The Swiss Institute for Empirical Economic Research is linking scientific research and economic policy consultancy. The Institute is led and managed by the Directors and Professors Monika Bütler, Michael Lechner und Winfried Koeniger. .
The main activities at the Institute are scientific research and economic policy consultancy. The strategic success of the Institute lies in conducting intensive basic research which provides the foundation for consulting of governments and private organisations.
The research focuses on:
- Labor Economics
- Economic Policy
- Social Insurance
- Consumption and Household Finance
- Macroeconomics
- Microeconomics
- Political Economics
- Health Economics
- Sports Economics
For our analyses we use econometric methods and quantitative methods for simulations and computations based on general equilibrium models.
For more information please look at our list of research projects on this website and the individual homepages of our members. Most of the recent papers, books and presentations are available for download.
The Insitute plays an important role in the education of students and the General public at the University of St. Gallen.
Our teaching activities focus on:
- Macroeconomics
- Sports Economics
- Game Theory
- Econometrics and Applications in Labor and Financial Markets at the Bachelor, Master and Doctoral Levels at the University of St.Gallen.
We strongly emphasis on the practical application of the methods thaught, so that about a third of courses takes place at PCs in the laboratory.
Related Institutions
University of St.Gallen
Contact Information
Contact Email
+41 (0)71 224 23 20
Contact Phone
Varnbüelstrasse 14
9000 Sankt Gallen , Switzerland