Top Summer Schools in Economics 2024

INOMICS Recommendations

Top Summer Schools in Economics 2024

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Whether you want to learn about a new topic, to brush up on your skills, or to meet more people in your economics field, summer schools are an ideal opportunity for you. Many reputable universities run intensive but stimulating summer courses that give students the chance to increase their academic standing.

To help you choose your perfect course in economics, we hand-picked top summer schools taking place in 2024.

CEMFI Summer School

CEMFI Summer School - 2024 (Both on-site and online)

Centro de Estudios Monetarios y Financieros, Madrid
19 August - 13 September 2024

CEMFI Summer School aims to provide practitioners and academics from all over the world with an opportunity to update their training in fields within CEMFI's range of expertise. A variety of one-week courses is offered each year, during late August and early September. The courses are taught by leaders in their fields. They are based on innovative teaching practices that combine regular lectures and personalized interaction between the instructor and course participants.

Courses typically combine formal lectures, discussion sessions and, in some cases, workshop sessions where some participants can discuss their work. In more applied courses, practical classes outside the regular schedule are organized to provide additional hands-on experience

Application Deadline: 14 June 2024

University of Oxford

Oxford Economics Summer School (On Site or Online) - Treatment Effects: The Basics

University of Oxford in Oxford, UK and ONLINE
10-12 April 2024

This course will introduce you to the basics of causal inference using observational data, including real-world applications in the R programming language. Topics will include selection on observables, bad controls, directed acyclic graphs (DAGs), instrumental variables, local average treatment effects, regression discontinuity, and difference-in-difference methods. At the end of this course you'll have a good foundation for further study of causal inference, including our summer course offering 'Treatment Effects: Beyond the Basics'.

Application Deadline: 03 April 2024

Oxford Economics September Summer School

University of Oxford in Oxford, UK
9-13 September 2024

Our September Summer School gives you the opportunity to complete advanced economics courses taught by internationally renowned economists, whilst immersing yourself in the unique learning experience Oxford provides.

Not only that, but our Summer School stands out from the crowd by allowing you to create your own tailor-made learning experience. When you apply you will have the option to select courses in Applied Microeconomics, Macroeconomics or Econometrics; so you can choose morning and afternoon sessions from two different disciplines, or focus on a single field of interest. This allows you to create a tailored learning experience that ensures you get the most out of your time in Oxford.

Application Deadline: 02 September 2024

University of Surrey

CIMS Online Easter School on Fiscal Policy and Sovereign Debt Markets (Online)

University of Surrey in Guildford, UK
2-5 April 2024

Following the highly successful Easter and Summer Schools in previous years, the Centre for International Macroeconomic Studies (CIMS) in the School of Economics, University of Surrey will run a 4-day Course on Fiscal Policy and Sovereign Debt Markets, 2-5 April, 2024.

The Course is aimed at MSc, MRes and PhD students, early researchers, and research staff from central banks, ministries and the private sector, all with some prior experience of macroeconomic modelling. Its contents differ from the CIMS summer school’s, which is usually held in September.

As part of the CIMS Easter school, courses will cover:

  • As part of the CIMS Easter school, courses will cover:
  • Optimal fiscal policy and computational methods -  taught by R. Oikonomou and V. Valaitis
  • Topics in sovereign debt and default -  taught by H. Joo, K. Shakhnov, and T. Asonuma
  • Secondary Markets for Sovereign Debt: Repo and CDS Markets, procyclical and countercyclical margins - taught by M. Pascoa

Applications Deadline: 22 March 2024

GSERM Summer School University of St. Gallen

Global School in Empirical Research Methods GSERM at the University of St.Gallen

University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
2024 Dates: 30 May - 21st June

The GSERM Global School in Empirical Research Methods is a high-calibre integrated generic programme on methodology launched by the University of St.Gallen.

We welcome Master, PhD students, Post-Docs and also professionals from all kinds of study fields and industries focusing on qualitative and quantitative methods. You enhance your skills in block seminars taught by world-class faculty amongst an international crowd of participants.

We offer courses in quantitative and qualitative research methods. Participants choose one course per week worth 4 ECTS, network with fellow researchers, and enjoy an interesting cultural and social programme.

This year we are happy to be back on campus! The GSERM Summer School 2024 will take place in the new SQUARE at the University of St.Gallen. You are invited to get more information on our new website

Courses are offered from basic up to advanced level. All courses are taught in English.

Application Deadline: 30 April 2024

Paris School of Economics

PSE Summer School 2024 (Onsite)

Paris School of Economics in Paris, France
2024 Dates 10-28 June

Since its inception in 2016, the PSE Summer School has attracted annually hundreds of participants hailing from all over the world (over 70 nationalities). This year all programs are open to both on site and online participants, with special accommodations to ensure the fruitfulness of this hybrid format.

Conducted entirely in English, the PSE Summer School 2023 offers 11 five-day programs taking place within a single work-week. Each program comprises a full-time mix of lectures, tutorials and workshops, taught by PSE professors and other invited leading scholars, equivalent to 3 ECTS credits, which PSE validates.

Application Deadline: 13 May 2024

See all Summer Schools