- INOMICS-Empfehlungen
- Posted 9 months ago
Beste Masterstudiengänge in Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Choosing your master's program is a big decision – with so many courses available, how can you find the right one for you? We're here to help by sharing a selection of great master's programs that you can find on INOMICS.
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- Study Advice Article
- Posted 5 years ago
The different types of fellowships available for postdocs
After finishing a PhD, most researchers who want to stay in academia will go on to one or more postdoc positions. As a postdoc you may conduct your own research, but most likely you will be supporting a principal investigator (PI) who decides what topics will be investigated. As a postdoc you will perform research, supervise PhD students, teach undergraduate or masters students, and present work at conferences and workshops.
- Study Advice Article, Study Abroad Article, Work Abroad Article
- Posted 6 years ago
Doing a Master's While Travelling
Having a Master's degree is a valuable way to advance your career and gain more knowledge in your chosen field. Unlike an undergraduate degree program, you may not have to go to school full time to achieve this step in your education. However, it does require some time and effort, which means you'll need to figure out how to fit it in with your lifestyle. If that lifestyle includes travel as a priority, you may wonder how you can complete your Master's without giving up your travel schedule. The good news is that you can do both. It won't be the conventional way to graduation that most post-grad students follow, but it can be done and you'll enjoy the freedom to travel while also completing your degree. Here's what you should know.
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 6 years ago
How To Pick A Topic For Your Economics Master’s or PhD Thesis
Whether it is for your master’s or your PhD, picking a thesis topic is a vital step in your academic career. Choosing the right topic will give you a great head start on your thesis, so it’s worth taking your time to think through your options and to choose a subject that will suit you and meet the needs of your course well. Here are some tips for economists who are picking a topic for their master’s or PhD thesis.
- Study Advice
- Posted 6 years ago
Should I Do a PhD?
Here's a big question that's on the mind of many master's and undergraduate students: should I do a PhD? The idea of dedicating three years or more of your life to original research is both exciting and terrifying, and the experience can be either exhilarating or harrowing, or usually a mix of both. Today we'll take a look at some of the issues to consider when you are thinking about applying for a PhD program.
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 6 years ago
For Economics students: Classes from other disciplines you could take to complement your study
As an economics student, you already have a host of different topics that you study and a variety of methodologies that you use in research. However, you can also gain valuable knowledge and experience from studying topics from outside the field of economics. If you're thinking about branching out and studying some other subjects in addition to economics, here are suggestions for related fields that you could study alongside your economics degree:
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 8 years ago
10 Reasons To Study in Asia
As studying abroad is becoming more and more popular, we are taking a look at why one should go and study in Asia. Our partners at Asia Exchange are one of the world’s leading companies organizing student exchange to Asian countries, so who would be better to ask for a Top-10 in Reasons to Study in Asia for!
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
Should I Choose an MBA Concentration? - Pros & Cons
When you begin studying for an MBA, you may have the chance to choose a concentration – that is, a specialisation in which you focus on a particular area of business to study in-depth. Students with an economics graduate degree who are starting an MBA program are especially likely to be tempted towards a concentration option, with the perspective gained from an economics program offering an advantage in career paths like consulting, finance or information systems. It is particularly common in the USA for MBA students to have the chance to choose a concentration before they begin their course, similar to how other students would choose a major. If you are given this chance, should you choose a concentration? Here are the pros and cons of specialising during your MBA.
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 8 years ago
Step-by-step Guide on Applying to Universities in the Czech Republic
Are you thinking about completing your degree abroad? Have you considered studying in a centrally located European country, with a rich history, beautiful architecture and nature, low cost of living and a long tradition of quality education? The Czech Republic offers all of this!
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 8 years ago
10 Things You Need To Know Before Starting Your Study In The Czech Republic
Czech higher education dates back over six hundred years. In 1348 Emperor Charles IV founded a university in Prague, now called the Charles University, which is the oldest academic institution in Central Europe. High quality education and research, especially in Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, therefore has a long tradition in the Czech Republic.
- PhD in Germany
- Posted 8 years ago
10 Things To Know Before You Start a PhD in Germany
If you are looking for a PhD studies in economics, Germany is a great option. The high quality of education available, combined with free tuition fees at public universities, makes it an attractive destination when looking for opportunities to do your doctoral research in economics.
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 10 years ago
Writing A Thesis This Summer? 10 Tips on How to Stay Motivated
Instead of relaxing by the pool, engaging in night long barbecues or taking long awaited beach vacations, do you find yourself smoldering in the summer heat at your local library, or at your very own disheveled desk, mustering what little willpower you have left to write your thesis? As a current graduate student at the American University in Cairo I share your woes, and perhaps sleep depriving fears, but believe me when I say there is light, and the promise of a blissful graduation, at the end of that slightly terrifying thesis tunnel. Whether or not you’ve established a sizeable outline or built a praiseworthy bibliography, you will need to keep writing, and not succumb to the dastardly clutches of summertime procrastination, to ultimately reach your deadline. The key to thesis writing during this scorching summer is to stay motivated, even if it takes pitchers of iced coffee and copious amount of frozen yogurt to get you through! Take a look at my top ten tips on how to stay motivated while writing your thesis this sunny season.
- Research/Project Funding Opportunity
- Posted 1 year ago
DoD Peer Reviewed Cancer, Advancing Cancer Care through Clinical Trials Award
Starts 5 Apr at Department of Defense Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA in USA -
- Ranking
- Posted 5 years ago
Top Highest Paying Graduate Degrees In Social Sciences for 2019
While pursuing a graduate degree is undeniably interesting and challenging, tuition fees and other costs associated with studying have been getting higher and higher over the last decade. This has lead to plenty of students questioning whether the expense in terms of time and money that they will have to put into obtaining a graduate degree is worth it. In a difficult job market, students are less willing to take on large debts to finance their study unless they can be reasonably sure that they will get a well-paying job at the end of it.
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 7 years ago
What GMAT Scores Do You Need To Get Admitted to the Best MBA Programs in Europe?
When you're applying for an MBA program, there are so many things to consider: Finding the right course in the right location, choosing a concentration, looking at long-term employment options... there's a lot of information that you'll need. To help you with this important decision, we're compiling a list of the entry requirements for some of the best MBA courses around the world, so you know what you need to aim for.
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 7 years ago
What GMAT Scores Do You Need To Get Admitted to the Best MBA Programs in the US?
Are you thinking about doing an MBA? With so many courses and options to choose from, it can seem a bit overwhelming. To help you break down your application process into more manageable chunks, we're looking at some of the key requirements of MBA programs both in the US and in Europe.
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 8 years ago
Meet Mohanapriya: a PhD student of Textile Technics and Material Engineering at the Technical University of Liberec
There are many reasons for choosing the Czech Republic as a study destination: high quality education and research, universities with long-standing reputations, interesting specializations, affordable tuition fees and living costs, and last but not least, a vibrant and colorful cultural life in the heart of Europe. In the following interview Mohanapriya Venkataraman, a PhD student of Textile Technics and Material Engineering at the Technical University of Liberec, shares why she chose the Czech Republic for her studies: