- Planning Your Economics Career
- Posted 1 year ago
What degree do I need to succeed as an economist?
It might be unclear to new students of economics how much schooling is necessary to succeed as an economist. For some careers, a Bachelor’s degree is sufficient. In others, a PhD is a near-necessity. This article will discuss how much education successful economists typically have.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 3 years ago
10 Cualidades Que Definen A Un Buen Economista
Having helped so many economists take their next career step, we at INOMICS know full well how rewarding working in economics can be. When you find that solution you've been looking for, or contribute some research that actually seems to get read and make a difference, it can be the best feeling in the world. But this won't happen unless you work on yourself and the skills that are essential for becoming a successful economist in general.
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- Teaching Economics to Undergraduates
- Posted 3 years ago
Teaching Tips for Teaching Assistants
Being a Teaching Assistant (TA) at a university is rewarding, but also tough, particularly when you’re just starting out and learning the ropes. Perhaps you might appreciate some guidance - roll on INOMICS top tips for econ TAs who are preparing for their first role. Oh, and congratulations by the way!
- Finding a Job
- Posted 4 years ago
Top Career Paths: Financial Economics
If you're working on a degree in economics with a specialisation in finance, or if you're considering doing such a course, then you might be wondering about the career options that it will open to you. Here are some of the top career paths for financial economists.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 6 years ago
Top Career Paths: Health Economics
Are you studying health economics, or thinking about studying it at university? If so, you might want to know what career options you could pursue your health economics degree. Recently we've been sharing a series of articles on top career paths for various specialisations within economics, and today we're looking at health. Read on for more information about where you could work with a degree in health economics.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 6 years ago
Top Career Paths: Economic Law
Continuing our series of posts on top career paths for economists, today we're looking at possible careers for those who want to work in economic law.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 6 years ago
Top Career Paths: Econometrics
Are you studying economics, and wondering what career options are open to you? We're doing a series of articles on career paths for various specialisations in economics, and today we're looking at econometrics. With a degree in econometrics, you could of course go and work in the finance industry or for the government. But there are other options you might not have considered:
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 6 years ago
Top Career Paths: Economic History
For this week's top career paths article, we're looking at the potential careers which are open to those who have studied economic history.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 9 years ago
Tips on Starting Work in a New Field for Your PhD or Postdoc
Starting out a new role as a PhD student or postdoc will often be demanding and involve a steep learning curve. This is especially true if you have moved into a new discipline or field than you have worked in previously. With different approaches to research, learning and assessment than that which you have experienced before, it can take some effort to adjust to a new setting. Below are some tips to ease this transition to help you make the most of your postdoc in a new field.
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 10 years ago
Why and How to Change Fields for Postgraduate Work
Why move to a new field for postgraduate study? Perhaps a topic caught your eye during your undergraduate studies and you always wanted to pursue it further. Perhaps you're confident in your understanding of the essential facts of your field and feel that it's time for a change. Perhaps you want to broaden your skills and gain some variety to your studies. In any case, postgraduate study allows you to delve deeper into topics and to learn more independent research skills. If you're thinking of making a change, read on for advice on how to set yourself up in a new discipline for your postgraduate study.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 6 years ago
Top Career Paths: Economic Systems
One of the great things about studying economics is that it gives you a wide range of skills: from writing to data analysis to critical thinking. With these skills, you are well set for all sorts of different careers. But you might be wondering what the best career path for you is. To help with this, we're producing a series of articles on top career paths for economists. To let you find the right career for your specific skill set, we're breaking the topic down into different specialisations within economics.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
6 Steps To Become a College Professor
1. Publish, publish, publish.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
What Can You Do With a Master’s in Economics?
If you're thinking about doing a master's degree in economics, or you're already studying for one, then you're sure to be interested in the job prospects for economics students. What kind of job can you get with a master's in economics, and in what kind of organisations do graduates end up working? We covered this issue last year, but now we've got new data on the employment of economics students for this year, so we're sharing an updated perspective. Read on to find out more about the kinds of careers which are open to those who have studied a master's in economics.