
Panel data for banking sector analysts (Online)




Professional training, supplementary courses, online courses

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Course Start Date

End Date

Application Deadline


Regular fees: 850 - 1250 EUR

€ 850 – Academics
€ 1150 – Public sector
€ 1250 – Private sector
*Please note that the payment must be settled one week before the start of the course.

Please submit a certificate attesting your status of Professor, PhD Student or Research Associate to fbf@eui.eu before registering. FBF secretariat will provide you with a code to register. Seats for academics are limited.

GROUP DISCOUNT (-15%) for minimum 3 participants from the same institution

Paid registration fee is non-refundable. However, registrant substitution may be made up to 15 days before the start date of the course by contacting fbf@eui.eu

Directed by Prof. Jeffrey Wooldrige, the online course on Panel data for banking sector analysts provides a comprehensive introduction with a focus on micro-econometric applications featuring large cross-sectional datasets. It also explores advanced techniques and extensions relevant to practitioners and researchers.

Key topics include common estimators—random effects, fixed effects, and first differencing—with an emphasis on robust inference and specification testing. The course further delves into advanced methods, such as handling heterogeneous slopes and trends, instrumental variables techniques, and the estimation of dynamic models. Fixed effects estimation and inference for datasets with a large number of time periods, applicable to more aggregated data, are also explored.

Participants will learn how to address challenges associated with unbalanced panels and test for non-random sample selection. Time permitting, the course will introduce nonlinear models for binary and nonnegative outcomes.

What makes this course unique?

  • Live Q&A sessions - get answers directly from the faculty.
  • Interactive lab sessions - apply concepts in real time
  • Small group setting - engage in meaningful discussions and peer learning.

Find all the details on the webpage, and register by 5 March.

The statistical package STATA* will be used throughout the course to demonstrate practical applications of these methods, including case studies in the banking sector.

Other upcoming FBF training opportunities (Spring 2025): 
Climate Risks Academy (17 – 19 March 2025, in Florence)
Anti-Money Laundering Academy (7 – 9 April 2025, in Florence)
Introduction to Bank Resolution ( 29 April – 12 June 2025, online)
- Transition Plans in the Financial Sector (12 – 14 May 2025, in Florence) 

Visit the Florence School of Banking and Finance website to see our entire executive education catalogue designed by an international faculty of senior academics from the EUI and high-level education institutions. FBF courses provide a bridge between the latest academic thinking and the world of practice. 

More Information


Professional Training, Supplementary Courses, Online Courses



Posted on

Course Start Date

End Date

Application Deadline


Regular fees: 850 - 1250 EUR

€ 850 – Academics
€ 1150 – Public sector
€ 1250 – Private sector
*Please note that the payment must be settled one week before the start of the course.

Please submit a certificate attesting your status of Professor, PhD Student or Research Associate to fbf@eui.eu before registering. FBF secretariat will provide you with a code to register. Seats for academics are limited.

GROUP DISCOUNT (-15%) for minimum 3 participants from the same institution

Paid registration fee is non-refundable. However, registrant substitution may be made up to 15 days before the start date of the course by contacting fbf@eui.eu