- Conference
- Posted 1 month ago
YEM2025: Young Economists’ Meeting 2025
Between 22 May and 23 May in Brno, Czechia -
- For the Aspiring Economist
- Posted 7 months ago
What makes a successful economist?
The following article first appeared in the INOMICS Handbook 2024.Download the INOMICS Handbook“The master-economist must possess a rare combination of gifts. He must reach a high standard in several different directions and must combine talents not often found together. He must be mathematician, historian, statesman, philosopher…He must study the present in the light of the past for the purposes of the future. No part of man's nature or his institutions must lie entirely outside his regard. He must be purposeful and disinterested in a simultaneous mood; as aloof and incorruptible as an artist, yet sometimes as near the earth as a politician.”– John Maynard Keynes
en fr de es it -
- Economist Profiles
- Posted 1 year ago
Dr. Esther Duflo
In this series of articles, INOMICS will highlight the accomplishments of particular economists who have contributed greatly to the field. Students often learn about the great figures in economics only briefly and in passing, but the content taught in economics courses comes from brilliant economists such as these.
- Getting up to Speed
- Posted 3 years ago
The Top Economics Blogs
There are many excellent economics blogs out there. Whether you want to read commentaries on economic policy, find out what people are currently researching, or simply keep up-to-date with the latest economic happenings across the world, there are blogs for all tastes.
- Economists & Prizes
- Posted 5 years ago
Esther Duflo, Abhijit Banerjee, Michael Kremer win the 2019 Nobel Prize
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2019 has been awarded to three economists “for their experimental approach to alleviating global poverty”1: Esther Duflo, Abhijit Banerjee and Michael Kremer.
- Blog Post
- Posted 6 years ago
Economics Blogging Tips From Leigh Caldwell
Responding to the success of our blogging article in our 2019 INOMICS Handbook – for those of you unacquainted, click here – the economists are back, answering more blog-oriented questions. This time around, we’ve taken a bit of a personal turn, quizzing our participants about their blogging successes; the concepts behind their writings; and their preferred reads. For those setting out on their economic journey, the following makes for essential reading
- Blog Post
- Posted 6 years ago
Economics Blogging Tips From Miles Kimball
Responding to the success of our blogging article in 2018r’s INOMICS Handbook – for those of you unacquainted, click here – the economists are back, answering more blog-oriented questions. This time around, we’ve taken a bit of a personal turn, quizzing our participants about their blogging successes; the concepts behind their writings; and their preferred reads. For those setting out on their economic journey, the following makes for essential reading.
- Blog Post
- Posted 6 years ago
Economics Blogging Tips From John H. Cochrane
Responding to the success of our blogging article in this year’s INOMICS Handbook – for those of you unacquainted, click here – the economists are back, answering more blog-oriented questions. This time around, we’ve taken a bit of a personal turn, quizzing our participants about their blogging successes; the concepts behind their writings; and their preferred reads. For those setting out on their economic journey, the following makes for essential reading.
- Marketing Yourself
- Posted 6 years ago
Effective Ways Economists Can Build a Personal Brand
Building a brand used to be just for companies and universities – but now a personal brand is something that every student and academic needs to work on. While many academics are hesitant to brand themselves too actively, you should remember that not working on your brand is in itself a kind of branding, and not a positive one. So you’re going to have to spend some time building your personal profile as a researcher – but there are some tips that can help to make this process smoother and more efficient. Here are effective ways economists can build a personal brand.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 6 years ago
Top Career Paths: Public Economics and Economic Policy
If you're doing a degree in economics with a specialisation in public economics or economic policy, you might be thinking about what career you would eventually like to pursue. Here below are some of the top careers paths for graduates in this area. For a comprehensive list of available jobs check our jobs section.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
Top Upcoming Economics & Business Events 2016/2017
To keep up to date with the latest news in economics and business, there's more that you can do than just reading! Events such as lectures, workshops, and debates are excellent ways to keep up with developments in your field. Plus, they give you the chance to meet and network with other people in your field and to hear new perspectives on your work. If you're interested in attending events in economics or finance, then today's article is a list of some of the greatest events coming up soon from around the world.