- Study Advice
- Posted 2 years ago
How To Pick A Topic For Your Economics Research Project Or Master's Thesis
One of the biggest and most exciting challenges of a young academic's career is coming up with that first economics research topic. Knowing how much is riding on the decision, it can also be pretty stressful. With so much to consider, we thought it would be easier to break the decision-making process down into some key points. Consideration of each will give you the best chance possible to make sure the topic of your economics Master's thesis is the right one - both for you personally and for your future career. Without further ado, read on for our advice on how to pick a topic for your economics thesis.
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- Study Advice Article
- Posted 2 years ago
8 Qualities Which Will Get You Through Tough Times In Your PhD
Doing an economics PhD can be full of challenges and difficulties. Here we look at some of the personal qualities that will help you continue making progress when you encounter a problem.
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 3 years ago
Les 10 plus grandes difficultés des doctorants
Starting a PhD is an incredibly daunting task. Normally at least 3 years, there are some challenges that you are almost certainly going to have to face during the program. Below we look at some of the biggest (and most common) problems that PhD students encounter.
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- Study Advice Article
- Posted 6 years ago
How To Pick A Topic For Your Economics Master’s or PhD Thesis
Whether it is for your master’s or your PhD, picking a thesis topic is a vital step in your academic career. Choosing the right topic will give you a great head start on your thesis, so it’s worth taking your time to think through your options and to choose a subject that will suit you and meet the needs of your course well. Here are some tips for economists who are picking a topic for their master’s or PhD thesis.
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
Top Mistakes To Avoid While Writing Your PhD Thesis
Will you be writing up your PhD thesis soon? Avoid these eight mistakes and the writing process will be much smoother.
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
Last Check List Before Submitting Your Master's Thesis
Writing up your master's thesis is a big job, and you need to take some time to think about administrative issues as well as the content of your thesis. We've talked before about the final steps you need to take to make sure that your PhD thesis is ready to submit. Today, it's the turn of the master's students. If you're finishing up your master's, take a look at this checklist and make sure you're ready with everything you need to submit your thesis.
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
How to write an essay
If you're working your way through your degree, you may well be required to write a number of essays for your assessment. This can be tricky if you don't have a lot of experience in essay writing, so today we're sharing tips on how to manage the essay-writing process.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 10 years ago
Tips on Staying Motivated During the Holiday Season
It can be hard to stay motivated surrounded by chocolate, festive lighting and tinsel garlands. With the prospect of overseas holidays, dinners with family and friends, gift-giving and an abundance of food fast approaching, whether you work or study, maintaining focus can be an issue.
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 10 years ago
Writing A Thesis This Summer? 10 Tips on How to Stay Motivated
Instead of relaxing by the pool, engaging in night long barbecues or taking long awaited beach vacations, do you find yourself smoldering in the summer heat at your local library, or at your very own disheveled desk, mustering what little willpower you have left to write your thesis? As a current graduate student at the American University in Cairo I share your woes, and perhaps sleep depriving fears, but believe me when I say there is light, and the promise of a blissful graduation, at the end of that slightly terrifying thesis tunnel. Whether or not you’ve established a sizeable outline or built a praiseworthy bibliography, you will need to keep writing, and not succumb to the dastardly clutches of summertime procrastination, to ultimately reach your deadline. The key to thesis writing during this scorching summer is to stay motivated, even if it takes pitchers of iced coffee and copious amount of frozen yogurt to get you through! Take a look at my top ten tips on how to stay motivated while writing your thesis this sunny season.