- Label Away
- Posted 8 months ago
Mesoeconomics: Missing Link, or Needless Pedantry?
Everyone’s heard of micro- and macroeconomics. The two terms are so deeply ingrained in the world of economics that even lay people generally know what they refer to. Almost everything economists analyze can be arguably given one of these labels.
- INOMICS Salary Report
- Posted 8 months ago
Economist Earnings by Job Title and Degree in 2023
Aspiring economists may be curious to know: how much do economists earn in different types of jobs? The INOMICS Salary Report contains a wealth of data about economist pay by job title and region (among many other factors). This article takes Salary Report data on salaries by job title and analyzes it from a new angle, including highest degree earned, which will help younger economists to plan their career path.
- INOMICS Recommendations
- Posted 8 months ago
Top Master's Programs in Economics
Choosing your master's program is a big decision – with so many courses available, how can you find the right one for you? We're here to help by sharing a selection of great master's programs that you can find on INOMICS.
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- For the Aspiring Economist
- Posted 8 months ago
What makes a successful economist?
The following article first appeared in the INOMICS Handbook 2024.Download the INOMICS Handbook“The master-economist must possess a rare combination of gifts. He must reach a high standard in several different directions and must combine talents not often found together. He must be mathematician, historian, statesman, philosopher…He must study the present in the light of the past for the purposes of the future. No part of man's nature or his institutions must lie entirely outside his regard. He must be purposeful and disinterested in a simultaneous mood; as aloof and incorruptible as an artist, yet sometimes as near the earth as a politician.”– John Maynard Keynes
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- Into the Economist's Mind
- Posted 8 months ago
The INOMICS Questionnaire: Fratzscher vs Blanchard
The following article first appeared in the INOMICS Handbook 2024.Download the INOMICS HandbookProfessor Marcel Fratzscher, esteemed macroeconomist and president of the DIW Berlin, once again asks questions about economics and life in general to a peer in the 2024 edition of the INOMICS Handbook Questionnaire. This time, he poses the questions to Dr. Olivier Blanchard, a prominent macroeconomist, who graciously took to the spotlight in this latest round. Thus, the back-and-forth has been dubbed Fratzscher vs. Blanchard, as is tradition. Dr. Blanchard offers us some interesting food for thought: the interview touches on the joy of conducting research with former students, the sometimes counterintuitive things we learn from economics, an analysis of Real Business Cycle Theory, and more.
- Launching Your Career
- Posted 9 months ago
How to Make a Resume for Economics Jobs
Completing an economics degree course is hard enough. But after you’ve earned your degree, you may very well begin to look for a job in economics, which is a whole new type of challenge!
- Economist Profiles
- Posted 10 months ago
Alfred Marshall
Alfred Marshall is a famous economist who made great contributions to the field when it was still relatively new towards the end of the 19th century. Yet, students often learn about important figures in economics only briefly and in passing, although the content taught in economics courses often comes from brilliant economists such as Marshall.
- Recruiting Advice
- Posted 10 months ago
Recruiting Economists for Your Professional Training Courses
This article overviews different types of economics skills training courses and discusses how course organizers and recruiters can make sure their programs get seen and attract the right talent. If you’re looking to better serve the economics alumni from your degree programs, build a pipeline of potential PhD candidates, or just attract more attention to the professional training courses you offer, keep reading for more.
- Economic Schools of Thought
- Posted 11 months ago
Austrian Economics: Historical Contributions and Modern Warnings
There are many schools of thought in economics. Each rallies around one or more different theories about how the world works, and builds models to support those theories and explain the economy. These schools include the (neo)classical, (neo)Keynesian, monetarist, and Chicago schools. Readers may have heard about the Austrian school of thought as well.
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- Work Advice For Beginners
- Posted 11 months ago
Tips to Survive Your First Job
It’s your first day at work and you’re nervous, naturally. You decide to quickly remember the journey that brought you to the computer screen you are now looking at. Many INOMICS readers will relate to this journey.
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- Metal, Markets, & More!
- Posted 11 months ago
The economics of heavy metal music
Economics can be used to study almost anything, including popular music. For example, the late Alan Krueger analyzed the music industry, examining live concert revenue, copyright protection, and streaming services in the book Rockonomics. Similarly, economics can offer insights about heavy metal specifically, a type of rock music characterized by loud distorted guitars, intense rhythms, and powerful vocal styles.
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- INOMICS Salary Report
- Posted 1 year ago
Is an Economics PhD Worth It? The PhD Pay Premium
Economics students may often wonder if doing a PhD is the right move for them. After all, you can still get a good job in economics with just a Master’s degree. We’ve covered different angles of this topic before with helpful advice about what degree you’ll need as an economist, asking whether you should do a PhD, and even asking what kinds of economists are paid the most. Thanks to INOMICS Salary Report 2023 data, we can look more closely at the pay benefit for an economics PhD in today’s job market. This will help you decide if doing an economics PhD will be worth it for your own career.
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- Furthering your Economics Career
- Posted 1 year ago
Professional Trainings as a Means of Increasing Your Employability
Economics is a massive field with many sub-disciplines, and it’s impossible to master the whole lot of it from just one Master’s degree or even a PhD.
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- Preparing the Economists of Tomorrow
- Posted 1 year ago
Teaching Climate Change in Economics
In 2019, the University of Bristol became the first UK university to formally declare a climate emergency. In the following year, a further 36 institutions in the UK followed suit. Beyond their own climate research and agendas to achieve carbon neutrality, universities play a key role in educating their students and the public about the climate crisis.
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- Economics Books
- Posted 1 year ago
Book Review: “Booms and Depressions”
The 1932 book "Booms and Depressions" by Irving Fisher, along with his 1933 Econometrica paper "The Debt-Deflation theory of Great Depression" earmarked the start of a new era for modern macroeconomics and financial literature. This article reviews the book in light of the current economic and financial scenario.
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- Economists Can Joke, Too
- Posted 1 year ago
Economists Have a Sense of Humor Too: Economics Memes That Will Make You “LOL”
Economists are often immersed in the serious and complex world of numbers, charts, and theories. But contrary to popular belief, economists do have a sense of humor too! In fact, there is a whole subculture of economics memes that bring a lighthearted and comical perspective to the field.
- Economist Profiles
- Posted 1 year ago
Adam Smith
Students often learn about important figures in economics only briefly and in passing, yet the content taught in economics courses often comes from brilliant economists such as these.
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- Preparing the Economists of Tomorrow
- Posted 1 year ago
Encouraging collaboration in teaching data analysis skills
Given the increase in data availability worldwide and the surge in demand for data literacy in the labour market, more and more economics courses are including data analysis skills in their intended learning outcomes. As a result, helping students to develop these skills in the classroom is increasingly important for economics educators.
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- Preparing the Economists of Tomorrow
- Posted 1 year ago
How (and why) can we embed employability within economics degrees?
The higher education (HE) sector is under increasing pressure to embed employability skills within the curriculum to prepare students for the real world and create responsible graduates and citizens. This article reflects on how (and why) we, as educators, can better incorporate highly-demanded employability skills into the economics curriculum.
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- Working Abroad
- Posted 1 year ago
Working in the USA: How to apply for a work visa after graduation
So, you’re studying for your economics degree in the United States of America. It's going well, and you’re enjoying life in the USA, so much that you’re thinking about staying longer and looking for a job in the US.