- Blog Post
- Posted 4 years ago
8 Halloween Costumes for Economists
In keeping with the season, we have put together a short list of ideas, collected from various economics-related source, which may be useful if you are attending a Halloween party full of like-minded economists.
- Blog Post
- Posted 5 years ago
A Guide to Dating in Academia
Dating in academia is riddled with potholes, the most immediate of which is do not stray far from your academic discipline. Curious indeed considering that the academic world is meant to be populated by an abundance of young and energetic minds from a variety of different cultures, races and ethnicities, all of whom are hungry for new information and experiences. One would think that such an environment would provide the perfect dating terrain, right? Wrong!
- Blog Post
- Posted 7 years ago
The Economics of Christmas Songs: When to start playing Jingle Bell Rock?
It happens every year. As you’re walking through a shopping centre, a store, or perhaps a supermarket, you hear a Christmas song, and you know it’s the beginning of the buying frenzy that leads up to Christmas.
- Blog Post
- Posted 10 years ago
Academic Horror Stories – 5 Real Life Worst Nightmares for Halloween
In this special Halloween blog post, we aim to give you chills and keep you on the edge of your seat with these blood-curdling academic nightmares.
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 10 years ago
Writing A Thesis This Summer? 10 Tips on How to Stay Motivated
Instead of relaxing by the pool, engaging in night long barbecues or taking long awaited beach vacations, do you find yourself smoldering in the summer heat at your local library, or at your very own disheveled desk, mustering what little willpower you have left to write your thesis? As a current graduate student at the American University in Cairo I share your woes, and perhaps sleep depriving fears, but believe me when I say there is light, and the promise of a blissful graduation, at the end of that slightly terrifying thesis tunnel. Whether or not you’ve established a sizeable outline or built a praiseworthy bibliography, you will need to keep writing, and not succumb to the dastardly clutches of summertime procrastination, to ultimately reach your deadline. The key to thesis writing during this scorching summer is to stay motivated, even if it takes pitchers of iced coffee and copious amount of frozen yogurt to get you through! Take a look at my top ten tips on how to stay motivated while writing your thesis this sunny season.
- Blog Post
- Posted 12 years ago
Three Economists Go Hunting
Three Economists go out hunting
- Blog Post
- Posted 10 years ago
10 Ways to Use a Selfie Stick in Academia
“Selfie” was declared a word of the year in 2013 as a result of a seventeen thousand per cent increase in usage. But selfies have, arguably, shifted from being the product of a purely narcissistic act to that of a normalised cultural phenomenon – even celebrities and politicians indulge in the not-so-occasional self-portrait.
- Blog Post
- Posted 10 years ago
The Economics of St. Patrick’s Day
While today might just be another Monday for most of us around the world, for the nearly 37 million claiming Irish ancestry (more than 8 times the current population of Ireland), for many living on the Emerald Isle and for those who might just be interested in donning some green and downing a Guinness, St. Patrick’s Day is a beloved holiday. Following in the vein of such posts as Christmas Economics and Halloween Economics, we wanted to get in on the St. Paddy’s fun, but of course with an economics twist.
- Blog Post
- Posted 11 years ago
Love by the Numbers: Using Game Theory to Calculate Romantic Success
Following up on last year’s Valentine’s Day post Would you Date an Economist?, this year we’ll tackle the next step: how to predict the potential success of your relationship – using game theory. Once again, we’ve compiled a list of authors, researchers and scholars who have attempted to crack the code of love using numbers and logic.