- Time-Saving Gifts
- Posted 3 years ago
5 Tools to Help Lecturers, Professors & Teachers with Classroom Organisation
Lecturers, professors, and teachers spend ever-increasing amounts of time dealing with bureaucracy, box ticking and completing performance reviews, and ever-dwindling time doing the things they joined the profession to do: namely teaching and researching. While this should, and hopefully will, be addressed, for now, at least, it’s the way things are.
- Teaching Aids
- Posted 3 years ago
10 Great Resources to Help Teach Economics
Teaching in any capacity, let alone in economics, can be a daunting prospect: the prepping, marking, not to mention the actual teaching. It’s hard work. This reality is most acutely felt when you are starting out or moving institutions and having to settle in somewhere new. In both instances, the pressure and workload can feel intense. That is why it's useful – if not essential – to be aware of all the support that's out there, most of which – conveniently – is free and accessible online. So, without further ado, here are ten of our favourite tools for helping teach economics.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 4 years ago
I pro e i contro di essere un professore universitario
If you're thinking about which direction to take your research career, one possibility is the professor route, teaching and researching in a university context. This is one of the most desirable jobs among young academics, and something that people often strive for. But what are the pros and cons of working as a college professor?
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- INOMICS Salary Report 2020
- Posted 4 years ago
In che modo la pandemia di coronavirus COVID-19 ha colpito il settore accademico?
Although we’ve been told time and again that the pandemic doesn’t care about who you are, in reality it hasn’t affected everyone equally. Senior Editor William Pearse has already written about how COVID-19 has been harder on those from ethnic minorities and on poorer communities in the UK.
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- Career Advice Article
- Posted 7 years ago
5 Effective Ways Professors Can Build a Personal Brand
Brands? Aren’t those for corporations and businesses? Not anymore. Building your brand is about what people think of when they think of you. As a professor, you represent your institution, but you also want to work on your personal brand. Having a reputable brand can help you advance your career whether it’s in academia or not.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 7 years ago
7 Presentation Tools That Engage Students More Than Slideshows
College students complain about a lot of things—lack of sleep, dining hall food, and finals week, to name a few. As a professor, it isn't your job to address complaints about life outside the classroom. But if students take issue with your teaching style, it's time to listen up. One of their biggest gripes in the classroom: slideshows.
- Blog Post
- Posted 8 years ago
Professors Think That Academic Publications Are Much More Relevant For Their Employability Than Their Teaching Skills
The world of academia is constantly changing, so much so that the importance to Professors, of different academic and career achievements, is shifting in ways that may be somewhat unexpected.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 9 years ago
5 Apps That Every Professor Needs to Know
There are lots of technological tools available to help support professors in their teaching, research, and administration. But these tools aren't just for your home computer – there are lots of apps for mobile devices which can be useful in university life too. We've covered top apps for students before, and today we're listing some of the best mobile apps for professors.
- Work Abroad Article
- Posted 9 years ago
Best Countries to Work in as an Academic: Research Findings
For people looking for a job in the private sector, there are numerous sources of information about best places to work, like Fortune Best Companies or Best Places to Work by Glassdoor to name just two.
- Work Abroad Article
- Posted 11 years ago
Salaries of Economists in Latin America: Where Do Economists Earn the Most?
As previously mentioned in our articles about Spanish professionals moving to South America and Brazil as a new destination for skilled migration, Latin America is becoming ever more attractive in terms of professional development for people from all over the world. Latin American migration trends are undoubtedly connected to demographic and economic indicators for the region. In some cases, countries like Brazil stand out thanks to promising conditions for foreign employees, or increasing living standards and wages for the higher-educated workforce.
- Work Abroad Article
- Posted 11 years ago
How Much Econ Professors Earn? Salaries in Academia by Country
Yesterday INOMICS released the Economics Job Market Report 2013 (Worldwide Overview). The report contains insights about the academic job market, compiled from answers from almost 2,500 economists and recruiters from all over the world who completed a survey earlier this year. The findings of the report include salaries, recruiters’ and candidates’ employment preferences, regional disparities, skills & specializations most in demand and other general trends in the economics job market.
- Blog Post
- Posted 11 years ago
Professor Rating: Is It Students' Business?
In recent months the INOMICS blog has featured a series of posts about rankings of departments and universities. Traditionally, ranking has practically been an academic discipline in itself, with big names like QS, the Times Newspaper and in Economics the citation listings compiled by REPEC, dominating the field. However a trend towards a kind of “crowd-sourcing” of ranking has started to appear. The Shanghai ARWU was one of the earliest major ranking bodies to introduce this, but others are following.