- Home Office and Uncertainty
- Posted 4 years ago
COVID-19: The Economists' Experience
That the world of work has radically changed we know, we see it before our eyes: kitchens have replaced offices; pajamas, suits; and housemates often now fill the space previously occupied by colleagues. But how have these changes - and others - been felt by economists around the world? Through a textual analysis undertaken in the INOMICS Salary Survey, we answer that question and, in doing so, paint an anecdotal picture of economists’ COVID experience.
- Finding a Job
- Posted 4 years ago
Top Career Paths: Financial Economics
If you're working on a degree in economics with a specialisation in finance, or if you're considering doing such a course, then you might be wondering about the career options that it will open to you. Here are some of the top career paths for financial economists.
- Tools and Resources
- Posted 4 years ago
What is Innovation Economics?
Innovation Economics is a branch of economics that focuses on (rather predictably) innovation, alongside the study of technology, knowledge, and entrepreneurship. It aims to understand where new ideas come from, and how we can put forward policies which will encourage the development of new ways of thinking. As many nations move away from an industrial model of production and towards a knowledge-based economy, the economics of innovation becomes more and more relevant. Although it is a fairly new field, innovation economics has risen to prominence quickly over the last few years. The following is a list of links and resources to help teach you and keep you up to date on all the latest developments in innovation economics.
- Career Advice
- Posted 4 years ago
Jobs for Economists in the Government: The Right Career to Consider?
When discussing jobs in the government, the type of work that comes to mind is most likely influenced by your particular background. In countries in which large segments of the economy are nationalized, it’s possible to become a civil servant in nearly any field. In other places, your options might be more limited.
- INOMICS Salary Report 2020
- Posted 4 years ago
How has the Economics Job Market Been Affected by the Coronavirus? - Salary Report Introduction
In 2020, INOMICS once again carried out its salary survey, examining the state and health of the economics profession worldwide. As in previous years, the survey considered pay, sector, seniority, location, gender and educational background. Our 2020 survey was launched in the spring as cases of coronavirus began to increase exponentially around the world. Consequently, we added new questions related to the coronavirus pandemic to assess the effect of the crisis on economists and economics students.
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- Personal Stories
- Posted 4 years ago
The Benefits of an Economics Background for an Engineer
Ever since I was a kid, I dreamed of becoming an engineer. From playing with LEGO to being an active member of my high-school robotics team, I loved building things and breaking them down to learn how they worked. This being said, I have kept an open mind about a position in management down the road and from this perspective it was important to me to prepare for a career in both business and engineering. My answer: a dual degree program whereby I completed a BA in economics alongside a BSc in Mechanical Engineering.
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- Blog Post
- Posted 4 years ago
8 Halloween Costumes for Economists
In keeping with the season, we have put together a short list of ideas, collected from various economics-related source, which may be useful if you are attending a Halloween party full of like-minded economists.
- The Internet Speaks
- Posted 4 years ago
Top Memes All Economists Will Love
Economics is serious business, but sometimes we all need a break! And that's when the internet is there: to sympathise, to commiserate, and to make us smile at the end of a tough day. Fortunately the stereotype of economists being humourless is not true – there are plenty of fun and funny economists who are out there sharing their humour. From students to senior professors, there are memes on the internet to express all aspects of the study and practice of economics. Below you'll find 10 of our favourite memes that we know all economists will love!
- The Power of a Discipline
- Posted 4 years ago
Can Economics Prevent War?
Is economics a useful tool for maintaining peace? Can nations use economic policies to avoid war? With globalization an established fact of modern politics, this question is more important than ever. In this piece, we'll consider arguments both for and against.
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- Cours online
- (Online)
- Posted 4 years ago
Economics: Demand, Supply & Price Elasticity (AS & A-Level)
at Udemy -
- Study Advice
- Posted 4 years ago
MBA vs PhD in Economics
Every year thousands of economics students decide to continue education, either straight away after graduation or after a year or two of “real world” work experience. Often at this point comes the question: should I pursue a PhD or enroll in a Master of Business Administration program?
- Looking Ahead
- Posted 4 years ago
Most in Demand Jobs in Economics Today
When it comes to choosing a career path, pragmatic people know that they shouldn't select a job purely based on how interesting they find it. In order to have a stable, long-term career, the job path chosen should be based on the needs of the market as well as the interests and skills of the individual. For this reason, we've rounded up some potential jobs for economists which are highly in demand today.
- A Career in Economics
- Posted 4 years ago
Additional Courses to Improve Your Prospects in a Career in Economics
If you're doing an economics degree and thinking about ways to maximise your career prospects once you graduate, there are lots of courses outside the realm of economics for you to choose from.
- The Moneyball Effect
- Posted 4 years ago
Statistics in Sport
‘Chance dominates the game’ concluded C. Reep and B. Benjamin in their 1968 study ‘Skill and Chance in Association Football’ - and not without consequence. Until recently, this statement stood as received wisdom, the phrase deemed self-evident, its veracity left unquestioned. Predictions based on statistics were a folly they said, the game was ‘too fluid, too unpredictable’.
