- Work Abroad Article
- Posted 9 years ago
Teaching abroad: challenges and advice for teaching at a university in a foreign country
Each year, thousands of university teachers leave their native environments to go and teach and/or conduct academic research in a foreign country. Indeed, in this increasingly globalized world populated by a highly networked mobile workforce, there are seemingly unending possibilities, incentives and occasions to teach in a higher education institution in a foreign country. Gaining such experience is encouraged to the point where it is now even expected on your CV. Personally speaking, having taught on 3 continents, I can attest to the value of gaining such international experience. Even as a student in higher education, I fondly recall that my most interesting, passionate and captivating teachers were those who had benefited from a similarly international experience.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 9 years ago
Tips on Starting Work in a New Field for Your PhD or Postdoc
Starting out a new role as a PhD student or postdoc will often be demanding and involve a steep learning curve. This is especially true if you have moved into a new discipline or field than you have worked in previously. With different approaches to research, learning and assessment than that which you have experienced before, it can take some effort to adjust to a new setting. Below are some tips to ease this transition to help you make the most of your postdoc in a new field.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 9 years ago
Networking at an Academic Conference
Networking is a must for academics and people working in the education industry. Indeed, professional success can stem directly from an ability to make connections and build mutual beneficial relationships. In academia perhaps more than in other professions, excellence in research and sought after skills are strongly complemented by both whom you know, and who knows you. Good relationships with others working in same field or industry can help accelerate your professional development, create future opportunities, and make sure you are up-to-date with the latest information in your field (gossip!) and inspire you with new ideas.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 9 years ago
Networking in Academia: a How-To Guide
Networking is a concept which is somewhat alien to many academics – you may well have heard how important it is to create an interactive network with other researchers in your field, but it's hard to know how to get started. Some people have a negative view of networking; thinking that it involves being deceptive or finding a way to turn every conversation around to yourself. But it needn't be that way! Successful networking is all about putting you in touch with other like-minded academics or professionals with whom you share interests. These networks help you both by supplying information (for example, finding someone with an expertise in a statistical technique which you are interested in using) and by providing you with a way to share your research (for example, sending your recent publications to other researchers who could find it useful). Networking can be a fun and rewarding way to build up your profile within your discipline.
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 10 years ago
Tips on Studying Abroad in Spain at the Master's Level
Even if you are not interested in earning a full graduate degree in Spain, there are many alternatives for spending time there as a student. Spain is one of the most popular destination countries for students spending a summer, semester or full year abroad. At the Master’s level, you have a number of different options available to you, which we will outline in this article.
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 10 years ago
Why and How to Change Fields for Postgraduate Work
Why move to a new field for postgraduate study? Perhaps a topic caught your eye during your undergraduate studies and you always wanted to pursue it further. Perhaps you're confident in your understanding of the essential facts of your field and feel that it's time for a change. Perhaps you want to broaden your skills and gain some variety to your studies. In any case, postgraduate study allows you to delve deeper into topics and to learn more independent research skills. If you're thinking of making a change, read on for advice on how to set yourself up in a new discipline for your postgraduate study.
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 10 years ago
Advantages of Earning Your Master's Degree in Spain
If you are interested in earning a Master’s degree outside of your home country, Spain has a wide array of programs open to international students that make it a great place for graduate education. With 76 accredited universities spread across the country, you can choose a program and institution by discipline, location, reputation or other factors based on your individual preferences. Spain is home to a number of very well renowned institutions, particularly in fields such as economics, business and cultural studies.
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 10 years ago
Important Factors When Choosing a Graduate Program
The decision to undertake graduate study is an important one, and once you have decided to take this step, the next question is – which one!? There are so many graduate study options around the world that deciding where and what to study can be an immense task. Consider why you are interested in a graduate program, and research your options. After you’ve done some initial research, you can narrow it down to the programs and schools that interest you. If you can, attend a university fair to get a feel for a university or program.
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 10 years ago
Cultural Differences in Academia: Major Points to Keep in Mind While Studying Abroad
In recent years, more and more universities are deliberately seeking out international students and encouraging cross-cultural exchange, whether through direct exchange programs, entire degrees for or including international students, or wider networks such as the Erasmus program in Europe. The benefits of working and studying abroad are numerous – they can lead to improved language skills, salary, a global network of contacts and increased cultural sensitivity.
