- Suggerimenti per una domanda di dottorato di successo
- Posted 4 years ago
Le migliori app per economisti
Whether you are applying to a structured program like those typically found in the United States, an independent research PhD like those in much of Europe and elsewhere, or a hybrid of the two, the first step is to gather your thoughts (and paperwork) in an effort to convince the admissions board that you are the most qualified and motivated candidate for the position.Regardless of location or discipline, your application will almost certainly include a personal statement, transcripts, copies of your previous degrees and letters of recommendation. If you plan to start your PhD application this autumn, download our free guide "How to successfully apply to a PhD in Economics".
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- Study Advice Article
- Posted 4 years ago
Why do a PhD?
Taking the step towards doing a PhD is a big decision, and one that shouldn't be made without the proper research and consideration. Once taken, however, it can be an extremely valuable experience and one that can set you up nicely in the future. Here we consider some of the things you should definitely think about before taking the plunge.
- Digital Resources for Teaching and Learning Econometrics
- Posted 4 years ago
Improving Fundamentals of Econometrics with Online Practice Tests
A new initiative from Hamburg University, Universität Potsdam, and the Berlin School of Economics is helping economics students get ahead in the fundamentals of econometrics. The online tool mcEmpirics offers econometrics practice tests for students and is now being rolled out for whole economics departments with new campus-licenses. Especially with the challenges of remote teaching resulting from the ongoing global pandemic, mcEmpirics is gaining notice as a digital solution for economics students and teachers worldwide.
- Tools and Resources
- Posted 4 years ago
What is Innovation Economics?
Innovation Economics is a branch of economics that focuses on (rather predictably) innovation, alongside the study of technology, knowledge, and entrepreneurship. It aims to understand where new ideas come from, and how we can put forward policies which will encourage the development of new ways of thinking. As many nations move away from an industrial model of production and towards a knowledge-based economy, the economics of innovation becomes more and more relevant. Although it is a fairly new field, innovation economics has risen to prominence quickly over the last few years. The following is a list of links and resources to help teach you and keep you up to date on all the latest developments in innovation economics.
- Testing Times
- Posted 4 years ago
4 Tips For Oral Exams
So you've coming up to exam season? Maybe you've already sat your written exams, and the only one left is the oral. Oral exams can be an daunting experience for students, so today we're sharing some advice on how to get through an oral exam with as little pain as possible.
- Istruzione superiore
- Posted 4 years ago
Come sopravvivere alla discussione della tua tesi di dottorato in economia
Once you've handed in your thesis, you still have one big challenge to overcome before you're finished with your PhD: the thesis defense. This is an opportunity for you to present your research publicly and to answer questions about it from your thesis committee. The process can be tough going, especially if you've never had to do anything like this before. That being said, there are a few ways to make sure you survive – and even perform very well in – your thesis defense.
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- Study Advice
- Posted 4 years ago
MBA vs PhD in Economics
Every year thousands of economics students decide to continue education, either straight away after graduation or after a year or two of “real world” work experience. Often at this point comes the question: should I pursue a PhD or enroll in a Master of Business Administration program?
- Remote Learning
- Posted 4 years ago
The Best Free Online Macroeconomics Courses
With university life still suffering major disruptions and COVID fatigue reaching new heights, we at INOMICS felt it time for the latest instalment in our ‘online course’ series.
- Study Advice
- Posted 4 years ago
5 Top Tips For Students Dealing With Short Answer or Multiple Choice Exams
No need to stress about your university exams – INOMICS is here to help! (Well, stress a little bit, that's healthy and can serve as motivation, but no need to freak out). Having already dispensed advice on facing down essay exams, this article turns to two other university exam formats – short answer questions and multiple choice tests. These kind of exams require a different sort of preparation from essay or oral exams, preparation that the following will take you through.
- Learning During the Pandemic
- Posted 4 years ago
Mathematics Free Online Courses
Given the excellent feedback we received from our audience on an earlier blog post that compiled a list of free econometrics courses online, we have now prepared for you a list of free online courses (MOOC format) that you can take in the discipline of mathematics. Like econometrics, proficiency in math is a prerequisite for performing well in economics courses at all reputable universities around the world. The knowledge required may range from high school algebra and differential equations to understanding the basics of logic and analysis of algorithms.
- Remote Learning
- Posted 4 years ago
The Best Online Microeconomics Courses for Beginners
Microeconomics is the study of what economic actors - be they people, firms, or whole industries - do when confronted with choice, and how this affects the distribution of resources. It’s fascinatingly revealing but can be frustratingly complex. And regardless of which direction your economics career takes, it’s likely that, at some point, it will have to be mastered. But that’s fine, INOMICS is here.
- Didattica a distanza
- Posted 4 years ago
Come scegliere un corso o una laurea online
INOMICS has seen a surge in demand for online courses recently, with far more students searching for higher education alternatives. With the effects of COVID-19 ongoing, and many institutions still closed, enrolling in a fully online program or online degree has clearly become the best way to continue self-improvement and career development. Institutions offer a variety of online degree programmes and massive open online courses (MOOCs), which often have less expensive tuition fees. Additionally, you will save money by not having to commute to a campus. Distance learning can improve your technical skills too, as you navigate new learning management systems. Before you choose a course, though, there are a few things you need to consider. Here INOMICS’ walks you through the basics!
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- Study Advice
- Posted 4 years ago
MBA or Specialized Master’s Degree: Which One is Best for You?
When you think business school, you probably think MBA. A Master’s of Business Administration has long been a coveted — and often essential — qualification for business professionals. In recent years, however, the tide has begun to quietly shift, with more business school students than ever pursuing master’s degrees in specialized fields such as accounting, economics and business analytics.
