Professional training, online courses
Participation certificates by Eruygur Academy and Consulting will be provided.
International Fees : 200 - 315 EUR
Course Language: English
Platform: Zoom
Eruygur Academy and Consulting
This online course (in English) is designed for those who have no any prior knowledge of GAMS and are new to general equilibrium theory and modeling. The course combines theoretical concepts and hands-on computer work including an introduction to GAMS software.
Participants will be provided with an official GAMS Release 47.0.2 license (valid for 1 week).
Since CGE modeling is a difficult topic, we designed our training based on a book: "Textbook of Computable General Equilibrium Modeling – Programming and Simulations". The book is written for beginners and easy to understand. It explains the basic features of CGE modelling.
In this course we develop the simplest possible CGE model (Simple Model), with one household, two firms, two goods and two factors of production. Since almost all CGE models used for empirical policy analysis are extensions of this simple CGE model, it is crucial to understand how this model is constructed.
At the end of the training, 10-minute interactive-consulting sessions will be provided for students who are interested.
CGE1. Introduction to CGE Modelling with GAMS: Basic (Simple) Model (9-10 November 2024)
- Online course (Zoom)
- Course language is English.
- Sat-Sun: 10.00-16.45 (All times are local Istanbul time, UTC/GMT+3)
- GAMS Release 47.0.2 official license (1 week) will be provided to each student.
- Interactive consultancy sessions (10 min. per student)
- Participation certificates will be provided.
- Registration Form
- Payment by Bank Transfer (Student: 200 EUR, Non-student: 300 EUR)
- Payment by Credit Card (with 5% bank service fee) (Student: 210 EUR, Non-student: 315 EUR)
Course Program
Day 1 (Saturday 9 November 2024)
10.00-10.15: Welcoming Remarks
10.15-11.00: Introduction to GAMS Language
• Example of Utility Maximization in GAMS
• A Basic Optimization Model: Simple Coding
11.00-11.15: Coffee Break
11.15-12.00: Set Operator in GAMS
• A Basic Optimization Model: Advanced Coding
12.00-13.15: Lunch
13.15-14.00: Constraints and the Concept of Shadow Price
• Applications with GAMS
14.00-14.15: Coffee Break
14.15-15.00: A Simple General Equilibrium Model: 2 Firms, 2 Goods, 1 Household
• Household Behavior: Marshallian Demand Equations
15.00-15.15: Coffee Break
15.15-16.00: Writing the Model in GAMS
16.00-16.15: Coffee Break
16.15-16.45: Interactive Consulting
Day 2 (Sunday 10 November 2024)
10.00-10.15: Introduction and Review
10.15-11.00: Firm Behavior: Capital and Labor Demand Equations
• Applications with GAMS
11.00-11.15: Coffee Break
11.15-12.00: Market Clearing Conditions and Walras' Law
• Applications with GAMS
12.00-13.15: Lunch
13.15-14.00: Concept of Calibration
• Applications with GAMS
14.00-14.15: Coffee Break
14.15-15.00: Writing the First CGE Code in GAMS
15.00-15.15: Coffee Break
15.15-16.00: Applications with First CGE Code
16.00-16.15: Coffee Break
16.15-16.45: Interactive Consulting
Who is Prof. Dr. Ozan Eruygur?
Prof. Dr. Ozan Eruygur is the modeler of the latest version of the Turkish Agricultural Sector Model (TASM), named TAGRIS. The Turkish Agricultural Sector Model (TASM) is a famous agricultural sector model which is even included in the model library of GAMS software (One of the first versions). The TAGRIS Model represents the third generation in the tradition of Turkish Agricultural Sector Models, following TASM (Scandizzo and Kasnakoglu, 1982) and TASM-EU (Cakmak and Kasnakoglu, 2003).
Prof. Dr. Ozan Eruygur has obtained an MSc and a PhD in Turkey (METU/Department of Economics), and has also completed an MSc at CIHEAM/IAMM (France). He wrote his MSc thesis (2001) at CHIEAM/IAMM titled "Comparaison de Différentes Politiques de Tarification de l’Eau : Dans la Région de Karapinar en Turquie." He also obtained an MSc degree at METU (2000) with the thesis: "Use of bio-physical models in agricultural economics: an application of Cropsyst". In his PhD thesis (2006), he applied the maximum entropy approach in agricultural sector modeling: "Impacts of Policy Changes on Turkish Agriculture: An Optimization Model with Maximum Entropy".
He is currently a faculty member (Prof. Dr.) in the Economics Department at Ankara Haci Bayram Veli (AHBV) University.
- He has taught courses at the following universities in Ankara over the past 15 years: Middle East Technical University (METU) • Bilkent University • Hacettepe University • TED University • Baskent University • Cankaya University • Atilim University • Ostim Technical University • Ahmet Yesevi University
- He has conducted training programs for the following institutions over the past 10 years: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) • Central Bank of the Republic of Turkiye • Turkish Competition Authority • Presidency of Turkiye - Presidency of Strategy and Budget • Turkiye Is Bankasi • TURKSTAT Member Association • Ministry of Labor and Social Security of the Republic of Turkiye
Prof. Dr. Ozan Eruygur is specialized in CGE modeling and econometrics (time series, panel data and maximum entropy) and has been teaching these subjects for over 15 years and he is also the founder of Eruygur Academy and Consulting. For detailed information, you can refer to the following links.
- Curriculum Vitae
- Past Courses & Trainings
- University Lectures
- Books
- Editorship
- Academic Profiles
- Personal Web Page
What is Eruygur Academy and Consulting?
Eruygur Academy and Consulting is an institution founded by Prof. Dr. Ozan Eruygur in Ankara, Turkey. It offers courses and consulting services, particularly in the fields of econometrics and economic modeling. Within this scope, both Turkish and English training sessions are organized.
The Turkish courses that have been offered for over 15 years can be categorized under the following titles (see "Courses in Turkish" page): (1) Stata Courses (data set courses, basic econometrics courses, time Series econometrics courses, panel data econometrics courses, impact analysis courses), (2) R Courses (basic econometrics courses, time Series econometrics courses, panel data econometrics courses, microeconometrics courses), (3) Eviews Courses (basic econometrics courses, time Series econometrics courses, panel data econometrics courses), (4) GAMS Courses (firm/explaoitation level modelling, agricultural sector models, CGE models, global trade models).
The English courses planned to be offered at the academy in the upcoming term are as follows (see "Courses in English" page): (1) CGE1. Introduction to CGE Modelling with GAMS: Simple Model, (2) CGE2. Introduction to CGE Modelling with GAMS: Standard Model, (3) CGE3. CGE Modeling with GAMS: Simulations with the Standard Model, and (4) CGE4. CGE Modeling with GAMS: Two-Country & Different Market Structures.
As part of the English courses, it is planned to start econometrics courses with Stata and R in the subsequent term.
WhatsApp Group
To join the international WhatsApp group of academy where news about the english training sessions is shared, please send an email to including your phone number and information about yourself (name, surname, country, student or not, university/institution, etc).