13th International Moscow Finance Conference




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Vladimir Sokolov

The International Laboratory of Financial Economics at ICEF HSE University invites paper submissions for the annual Moscow Finance Conference, held in-person and online at HSE University, Moscow, on November 22-23, 2024.

The conference is aimed at bringing together scholars engaged in both theoretical and empirical research in all fields of finance. Each paper accepted for presentation will be assigned a discussant. There is no conference fee.




The International Laboratory of Financial Economics at ICEF HSE University invites paper submissions for the annual Moscow Finance Conference, held in-person and online at HSE University, Moscow, on November 22-23, 2024.



Andrey Malenko, Professor of Finance, Boston College

Sumit Agarwal, Professor of Finance, National University of Singapore


The conference is aimed at bringing together scholars engaged in both theoretical and empirical research in all fields of finance. Each paper accepted for presentation will be assigned a discussant. There is no conference fee.


PAPER SUBMISSION PROCEDURE: Submit your paper here

The submission deadline is September 22th, 2024.


CONFERENCE ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Vladimir Sokolov (ICEF, HSE University), Maria Semenova (LaBS, HSE University), Alexei Boulatov (ICEF, HSE University)


FURTHER INFORMATION: You can find more information about the previous conferences here,

or contact us at lfe@hse.ru

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Partially Online (some attendance required)

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Vladimir Sokolov


11 Pokrovsky blvd

109028 Moscow , Russie