- Work Abroad Article
- Posted 11 years ago
How Much Econ Professors Earn? Salaries in Academia by Country
Yesterday INOMICS released the Economics Job Market Report 2013 (Worldwide Overview). The report contains insights about the academic job market, compiled from answers from almost 2,500 economists and recruiters from all over the world who completed a survey earlier this year. The findings of the report include salaries, recruiters’ and candidates’ employment preferences, regional disparities, skills & specializations most in demand and other general trends in the economics job market.
- Ranking
- Posted 11 years ago
Top 10 Economics Departments in Spain
In recent months we have published a series of articles about the best economics departments in Europe, Asia and Latin America. After covering the methodologies of ranking for universities in Latin America, we wrote about the best economics institutions in Chile, Colombia and Brazil.
- Blog Post
- Posted 11 years ago
Nobel Prize Winners in Economics 2013 and Their Work
This Monday, October 14th, Eugene F. Fama and Lars Peter Hansen (University of Chicago, USA) and Robert J. Shiller ( Yale University, USA) won the Nobel Prize in Economics. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded them “for their empirical analysis of asset prices”.
- Work Abroad Article
- Posted 11 years ago
Jobs for Foreigners in Brazil: A New Destination for Skilled Migration?
Since its foundation by Portuguese colonists, Brazil, the largest country in Latin America, has experienced an important immigrant flow. Over time, the Brazilian government has influenced this flow by implementing policies that support the needs of the economy. If during the first half of the 20th century governmental policies targeted low-skilled immigrants for work in the agricultural sector, in the last quarter of the century the government aimed to attract highly skilled immigrants to the country. The new trend was marked by the adoption of a new immigration law in 1981, which introduced new processes for visas and work permits and created a number of obstacles for low skilled migration.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 11 years ago
How to Teach Economics
Teaching, whether at school or university level, is generally and rightly considered a worthy occupation. As supported by some Professor Ratings, however, unfortunately not every high school, college or university can boast perfect ratings for their academic staff, and many individual lecturers and professors have room for improvement, at least in the views of the students.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 11 years ago
Top Conferences in Business Economics 2013
Business Economics is a rather broad area of economics covering everything from business organization, management and marketing to the role of entrepreneurs and impact of the government on corporations. It is also assumed to be one of the most applicable research branches within economics: where today’s academic research might result in tomorrow’s industry implementations.
- Blog Post
- Posted 11 years ago
At this time of year, with the summer heat visibly rising from the Berlin pavement, for many there is nothing more appealing than a cold beer in one of the city’s numerous beer gardens. And perhaps among these Berlin beer lovers, more than a couple of economists might be found as well.
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 11 years ago
Local University Rankings: Latin America
University rankings are considered to be an important tool, if not the most relevant one, in determining the quality of education at higher education institutions, schools, departments and programs according to a specific set of factors. Rankings are often consulted by both applicants in the university admission process deciding on their next place of study or work, as well as directors of the institutions measured in the rankings as a benchmark against other relevant institutions.
- Blog Post
- Posted 11 years ago
Is there a Top Economics Blog?
Following my last post listing our favourite economics blogs, I have looked a little closer at the blogging community and who the potential contenders are for THE coveted position of top economics blog.
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 11 years ago
Navigating the PhD Literature
The literature research students need to rely on throughout all of their thesis writing is diverse. Broadly categorized there are three types of literature useful for PhD students: research/topic literature, methods literature, and ‘how to do your PhD’ literature. A somewhat similar classification of PhD materials can, for example, be found in Chris Hart’s Doing a Literature Search: A Comprehensive Guide for the Social Sciences (2010, Sage, p.2), which I recommend immensely.
- Ranking
- Posted 11 years ago
University Rankings – Top Economics Departments in Latin America
The application deadline for the winter semester in many Latin American universities is approaching. To help those considering further education or work in this region we are sharing a list of top Economics Departments in Latin America. If you are interested in universities in other regions, check out our previous posts on the Top 10 Economics Departments in Europe and Top 10 Economics Institutions in Asia. The following list is based on the QS Latin American University Rankings for Economics and Econometrics.