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 10 years ago
Finding Funding for a Master’s Program in Spain
Although the range of tuition fees is quite broad in Spain (depending on the program, discipline and university, you may be asked to pay anywhere between a few hundred and many thousands of euros), nearly every Master’s program requires some level of payment. Thus, it is a good idea to carefully look through the admissions pages of each program you’re interested in and be fully aware of tuition requirements before you apply.
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 10 years ago
Why Study in the UK? 5 Reasons to Choose Britain for Study Abroad
The value of overseas study is immeasurable, and a study abroad semester or degree enhances the educational experience. As such, we have recently been doing a blog post series highlighting reasons to study in Italy, Turkey, China, Spain and – now our next in line - the United Kingdom! The UK is home to many of the world’s leading universities, and is a top international student destination for those who would like to improve their English and take advantage of the challenging and creative courses on offer around the UK.
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 10 years ago
Scholarships for Students in Europe: UK, Spain, Italy and France
Funding your studies is always an important consideration and can be a big hurdle for students. There are a number of funding types available, such as grants, scholarships, and student or private loans. They can come from a number of different sources, including government, university, or private organizations. But what do these different types of funding mean, and how do they work?
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 10 years ago
Tips on Staying Motivated During the Holiday Season
It can be hard to stay motivated surrounded by chocolate, festive lighting and tinsel garlands. With the prospect of overseas holidays, dinners with family and friends, gift-giving and an abundance of food fast approaching, whether you work or study, maintaining focus can be an issue.
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 10 years ago
Why Study in Italy? 5 Reasons to live La Dolce Vita
We’ve already explored Spain, China and Turkey – next stop in our series exploring top destinations for students is Italy!
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 10 years ago
5 Reasons to Study in Turkey: “Crossing the Bridge”
Earlier this month we wrote about the top 5 reasons to study in the Iberian Peninsula; the high quality of education, the Spanish language, the culture, lifestyle, landscape and entertainment are factors that draw people towards study in Spain. Next up, Turkey is the second country we want to talk about in our series exploring top destinations for students from around the world.
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 10 years ago
Why Study in Spain? Top 5 Reasons to Head to the Iberian Peninsula
Spain is the first country we will be highlighting in a new series exploring top destinations for students from around the world. Spain is one of the most popular countries in Europe for students interested in either short-term or longer exchange programs, as well as for those looking to earn a full degree in a foreign country.
- Blog Post
- Posted 10 years ago
Academic Horror Stories – 5 Real Life Worst Nightmares for Halloween
In this special Halloween blog post, we aim to give you chills and keep you on the edge of your seat with these blood-curdling academic nightmares.
- Recruiter Advice Article
- Posted 10 years ago
Scholarship Options Boost Student Interest in Your Master’s Programs
It often happens that potential students show interest in a specific program by visiting the webpage, pre-subscribing for the next semester, or sending enquiries via email, however the number of completed applications is much lower than the number of people interested. We decided to research this issue and discovered the factors potential Master’s students take into account when choosing a university and type of degree. What we found is that the possibility of receiving funding motivates potential applicants and develops added value for students.
- Blog Post
- Posted 10 years ago
Gandhi – A Proponent of Well-Rounded Education for All
Today marks the 145th anniversary of the birth of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, born October 2, 1869 in Porbandar, India. More commonly referred to by the honorific title Mahatma (Sanskrit for “high-souled”), Gandhi is well known for his leading role in the Indian independence movement against British rule in the early to mid-20th century. Gandhi employed nonviolent civil disobedience, promoting religious tolerance and a strongly humanitarian worldview.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 10 years ago
How to Make the Most of Being Department Chair
With the start of the academic year come many changes to most university departments – new students, new courses and, every so often, a new department chair. If you happen to find yourself in the lucky position of holding this post, it’s important to be aware of the plethora of responsibilities and advantages that come with the job. In this article, we’ve gathered helpful tips and reminders from a variety of sources to create a comprehensive list of what you need to know to make the most of being a department chair.