11th Edition of the Barcelona GSE Summer Schools in Economics
Organizer: Barcelona GSE
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Duration: Jun 26, 2017 to Jul 7, 2017
Details: The Barcelona Graduate School of Economics welcomes the summer with a diverse range of summer schools in economics and related fields. These short summer programs are addressed to researchers, professionals and graduate students who want to improve their competences in specific fields of knowledge. Renowned academics and leading practitioners teach the summer school courses, which draw participants from all over the world.

PSE Summer School
Organizer: Paris School of Economics
Location: Paris, France
Duration: Jun 19, 2017 to Jul 7, 2017
Details: PSE Summer School offers research-oriented teaching by leading experts in their fields. It seeks to gather Master and PhD students, post-doctoral students, academics, and professionals. PSE proposes four intensive one-week programmes, each being a full-time mix of coherent courses on topical issues, taught by PSE professors.

EcoMod Modeling School Prague
Organizer: EcoMod
Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Duration: Jun 26, 2017 to Jun 30, 2017
Details: EcoMod is the world’s leading research, advisory, and educational not-for-profit network dedicated to promoting advanced modeling and statistical techniques in economic policy and decision making. Its summer school curriculum includes courses in general equilibrium modeling, GVAR, DSGE, fiscal and budgetary policy and macro-econometric modeling using GAMS, Matlab, dynare and Eviews. The training is fully practical and provides 'hands-on' experience through intensive use of exercises on the computer. EcoMod offers a limited number of partial scholarships to candidates from developing countries and transition economies.
12th Advanced Summer School on Nonlinear Cross-Section and Panel Regression Models with Focus on Count Data
Organizer: University of Crete
Location: Crete, Greece
Duration: Jul 30, 2017 to Aug 6, 2017
Details: This course taking place in a beautiful city of Crete will cover regression methods for count data, such as number of doctor visits, where the dependent variable is a nonnegative integer. While the focus is on count data, most of the methods are applicable to nonlinear regression models in general, and the relevant general frameworks will be presented ahead of specialization to counts. All methods will be carefully illustrated in full detail by applications to cross-section and panel count data examples.
Warwick Economics Summer School
Organizer: University of Warwick
Location: Coventry, United Kingdom
Duration: Jul 16, 2017 to Aug 4, 2017
Details: The Department of Economics at The University of Warwick offers a three week programme aimed at current undergraduates studying economics, students progressing to Masters level study as well as professionals. All courses on offer are taught by world leading economists. It is an excellent opportunity for students to further enhance their skills and knowledge in economics through studying at one of the leading economics departments in Europe.
The 9th Summer School International - Global & Chinese Economy
Organizer: Peking University
Location: Beijing, China
Duration: Jul 3, 2017 to Jul 28, 2017
Details: This summer program offers a wide variety of academic courses in economics taught in English. It also provides Chinese language courses to students at beginner's level. All courses will be held at the Peking University campus. Upon completion of the programme, students will receive an official transcript and earn academic credits from Peking University.
International Summer School in Economics Education
Organizer: Hebrew University
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
Duration: Jul 10, 2017 to Aug 10, 2017
Details: A five-week summer school in economics includes a series of courses in economics and finance designed to prepare students for graduate studies (in the U.S. and Europe). The courses are taught by leading Hebrew University faculty and supported by teaching assistants who meet with the students throughout the program.
ĂŠSTIMATE - Early Summer Tutorial In Modern Applied Tools of Econometrics
Organizer: Michigan State University
Location: East Lansing, MI, United States
Duration: Jun 9, 2017 to Jun 11, 2017
Details: Econometrics has long been a strength of the Economics Department at Michigan State University. Their summer program gives empirical practitioners, academic researchers, industry/government researchers/analysts, and graduate students, access to econometrics training usually reserved for students formally enrolled in PhD programs at MSU. ÊSTIMATE is an intensive weekend workshop taught by world class econometricians. ÊSTIMATE’s focus is modern econometric tools as used in practice. Participants learn methods and techniques to use immediately in their empirical research. ÊSTIMATE’s goal is to broaden and improve the practice of econometric methods throughout empirical research and data analysis in academics, industry and government.

Harvard Summer School in Economics
Organizer: Harvard Summer School
Location: Cambridge, MA, USA
Duration: Jun 19, 2017 to Aug 6, 2017
Details: This course covers both micro- and macroeconomics. The microeconomic subjects studied include the workings of the market mechanisms—how supply and demand determine the quantities and prices of goods and factors of production and international trade, and how quantities and prices are affected by government intervention. The macroeconomic subjects include the determinants of economic growth, financial institutions, short-run fluctuations in output and employment, inflation, macroeconomics of the open economy, and the role of government policy.