- Dai un'occhiata alla nostra sezione Consigli per altri consigli utili per gli economisti
- Posted 4 years ago
Come studiare al meglio a casa
With the coronavirus making studying from home the new norm, it’s imperative we look beyond the frustrations of no longer having face-to-face contact and find a routine to keep our brains alert, and educational progress on track. Yes, it’s a difficult time, but INOMICS is here to help.
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- The new economics definitions
- Posted 4 years ago
INOMICS unveils its A-Z of economics terms
Here at INOMICS, we’ve always been dedicated to trying to help you, the economist (fledgling or otherwise) get the most out of your education and career. Whether that be offering you the best new courses and conferences, nudging you towards the perfect university degree, or helping you apply to jobs once you’re done studying, we’re there to give advice and present opportunities you may not have otherwise found.
- Study Advice Article, Career Advice Article
- Posted 5 years ago
The soft skills you need to succeed
Everyone knows about the hard skills you need to be able to succeed in economics or in academia in general: excellent writing and proofreading skills, the ability to extract information from what are often dense scientific texts, and being able to evaluate and analyse data effectively, among other things. But they aren’t the only skills you need to have. There are, of course, the dreaded soft skills – a slippery term that can mean anything from being able to clearly communicate your ideas to another human being to more abstract concepts like emotional intelligence. But what are the most important soft skills to have, and how can you develop the ones that need some more work?
- Study Advice Article, Career Advice Article
- Posted 5 years ago
The INOMICS Questionnaire: Fratzscher vs Rossi-Hansberg
Esteemed economist, Princeton Professor, and friend of INOMICS, Esteban Rossi-Hansberg, generously took time out of his busy schedule to take part in the second INOMICS Handbook Questionnaire. Opposite him, in his customary role of quizmaster, was Professor Marcel Fratzscher, president of the DIW Berlin, and one of Germany’s leading voices in macroeconomics. Keeping with tradition, and as a nod to the heavyweight reputations of those involved, we dubbed the encounter ‘Fratzscher v Rossi-Hansberg’. What played out proved illuminating and often personal, the dialogue shedding light on the inner workings of the mystery that is the ‘economist’s mind’. For anyone even loosely connected to economics the following conversation will make an interesting read.
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 5 years ago
How the Economics+ approach is changing the face of the discipline
Situated in the oldest city of the Netherlands, Nijmegen, Radboud University has firmly established itself as one of the country’s most reputable institutions of higher education. Offering programmes across the academic spectrum, its MSc in Economics, in particular, is attracting students from all over the world.
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 5 years ago
Resources for economics students to learn statistics
A subject that many new economics students – and some older economics students too – struggle with is statistics. Statistics are an essential tool for economics, allowing data analysis and modelling to be accurate and mathematically correct. More broadly, statistics are of great importance in all of our daily lives.
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 5 years ago
The different types of fellowships available for postdocs
After finishing a PhD, most researchers who want to stay in academia will go on to one or more postdoc positions. As a postdoc you may conduct your own research, but most likely you will be supporting a principal investigator (PI) who decides what topics will be investigated. As a postdoc you will perform research, supervise PhD students, teach undergraduate or masters students, and present work at conferences and workshops.
- Study Advice Article, Career Advice Article
- Posted 5 years ago
Tips for reformatting your manuscript to submit to a new journal
As every academic knows, writing a paper for submission to a journal is a long and arduous process. It is common for papers to be rejected from the first journal that you submit to, so you will have to reformat the manuscript and resubmit it to another journal. This process of reformatting requires quite a bit of work, even when the paper is staying essentially the same and the only changes being made are cosmetic. Every journal has its own rules about formatting such as fonts to be used, margins, the type and number of images allowed, and citation format. To help you with this process, here are our tips for reformatting your manuscript to submit to a new journal.
- Study Advice Article, Study Abroad Article, Work Abroad Article
- Posted 6 years ago
Doing a Master's While Travelling
Having a Master's degree is a valuable way to advance your career and gain more knowledge in your chosen field. Unlike an undergraduate degree program, you may not have to go to school full time to achieve this step in your education. However, it does require some time and effort, which means you'll need to figure out how to fit it in with your lifestyle. If that lifestyle includes travel as a priority, you may wonder how you can complete your Master's without giving up your travel schedule. The good news is that you can do both. It won't be the conventional way to graduation that most post-grad students follow, but it can be done and you'll enjoy the freedom to travel while also completing your degree. Here's what you should know.
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 6 years ago
How To Pick A Topic For Your Economics Master’s or PhD Thesis
Whether it is for your master’s or your PhD, picking a thesis topic is a vital step in your academic career. Choosing the right topic will give you a great head start on your thesis, so it’s worth taking your time to think through your options and to choose a subject that will suit you and meet the needs of your course well. Here are some tips for economists who are picking a topic for their master’s or PhD thesis.
- Study Advice Article, Career Advice Article
- Posted 6 years ago
Why start an economics blog?
It is well known that blogging can be a useful, if not essential, tool for expanding networks, creating academic dialogue, and generally fomenting ideas. Alas, as wonderful as this may sound, like always, it is not always quite that easy. It also requires time, which tends to be tight; energy, at times lacking, and dedication. With this in mind, we wanted clarity; in practice, how can blogging benefit one’s work? And, what role can it play in the career development of an aspiring, young economist?
- Study Advice
- Posted 6 years ago
Should I Do a PhD?
Here's a big question that's on the mind of many master's and undergraduate students: should I do a PhD? The idea of dedicating three years or more of your life to original research is both exciting and terrifying, and the experience can be either exhilarating or harrowing, or usually a mix of both. Today we'll take a look at some of the issues to consider when you are thinking about applying for a PhD program.