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- Learning During the Pandemic
- Posted 4 years ago
Mathematics Free Online Courses
Given the excellent feedback we received from our audience on an earlier blog post that compiled a list of free econometrics courses online, we have now prepared for you a list of free online courses (MOOC format) that you can take in the discipline of mathematics. Like econometrics, proficiency in math is a prerequisite for performing well in economics courses at all reputable universities around the world. The knowledge required may range from high school algebra and differential equations to understanding the basics of logic and analysis of algorithms.
- Online Education
- Posted 4 years ago
From University Campus to Remote Education: How Steep is the Learning Curve?
Universities around the world are currently experiencing a crash course in online education. The coronavirus pandemic has shaken the sector in a big way, leaving professors and students struggling to complete the academic year off campus and having to prepare for the next one under very uncertain circumstances. Although online learning has been around for at least two decades, adapting all courses to remote forms of education is proving a steep learning curve for most institutions. Applying a basic economic principle and considering some of the evidence on online versus traditional teaching methods can help to assess the likely effects of recent campus closures on student learning outcomes and to see how course provision and programme design may develop in the longer term.
- Study Advice
- Posted 4 years ago
MBA or Specialized Master’s Degree: Which One is Best for You?
When you think business school, you probably think MBA. A Master’s of Business Administration has long been a coveted — and often essential — qualification for business professionals. In recent years, however, the tide has begun to quietly shift, with more business school students than ever pursuing master’s degrees in specialized fields such as accounting, economics and business analytics.
- A New Era of Governance?
- Posted 4 years ago
How COVID-19 Could Change the Role of Government
As COVID-19 has spread globally, access to the outside world has shrunk, made increasingly off-limits by government lock-down, observable now only through glass. Our digital lives have expanded to fill the void, evenings previously spent with friends now passed plugged into laptops, obsessing over the latest figures, bailouts and newly-imposed restrictions - time blurs. Amid the chorus of leaders justifying ever more draconian measures, one thing has been hard to miss: the invocations of war.
- Cours complémentaire
- (Online)
- Posted 4 years ago
Principles of Economics: Microeconomics
at Harvard University in États-Unis -
- Cours online
- (Online)
- Posted 4 years ago
Principles of Economics
at Stanford University in États-Unis -
- A Warming Earth
- Posted 4 years ago
The Case to End Fossil Fuel Subsidies
The continued existence of fossil fuel subsidies in a time of their almost universal condemnation reveals something about the governments that rule us, something pernicious, but also something all-too-predictable. Like no other area, they expose a gulf between rhetoric and action, a disconnect so stark that, if the risks it posed were less catastrophic, would almost be comical. Back in reality, though, the cognitive dissonance, cynicism, or whatever its cause, serves only to warm our planet and threaten all life.
- Rankings
- Posted 5 years ago
Top Economics Think Tanks and Research Institutes in the US
Think tanks are important institutions in the modern world. As the world becomes more globalised, think tanks which can undertake research and advocacy work at a transnational level become essential players in the global scene. Seeing as economics doesn't happen in a vacuum - each country's economic situation affects the political situation of every other country - they are also crucial to the profession (or at least, line of academic study) of most of the readers of this website. But which ones are the ones you should be following? Which think tanks conduct the most groundbreaking, critical economic research? And which one would be the best one to work for, if you ever had the chance to get your feet in the doors of such prestigious institutions? We've taken a look at the best ones in the United States, so you don't have to do the legwork yourself.
- New Metrics Needed
- Posted 5 years ago
Is it time to bin GDP?
Gross Domestic Product, or GDP, is the market value of all goods and services that a country produces in a given year, adjusted - to make it comparable to previous years - for inflation. In many ways, though, it's transcended this rather prosaic definition. It's become the barometer of a country’s progress, an indicator of a land’s prosperity, and the ultimate yardstick for assessing living standards. When growing (at expected rates), politicians refer to it as proof of the success of their policies. And when rates are not met, or, god forbid, GDP growth slows, it’s weaponised by those for whom it’s politically expedient. It has the power to both elect governments and bring them crashing down. In the theatre of politics, rarely is it anywhere but centre stage.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 5 years ago
Dress Code for Economic Conferences: What to Wear and What to Avoid
While you may be used to the daily routine of graduate school or teaching, presenting at a conference, or even just attending one, can be a whole different activity. The preparatory checklist is long enough as it is, without having the added conundrum of worrying about your appearance. If you’re in business school, perhaps you’re used to ironing your button-down shirt and slacks every day, but most academics cringe when they hear the term 'business casual'. But fear not. We, the gracious folks at INOMCS, are here to help.
- Economists & Prizes
- Posted 5 years ago
Esther Duflo, Abhijit Banerjee, Michael Kremer win the 2019 Nobel Prize
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2019 has been awarded to three economists “for their experimental approach to alleviating global poverty”1: Esther Duflo, Abhijit Banerjee and Michael Kremer.