- Study Advice Article
- Posted 12 years ago
The Economics of Language
In between the common subdisciplines of economics like international or financial economics, lie many much smaller specializations, for example the economics of language. The term “economics of language“ is defined by François Grin, to be “the paradigm of mainstream theoretical economics and uses the concepts and tools of economics in the study of relationships featuring linguistic variables, it focuses principally, but non exclusively, on those relationships in which economic variables also play a part”.
- Blog Post
- Posted 12 years ago
Growth of Econ Research in China
The Tilburg University Economics Ranking Sandbox For anyone that doesn’t know it, the Tilburg University Economics Ranking, which ranks economics departments based on contributions to articles published in any one of 62 (mostly English-language) economics-related journals, is well worth a look.
- Blog Post
- Posted 12 years ago
Free Education to Replace Skyrocketing Tuition Fees?
The cost of education varies enormously depending on what one studies and where. In the last few years, there has been plenty of hype about the ‘Higher Education Bubble,’ brought to the attention of the media by the Economist last year. This phenomena seems to be particularly prominent in the business-oriented fields worldwide and as an overarching situation in the US.
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 12 years ago
Economics: It's not just about the money?
The move from high school to university or college can be a daunting one, often made more difficult by the question ‘what am I going to study.’ This is naturally influenced by personal interests, past experiences, parents, friends, and teachers, but when it comes down to it, it is the student that has to decide what is interesting for them. I have taken a troll around the Internet to see what people have to say in favour of studying economics and come up with some interesting answer.
- Blog Post
- Posted 13 years ago
Can you sell a $20 Bill for $200?
Every year, Max Bazerman, a Harvard Business School professor runs the exact same experiment with his students. In short form, he auctions off a $20 bill but places strict rules on how the betting can take place regulating who pays, and who wins.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 13 years ago
How To Deal With Nervousness During Presentations At a Conference
You've been accepted to give a talk at a conference, you've worked on your presentation, and you're ready to go – now you just need to keep your nerves under control! It's very common to struggle with nervousness when presenting, so consider these tips to help you deal with this.
- Free e-Guide for Recruiters
- Posted 4 years ago
Recruitment during Covid-19
Pandemics the scale of Covid-19 inevitably shake the world. Many institutions are now working hard to adapt their activities to the current restrictions, among them, the mechanics for future recruitment. We have compiled here, some key points to refine your recruitment strategy and offer tips on how to (at least mostly) fulfill recruitment quotas in 2020 and 2021. Download now your guide to receiving exclusive advice in the areas of job recruitment, student recruitment, and conference promotion.
- Ranking
- Posted 4 years ago
The Top Business Books
If you're interested in the world of business, there are a huge number of books written each year on the topic. To help you keep up to date and to identify any interesting books which you might have missed, today we're sharing a list of the top bestselling books in the field of business.
- Ranking
- Posted 4 years ago
The Top Paid Online Econometrics Courses
Been meaning to brush up on your econometric skills, not got round to it, and now worried you won't be able to due to the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic? No fear - there's plenty of studying you can do from the comfort of your own home online. While nothing beats face-to-face interaction between student and teacher, online courses have other advantages, not least being that you can study when you want and at your own pace.
- Ranking
- Posted 4 years ago
Top apps for learning a language
In these weird times, many (though by no means all) of us find ourselves with a lot of time on our hands, stuck at home with not much to do. But actually, there are plenty of things you can get stuck into to keep you busy, and not all of them involve watching ten hours of Netflix a day. We here at INOMICS are big fans of convincing people to learn a language, because we think it's one of the best things you can do for your brain. And the modern world lends itself nicely to this undertaking: technology, downloadable directly to the smartphone, turns your social media device into a potent learning machine. There are a range of language learning apps available, many free, many with paid features, all useful in their own way. What better way to spend the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic?
