North Carolina, United States
Department of Economics, Georgetown University
Washington, D.C
Department of Economics, Harvard University
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Department of Economics, Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, Maryland
Department of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Department of Economics, New York University
New York City, New York
Department of Economics, Princeton University
Princeton, New Jersey
Department of Economics, Purdue University
West Lafayette, Indiana
Department of Economics, Stanford University
Stanford, California
Department of Economics, University of California, Berkeley (UCB)
Berkeley, California
Department of Economics, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
Los Angeles, California
Department of Economics, University of Chicago
Chicago, Illinois
Department of Economics, University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Department of Economics, University of Texas - Austin
Austin, Texas
Department of Economics, Yale University
New Haven, Connecticut
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