- Further Education
- Posted 4 years ago
How to Survive Your Economics PhD Thesis Defense
Once you've handed in your thesis, you still have one big challenge to overcome before you're finished with your PhD: the thesis defense. This is an opportunity for you to present your research publicly and to answer questions about it from your thesis committee. The process can be tough going, especially if you've never had to do anything like this before. That being said, there are a few ways to make sure you survive – and even perform very well in – your thesis defense.
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- Study Advice
- Posted 4 years ago
5 Top Tips For Students Dealing With Short Answer or Multiple Choice Exams
No need to stress about your university exams – INOMICS is here to help! (Well, stress a little bit, that's healthy and can serve as motivation, but no need to freak out). Having already dispensed advice on facing down essay exams, this article turns to two other university exam formats – short answer questions and multiple choice tests. These kind of exams require a different sort of preparation from essay or oral exams, preparation that the following will take you through.
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 8 years ago
10 Things You Need To Know Before Starting Your Study In The Czech Republic
Czech higher education dates back over six hundred years. In 1348 Emperor Charles IV founded a university in Prague, now called the Charles University, which is the oldest academic institution in Central Europe. High quality education and research, especially in Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, therefore has a long tradition in the Czech Republic.
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 9 years ago
Tips For Dealing With Language Issues When Studying Abroad
One big challenge for students who are studying internationally is dealing with language issues. If the native language of the country in which you're studying is not your own native language, it can be difficult to make the most of your studies. However, it can also be a fun opportunity to learn a new language and to pick up new language skills. Today we're offering some tips on dealing with language issues when studying abroad.
- Ranking
- Posted 4 years ago
Top apps for learning a language
In these weird times, many (though by no means all) of us find ourselves with a lot of time on our hands, stuck at home with not much to do. But actually, there are plenty of things you can get stuck into to keep you busy, and not all of them involve watching ten hours of Netflix a day. We here at INOMICS are big fans of convincing people to learn a language, because we think it's one of the best things you can do for your brain. And the modern world lends itself nicely to this undertaking: technology, downloadable directly to the smartphone, turns your social media device into a potent learning machine. There are a range of language learning apps available, many free, many with paid features, all useful in their own way. What better way to spend the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic?
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 8 years ago
Five Best Ways For Making Friends While Studying Abroad
One of the most important factors affecting the total experience of your semester studying abroad are the friends that you make. While some students go on a study exchange with a friend or a few from back home, many decide to go abroad by just themselves.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
Pros & Cons Of Online Learning
With the arrival of reliable, high-speed internet, distance learning for university students has become much more feasible. Students can now sign up for single classes or whole courses to be taught online, which may include streaming lectures, live Q&A chats with tutors, and submitting coursework electronically. But how does an online course compare with a traditional course at a brick and mortar university? Today we're looking at both the pros and cons of learning online.
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 9 years ago
Interdisciplinary Degrees - Pros & Cons
An interdisciplinary degree is one which covers more than one academic discipline; bringing together knowledge and working methods from multiple fields to give a broad perspective on a topic. Some common interdisciplinary topics include behavioural science, criminology, or mind and brain studies.