This scholarship page was last updated on 09 April 2024. Some details may have changed since then. Please check the School of International Studies, University of Trento website or the School of International Studies, University of Trento page for current opportunities.

Call for Expressions of Interest - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship

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Application Deadline:



Postgraduate scholarships

The School of International Studies (SIS - at the University of Trento (Italy) encourages expressions of interest from excellent postdoctoral researchers to apply, jointly with a research supervisor from SIS, to the Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme (MSCA PF) financed by the European Commission. 

Selected candidates will be offered both academic and administrative support with regards to proposal development.   

The Marie Skłodowska Curie Action is a funding scheme that supports researcher mobility: European Postdoctoral Fellowships may last up to 24 months to pursue a research project, advanced training and knowledge exchange at the host institution (University of Trento - SIS). It offers a competitive salary, mobility and family allowances, plus a research budget. 

Applicants are expected to have an excellent CV and a promising publication record. They must hold a PhD at the Horizon Europe MSCA PF Call deadline (11 September 2024), have a maximum of 8 years full-time equivalent experience in research after the PhD and must not have spent (or carried out their main activities for) more than 12 months in Italy in the three years prior to the call deadline. No nationality requirements apply. For the final eligibility criteria please refer to the official call documents, including the Work Programme.


The School of International Studies

The School of International Studies (SIS) was established in 2001 at the University of Trento as an advanced institute of interdisciplinary studies and has become a leading institution for research and graduate teaching in international studies. Its faculty members bring together expertise from disciplines such as economics, geography, history, law, philosophy, politics and sociology. SIS offers three Master’s degrees (European and International Studies; International Security Studies, Security, Intelligence & Strategic Studies) and a Ph.D. program in International Studies.  

The School of International Studies draws on the diverse disciplinary backgrounds of its faculty to develop a broad portfolio of multidisciplinary research programmes that address the challenges posed by the long-term processes  of  globalization  and  European  integration,  as  well  as  by  the  rising  geo-political  tensions.  The complexity of modern societies means that no single disciplinary approach is sufficient to understand the rapid social, political, economic and institutional changes taking place in Europe and around the world.  

Specifically, research interests at the School aggregate around four research clusters

  • Environment
  • Europe
  • Human rights
  • International security

Potential applicants are encouraged to browse the SIS website to get a sense of the full range of research activities and topics on which faculty members are currently working. 

Steps to Follow and Important Deadlines

  • By  14  June  2024  please  express  your  interest  by  sending:  i)  the  application  form  containing  a  2  page summary of your research proposal; ii) a CV (max. 2 pages plus full list of publications); iii) a cover letter; iv) a copy of a valid ID or passport. Please submit your candidature to, specifying ‘MSCA at SIS’ in the subject of your e-mail;  
  • selected  applicants  will  be  notified  by  28  June  2024  and  invited  to  develop  their  full  proposal  in collaboration with a SIS supervisor;  
  • a complete draft of the application must be ready by 2 August 2024;  
  • the final version of the project MUST be completed by 30 August 2024. If this is not the case, the SIS retains the right to withdraw its support for the proposal.  

More Information



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Application Deadline:



Postgraduate Scholarships


via T. Gar 14

38122 Trento , Italy