- Blog Post
- Posted 11 years ago
INOMICS Officially Supports CitEc: Citations in Economics
At INOMICS we strive to offer the best resources for economists to support them in their careers. Besides providing information on jobs, courses and conferences in the economics field, in partnership with RePEc we’ve been working on making economics research more accessible to our users. As a means of support in promoting economics research, in April 2013
- Work Abroad Article
- Posted 11 years ago
In Which Countries Do Economists Work?
According to our study last year, 35% of economists are working outside their home countries. The majority of economists go to work to the US, Germany and France (11% of the respondents respectively), followed by Switzerland (8%), Italy, Netherlands and the UK (6% respectively).
- Blog Post
- Posted 11 years ago
Economists and Social Media
* The original article was published in the INOMICS Customer Newsletter. Click here to subscribe.
- Work Abroad Article
- Posted 11 years ago
Global Job Market: Spanish Professionals Move to South America
Source: Estadística de Variaciones Residenciales y Estimaciones de la Población Actual, INE.
- Ranking
- Posted 11 years ago
University Rankings: Top 10 Economics Departments in Europe
With the application deadlines for PhD and Master’s courses in Europe approaching, we decided to post a list of Top 10 European Economics Departments to support your decision when choosing the right institution. As all university rankings have their flaws and there is an obvious shortage of rankings for specific disciplines, we combined two ranking systems in one table: RePEc, Top 25% Economics Departments (February 2013) and QS World University Rankings by Subject (2012).
- Blog Post
- Posted 11 years ago
MOOCs and Economics Education
Last year I wrote a post on whether free education would replace the skyrocketing tuition fees being faced around the world. A year later and this topic has expanded so much that it has a name: MOOCs – Massive Open Online Courses – and there are, literally, millions of them and the trend is growing fast, as illustrated by this ‘MOOC Timeline’.
- Ranking
- Posted 12 years ago
Rankings: Top 10 Economics Institutions in Asia
Data Source: RePEc, Top 12.5% Asia, as of January 2013
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 12 years ago
Conferences & Prizes for Young Economists
After our post last summer about the trend for conferences and prizes aimed at young economists, several further events are coming up this year, which could be of interest to PhD students and young researchers. Some of these are specifically for students or junior academics whilst others offer financial support or prizes to those attending or presenting papers at the meeting.
- Blog Post
- Posted 12 years ago
Armen Alchian: A Great Loss to the Economics Community
Yesterday, the 19th of Feb, the economics community lost another famed scholar – Armen Alchian, 98, professor emeritus at the University of California Los Angeles.
- Blog Post
- Posted 12 years ago
Would You Date an Economist?
Image Credit: Liz FosslienHave you ever considered dating an economist, and if yes, what did you decide? If you are puzzled by this question, there are plenty of resources, which can help you to find an answer. The amount of material on this topic found by searching Google and the number of jokes made clearly indicate that it is indeed a hot topic, even more so on a Valentine’s Day.
- Blog Post
- Posted 12 years ago
Economics Apps for iPhone and iPad
Last year we published a list of “The Best Economics Android Apps”, with the intention to follow it up with a post about economics apps for iOS devices later. As promised, here is the list of the apps for economists, who prefer to use Apple products, and which could be useful for both students and professionals in economics.
- Blog Post
- Posted 12 years ago
INOMICS Partners with IAEE
The US-based International Association for Energy Economics is the world’s largest organization of Energy Economists with members from over 100 countries. Part of their mandate includes facilitating the mutual association of people interested in energy economics, in order to create a forum for professional discussion and to provide a means of international communication and exchange. Collaboration between INOMICS and IAEE has already benefitted both organizations in terms of consolidating global reach and sharing resources.
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 12 years ago
PhD Graduates: Disciplines and Numbers
Source: National Science Foundation, NSF/NIH/USED/USDA/NEH/NASA, Survey of Earned Doctorates
- Ranking
- Posted 12 years ago
Top Economics Summer Schools 2013
With ice on the ground and a chill in the air (at least for those living in northern climes), it is nice to think about the summer and all of the welcome things it brings: warmth, flowers, and, of course, new career and training opportunities.