A Complete Course - Green Economics


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Regular fees: 45 EUR

Green Economics is an economic philosophy that emphasizes the necessity of aligning economic practices with ecological sustainability and social equity. It aims to address the interconnected crises of environmental degradation, resource depletion, and social inequality by rethinking traditional economic models and promoting practices that foster a harmonious relationship between the economy, society, and the natural world.

Green economics presents numerous opportunities across various sectors, promoting sustainability, innovation, and equity.

Economic Opportunities

  • Job Creation: The green economy can generate a vast number of new jobs in renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable agriculture, and environmental conservation. Sectors like solar, wind, and bioenergy are rapidly growing and offer significant employment opportunities.
  • Innovation and Technology: Green economics drives innovation in clean technologies and sustainable practices. Opportunities exist for developing and commercializing technologies such as solar panels, wind turbines, electric vehicles, energy storage systems, and sustainable materials.
  • Circular Economy: Embracing a circular economy model opens up opportunities for businesses to innovate in recycling, refurbishing, and remanufacturing. This can reduce waste, lower costs, and create new revenue streams from previously discarded materials.
  • Sustainable Finance: There is growing interest in sustainable finance and investment opportunities, including green bonds, impact investing, and socially responsible investing (SRI). Financial institutions can develop products that fund sustainable projects and businesses.

Environmental Opportunities

  • Conservation and Restoration: Green economics emphasizes the protection and restoration of natural ecosystems. Opportunities exist in reforestation, wetland restoration, biodiversity conservation, and sustainable land management practices.
  • Climate Mitigation and Adaptation: Implementing green economic practices can significantly contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation. This includes reducing greenhouse gas emissions, enhancing carbon sequestration, and developing resilient infrastructure.

Social Opportunities

  • Community Empowerment: Green economics supports community-based initiatives that promote local sustainability and resilience. Opportunities arise in developing community energy projects, local food systems, and cooperative businesses that prioritize social and environmental goals.
  • Equity and Inclusion: The green economy offers opportunities to address social inequities by ensuring that marginalized and vulnerable communities benefit from sustainable development. This includes creating inclusive policies and programs that provide access to green jobs, clean energy, and sustainable resources.

Textbooks and Readings

  • "The Economics of Sustainable Development" by Jeffrey D. Sachs
  • "Green Economics: An Introduction to Theory, Policy, and Practice" by Molly Scott Cato

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who wants to explore the opportunity of green economics


  • Steven Khor, MIA, MIM, CFP, MBA,BA
    Experienced Professional ACCA Lecturer and Trainer

    Steven Khor is the Head of the Academy and the principal lecturer at the university. He taught Accounting, Green Economics, Silver Economy, Financial Management, Diversity, Ethics & Inclusion (DEI), ESG Compliance & Reporting, AI Governance & Ethics (AGE) and business courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He curated micro-credential courses. He is a member of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants, Malaysian Institute of Management, and also a Malaysian Human Resource Development Corporation Registered Trainer. He provides training to develop leadership and management skills for managers and executives. He is a popular trainer in both technical skills and soft skills.

    Steven has been teaching ACCA and CIMA courses for the past 25 years. He is a passionate ACCA Tutor who helps many ACCA, CIMA & ICAEW candidates pass their examinations in one attempt. He helped thousands of students pass the ACCA, CIMA & ICAEW examinations. Some of his students gained the best papers awards from ACCA. He has produced award-winning students and Top ACCA Affiliates. He teaches in detail and makes difficult topics easy to understand. He is also the research mentor to ACCA/Oxford Brookes University BSc (Hons) in Applied Accounting program. Many of his students are working in large MNCs, and Big 4 accounting firms, and practising auditors and tax consultants.

    Before becoming an academician, he was the auditor at a Big 4 accounting firm and a corporate banker at an international bank. His vast experience in accounting, audit, and finance practices helped his students to understand and apply the theories into practice.

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Regular fees: 45 EUR