Institutions and Regional Development Conference



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The American Studies Center of Naples and the University of Naples Federico II are delighted to invite you to the 7th Edition of the Institutions and Regional Development Conference, which will take place in Naples (Italy) on September 26-27, 2024.
This year Conference aims at providing academics, policymakers and practitioners with a valuable forum for discussioning the factors that shape the spatial distribution of economic activities and local development.

Keynote Speakers
Antonio Ciccone (University of Mannheim)
Alessandra Faggian (Gran Sasso Science Institute)
Michael Fritsch (Friedrich Schiller University of Jena)
Dariusz Wójcik (Oxford University)

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Financial geography
- Entrepreneurship and small business
- Demographic change, population and migration
- Technological change and labour productivity
- Local governments, institutions and public policies
- Corruption and organised crime
- Culture and social norms
- The role of history
- Inclusive and sustainable growth
- Regional inequalites

Submission procedure

Full papers or extended abstracts should be sent to no later than June 16, 2024. Papers in a complete version have priority in the selection process. Authors will be notified of acceptance by July 10, 2024. Thanks to sponsorship from the American Studies Center of Naples, the conference is free of charge, including meals and social events. For more information about the conference and logistics, please visit the conference website: Presented papers might be included in the conference proceedings.

Scientific-organizing Committee of the 7th Edition: Antonio Acconcia, Enrica Carbone, Giuseppe De Feo, Alessandro De Iudicibus, Alfredo Del Monte, Francesco Simone Lucidi, Sara Moccia, Luca Pennacchio, Andrea Ramazzotti, Carla Ronza, Alberto Zazzaro

Scientific Committee of the Conferences Series: Antonio Acconcia, Maria Rosaria Carillo, Marcello D’Amato, Alfredo Del Monte, Anna Giunta, Riccardo Martina, Luca Pennacchio, Alberto Zazzaro

Local Executive Assistants: Stefania Maddaluno, Antonella Giorgio

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Naples , Italien