Top Business Podcasts

Top Business Podcasts

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Business is a field in which there are always fresh developments and new ideas to keep up with. One way to stay updated with all the relevant news is to listen to podcasts – audio or video shows which are put out regularly and cover business topics. For business owners, business students, or even just interested members of the public, these podcasts can be an informative and entertaining way to learn and hear about the latest ideas.

Here at INOMICS we regularly cover news and events in business, management, and marketing, and if you follow these topics then you're sure to enjoy listening to the following podcasts. Here's a list of some of the very best podcasts in the field of business:

General Business and Entrepreneurship:

These podcasts are general shows which cover topics within business and entrepreneurship, for a public audience, for those who are thinking about starting their own business, or for those who wish to better understand the business in which they work.

  1. HBR Ideacast
  2. TEDTalks Business
  3. The Growth Show
  4. The Entrepreneurs Radio Show
  5. The EntreLeadership Podcast
  6. The Tim Ferriss Show

Learning Business Basics:

If you're starting a business of your own, you don't necessarily need to go to business school to get the knowledge you need to help you on your way. These podcasts teach the basics of business in an accessible way.

  1. The $100 MBA
  2. How to Start a Startup
  3. Foundation


For those working in marketing specifically, these podcasts cover topics like new marketing methods, interviews with experts, and practical suggestions for improving your marketing campaigns.

  1. Marketing Smarts
  2. Duct Tape Marketing

Business News:

And finally, if you want to stay up to date and make sure that you're informed about all the latest developments in international business, these podcasts provide regular updates from the business world.

  1. BBC Business Daily
  2. The Small Business Report
  3. APM: Marketplace
  4. This Week in Startups

We hope that you find these podcasts to be interesting and helpful. And you can always check out INOMICS as your source for all the latest news, events, and course in business studies.

If you're enjoying the podcast format and are looking for more recommendations, we have also compiled lists of the best podcasts in other disciplines. Check our blog posts:

>> Top Economics Podcasts

>> Top Finance Podcasts

>> Top Psychology Podcasts

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