- Ranking
- Posted 4 years ago
The best ways to learn languages at home
The list of reasons to learn a new language is endless. Not only does it open up a whole other world of culture and history for you, there's a growing body of research which suggests becoming multilingual can help stave off dementia, improve your memory, improve your cognitive control, and even make your happier and boost your pleasure levels. Employers also often say they value bilingual candidates more highly, and much research shows after learning one new language, learning others becomes easier. Research also suggests humans' well-being is closely linked to the achievement of meaningful goals in life, meaning speaking that extra tongue could boost your life satisfaction. Aside from all that, while it can be hard at times, it's really fun!
- Ranking
- Posted 4 years ago
Top Helpful Apps for Economics Students Studying at Home
Technological advancement gives college kids an unprecedented medium for boosting their academic performance with just a few taps on their smartphones. Modernizing and optimizing the studying habits of today’s students, digitalization provides essential tools and techniques which, especially in the current isolated state of affairs, they may not be able to access. Mobile applications for studying are surely novel, but have the benefit of being innovative and finding new ways to help students learn, rather than simply repeating the old tired techniques.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 5 years ago
The Top Jobs in Environmental Economics
If you're a current economics student and you've chosen to specialise in environmental economics, then the good news is that there are a ton of job opportunities in this field. With the growing awareness of environmental issues and concern for sustainability, you can find work in all sorts of areas. But what are some of the specific jobs that you could do as an environmental economist? Today we're looking at possible career paths to give you some ideas about the kind of work which you might like to do once you graduate.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 5 years ago
Opportunity to Provide Expertise at the European Parliament - Interview with Alexandre Mathis
Parliamentary Research Administrator, Alexandre Mathis, kindly sat down with INOMICS to discuss his work and call for applications from economists to help advise on the EU Budget. Alexandre explained to us in more detail what he does and what exactly it is the European Parliament is looking for.
- Ranking
- Posted 5 years ago
Top Highest Paying Graduate Degrees In Social Sciences for 2019
While pursuing a graduate degree is undeniably interesting and challenging, tuition fees and other costs associated with studying have been getting higher and higher over the last decade. This has lead to plenty of students questioning whether the expense in terms of time and money that they will have to put into obtaining a graduate degree is worth it. In a difficult job market, students are less willing to take on large debts to finance their study unless they can be reasonably sure that they will get a well-paying job at the end of it.
- Ranking
- Posted 5 years ago
Top Economics Think Tanks and Research Institutes in Europe
If you're an economist looking for the very best think tanks and research institutes in Europe, look no further, you're in the right place. Here's our top ten list to help you out:
- Recruitment Management
- Posted 5 years ago
How to Offer a Positive Candidate Experience
In today's world, candidates look for the potential to learn, develop and grow. They also seek shared values from the brands or businesses they willing to dedicate their time and skills to - which is why providing the best possible candidate experience process is essential
- Ranking
- Posted 5 years ago
Top Economics Podcasts
Podcasts are a great way not only to enrich your knowledge, but also to look at an already familiar matter from a different perspective. Normally, podcasts are issued in the style of lectures, talks, interviews or just short commentaries, and cover either current economic issues or pure academic topics.
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 6 years ago
Scholarships in Sweden, Denmark and Norway
For those considering options for studying a Bachelor’s, Master’s, or PhD degree, Scandinavia is a tempting location. With a long and rich cultural history, and specialist institutions for a range of academic disciplines, Scandinavian countries are marking out their strengths on the international academic stage.
- Career Advice Article, Ranking
- Posted 6 years ago
The Best Cryptocurrency Conferences in 2019
As we can all envision, the world of cryptocurrency is most decidedly here to stay! Gone are the days of “we’ll just wait to see how things go” as the words Blockchain and Bitcoin more and more common in everyday conversations with both colleagues and friends. But as we look forward to upcoming trends or even attemp to develop a better understanding of cryptocurrencies and how they work, there comes a time when doing a few random Google searches just isn’t going to cut it any more when expanding your business or making an investment. The good news is that online searches, e-books and lunchtime chats no longer have to be your only source for information.