- Career Advice Article
- Posted 6 years ago
Top Career Paths: Econometrics
Are you studying economics, and wondering what career options are open to you? We're doing a series of articles on career paths for various specialisations in economics, and today we're looking at econometrics. With a degree in econometrics, you could of course go and work in the finance industry or for the government. But there are other options you might not have considered:
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 6 years ago
Top Career Paths: Economic History
For this week's top career paths article, we're looking at the potential careers which are open to those who have studied economic history.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 6 years ago
Top Career Paths: Development Economics
Development economics is the branch of economics focused on understanding and promoting the development of low-income countries through economic growth and structural change. If you've been studying economics, you may have had the chance to specialise in development economics, or you may be thinking about doing so in the future. In the case, what career options are available in development economics, and what kind of skills do you need to get a job in this field? That's the question we're answering today, by showing you some of the top career paths in development economics.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 6 years ago
Top Career Paths: Business Economics
A business degree can be a great investment with fantastic future career options. When supported with a solid understanding of economics, in the job market you'll find that you are an attractive candidate to a whole host of different employers. However, if you're thinking about taking a business economics degree, or are just about to graduate, you might wonder what exact career options are open to you. Here are five of the top career paths.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 6 years ago
Top Career Paths: Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics
If you're studying economics, there are all sorts of specialities that you could look into. When you're thinking about what you should like to take care of, you should look at your specialization.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 6 years ago
Top Career Paths for Urban, Rural, and Regional Economics
Are you currently working on a degree in urban, rural, or regional economics? Are you thinking about what possible career path you could follow once you graduate? If so, then today's article is for you. Previously we're shared articles on top career paths for other areas of economics like macroeconomics or economic law, but today we're focusing on urban, rural, and regional economics.
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 6 years ago
2018 Economics Job Market Scramble for New PhDs
With the PhD recruitment season coming to an end, there are still institutions and candidates who have not yet found a suitable offer. As a nice addition to your job hunt on INOMICS you should consider participating in the Economics Job Market “Scramble”, especially if your career goals lead you to North America.
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 7 years ago
Top Writing Tips For Economics Papers
If you're a student and you're new to the subject of economics, then you might need some assistance with learning how to write in a style which is appropriate for the field.
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 7 years ago
Top Tips for Students: How To Write an Effective Personal Statement for Your University in the UK
If you're applying to study economics in the UK, you'll have to prepare a personal statement which will be used to assess your application along with your grades and other materials. Here are our tips on writing an effective personal statement.
- Blog Post
- Posted 7 years ago
Experts Talk: An Interview with Dr. Mark Thoma
In this interview, Dr. Mark Thoma discusses his dislike for the 8 – 5 lifestyle, his lifelong love of math, the importance of economic history and why he’d like to have dinner with Milton Friedman, John Maynard Keynes and Adam Smith, among other topics.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 7 years ago
How to Connect With Other Economists in Your Field
So you know that getting to know other people in your field is important, and that you need to network when you attend a conference. But what about the rest of the time? What websites can you use to get in touch with other experts in your field? Here are some ideas:
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 7 years ago
Top 10 New Year's Eve Parties for Students Around the World
With the end of the year in sight, it's time to start planning your New Year's Eve parties! We're here with suggestions for 10 of the best NYE parties for students around the world.
- Blog Post
- Posted 7 years ago
The Economics of Christmas Songs: When to start playing Jingle Bell Rock?
It happens every year. As you’re walking through a shopping centre, a store, or perhaps a supermarket, you hear a Christmas song, and you know it’s the beginning of the buying frenzy that leads up to Christmas.
- Blog Post
- Posted 7 years ago
2017 Nobel Prize in Economics awarded to Richard Thaler
The Nobel Prize for Economics, the most prestigious prize in the field, has been awarded this year to American economist Richard Thaler. The prize, fully titled The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, was announced by The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and will be awarded in a ceremony in Stockholm in December.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 7 years ago
5 Effective Ways Professors Can Build a Personal Brand
Brands? Aren’t those for corporations and businesses? Not anymore. Building your brand is about what people think of when they think of you. As a professor, you represent your institution, but you also want to work on your personal brand. Having a reputable brand can help you advance your career whether it’s in academia or not.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 7 years ago
How to Switch from Academia to Industry
This article was featured in the INOMICS Handbook 2017, a new career guide for Economists. Download it here.
- Academic Job Search
- Posted 7 years ago
How To Get An Academic Job After Finishing Your PhD: A Mini Guide To Academic Job Search
This article was featured in the INOMICS Handbook 2017, a new career guide for Economists. Download it here.
- Blog Post
- Posted 7 years ago
Getting Started with Stata
What is Stata? If you want to work in econometrics, chances are you’ll need to learn to use a statistical analysis package like Stata. Stata is one of the most widely used software packages to help students and researchers explore, summarise and analyse complicated datasets. The software is available in several different versions which differ mainly in the number of variables allowed in memory.
- An Explanation
- Posted 7 years ago
Standardizing the Data of Different Scales - Which Method to Use?
When you're doing data analysis, you might find yourself with a number of different variables to work with. For example, perhaps you have invited participants to your lab and run them through your experiment. You have collected data on variables such as the participant's age (in years), their height (in cm), their reaction time to a particular stimulus (in milliseconds), their reaction time to another stimulus (in milliseconds), and their rating of a preference (on a 1 – 10 scale).
- Customer Testimonials
- Posted 7 years ago
The Role of INOMICS and Conference Monkey in the Success of esd Conferences
Since our inception in 1998, our mission has been to help students, researchers and academics advance in their careers while at the same time, helping institutions to improve their profiles, reputations and, recruit the best candidates for their offers. As part of our actions to fulfil our mission, we have initiated cooperative partnerships with universities, research centres and conference organizers with the aim of promoting research and knowledge exchange at the highest level.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 7 years ago
7 Presentation Tools That Engage Students More Than Slideshows
College students complain about a lot of things—lack of sleep, dining hall food, and finals week, to name a few. As a professor, it isn't your job to address complaints about life outside the classroom. But if students take issue with your teaching style, it's time to listen up. One of their biggest gripes in the classroom: slideshows.
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 7 years ago
How to Make The Most of Your PhD - Tips For Beginner Doctoral Students
When you start a PhD, there's a lot to think about – so here are our tips on what to do to make the most of your PhD experience.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 7 years ago
What To Expect And How To Prepare For The Assessment Centre - A Guide For Economists
When you are applying for jobs as a graduate economist, as part of the application process you may be asked to attend an assessment centre. Assessment centres are a tool commonly used in recruitment for government jobs or for joining large companies with extensive graduate recruitment schemes. Typically, you will be invited to attend such a centre after a preliminary interview and before a final decision is made.
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 7 years ago
Everything You Need To Know About Summer Schools in the Czech Republic
Photo Credit: From the Archive of the Summer School of Slavonic Studies, Palacký University, Olomouc
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 7 years ago
What to Do With Your Economics Degree: Career Paths for An Economist
What kind of jobs can you get with an economics degree? Today we're considering five possible careers for economics graduates and the pros and cons of each.