- Economics Math Help
- Posted 1 year ago
A quick guide to math symbols in economics
Studying economic theories and methods requires an understanding of mathematical symbols. These symbols are used as shorthand to describe theoretical concepts in economics textbooks, theories, and research papers.
- Learning During the Pandemic
- Posted 4 years ago
Mathematics Free Online Courses
Given the excellent feedback we received from our audience on an earlier blog post that compiled a list of free econometrics courses online, we have now prepared for you a list of free online courses (MOOC format) that you can take in the discipline of mathematics. Like econometrics, proficiency in math is a prerequisite for performing well in economics courses at all reputable universities around the world. The knowledge required may range from high school algebra and differential equations to understanding the basics of logic and analysis of algorithms.
- Blog Post
- Posted 10 years ago
First Woman in History to Win the Top Math Prize Fields Medal
The infamous opening ceremony of the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) was held today in Seoul, South Korea where Maryam Mirzakhani was awarded the Fields Medal, the most prestigious and honorable prize in the vast field of mathematics. Mirzakhani, an admired professor from the Departments of Mathematics at Stanford University in California, is the first female winner of the distinguished award that was established in 1936.
- Ranking
- Posted 9 years ago
Top 10 Summer Schools 2016: Math & Stats
It's early to start planning for the summer – but if you want to make the most of your time as a student, you need to look ahead! If you have time off between semesters in your undergraduate or masters degree, you can use that time to attend a summer school. These residential courses typically run from between one week and three weeks, and involve teaching on specialist topics, and group workshops too. Plus, they are are great opportunity to network with fellow students and researchers in your field.
- Ranking
- Posted 9 years ago
Top 10 Summer Schools in Math & Stats 2015
Now we're over the hump of winter and looking ahead to sunnier days, the time has come to start considering academic activities for the summer break. Summer schools run by top universities give you the chance to attend lectures and courses conducted by top researchers in your field, to practise skills in small groups or seminars, and to get to know students from other institutions. As well as social activities and the opportunity for travel, you can benefit from making new professional contacts, hearing about the latest research, and building your CV.
- Blog Post
- Posted 10 years ago
40 Top Mathematics Blogs
In previous posts we’ve offered lists of top blogs in the fields of economics and finance. In this post we’re shifting our focus to the broad world of mathematics. As with economics and finance, mathematics encompasses quite a diverse array of subdisciplines, meaning that this list of blogs gathers together a range of perspectives, experiences and areas of expertise. Whether you’re interested in gaining teaching tips for algebra or discussing the latest publications in top mathematics journals, these bloggers cover it all. This is by no means an exhaustive list, however, and we encourage you to add your own suggestions or ideas in the comments section here or on Facebook. The blogs listed here are shown in alphabetical order, meaning they are not ranked or grouped in any other way.
- Ranking
- Posted 10 years ago
Top Mathematics Departments Worldwide
In previous posts we’ve offered you lists of Top Political Science Departments Worldwide and Top Economics Departments in Spain, Latin America and Europe. In this post, we’re shifting our focus from the social sciences to highlight the best math departments around the globe.