17th UniTo-Collegio Carlo Alberto PhD Workshop in Economics





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CLOSED (open from 16 September 2024)

The University of Turin and Collegio Carlo Alberto are pleased to invite you to the 17th Ph.D. Workshop in Economics. This event offers a unique opportunity for PhD students to:

  • Listen to excellent presentations from our keynote speakers, as well as fellow Ph.D. students.
  • Present their research to peers, including those from our Ph.D. program and other attending universities.
  • Receive feedback from an assigned discussant from our faculty.

The Collegio Carlo Alberto Ph.D. Workshop provides an excellent chance to present your work, obtain feedback, connect with researchers from different institutions at various career levels, and explore the beautiful city of Turin.

This year we are excited to welcome as our keynote speakers Professor Efrem Castelnuovo (University of Padua), Professor Nancy Qian (Northwestern University) and Professor Alessandra Voena (Stanford University).

The 17th edition of the UniTo-CCA PhD Workshop will take place at the Collegio Carlo Alberto in Turin, Italy the 21st and 22nd of November 2024. The Collegio Carlo Alberto is a foundation created in 2004 as the joint initiative of the Compagnia di San Paolo and the University of Turin. Its mission is to foster research and education in social sciences, in accordance with the values and practices of the international academic community. The Collegio is located in Piazza Arbarello 8, in the city center of Turin, and it is well connected to the two main train stations of the city.

We welcome papers by PhD students and candidates written in English in any field of Economics. To apply, please complete the Google Form under the 'Apply' tab on the website with your personal information, CV, and the paper you wish to submit. 

  • No registration fees are required.
  • Lunch, coffee breaks and social dinner will be offered by the Collegio Carlo Alberto.
  • Travel and accommodation expenses are under the responsibility of participants.

For any additional information write us at vpde.workshop@gmail.com 

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Conference Start Date

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Date limite de soumission des documents


CLOSED (open from 16 September 2024)


Piazza Arbarello 8

10122 Turin , Italie