- Études à l'étranger
- Posted 1 year ago
Comment trouver le bon programme d'échange
Exchange programs allow students to study at a different institution as part of their degree. Typically, students will use this opportunity to study abroad at a foreign partner of their home institution, though exchange programs can sometimes take place in the same country. Regardless, these programs are a fantastic way for students to broaden their horizons, take specific courses at another institution, and study abroad without committing to living multiple years in another country.
en es de fr -
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 8 years ago
10 Reasons To Study in Asia
As studying abroad is becoming more and more popular, we are taking a look at why one should go and study in Asia. Our partners at Asia Exchange are one of the world’s leading companies organizing student exchange to Asian countries, so who would be better to ask for a Top-10 in Reasons to Study in Asia for!
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 12 years ago
Studying Abroad, Lonely Abroad
The China Economic Review from last month ran an interesting piece by John van Fleet about the 150,000+ Haigui (海归) currently studying in the USA (Haigui, literally “Sea Turtles” is the name given to Chinese students studying abroad). Van Fleet discusses not only the challenges of interaction between international and domestic students, but also the economic impact for both host and origin country.