- AI and the Economy
- Posted 1 year ago
How will the development of AI affect the labor market?
Artificial intelligence appears to be the next truly disruptive technology poised to rock our global economy. In December 2022, ChatGPT-3 made headlines. It represented a leap forward in the capabilities of generative AI technology, pushing conversations about this new tool into the mainstream as people began to question how ChatGPT will affect the economy.
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- Economics Math Help
- Posted 1 year ago
A quick guide to math symbols in economics
Studying economic theories and methods requires an understanding of mathematical symbols. These symbols are used as shorthand to describe theoretical concepts in economics textbooks, theories, and research papers.
- Economist Profiles
- Posted 1 year ago
Dr. Jeffrey M. Wooldridge
Students often learn about important figures in economics only briefly and in passing, yet the content taught in economics courses often comes from brilliant economists such as these.
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- PhD Program
- Posted 1 year ago
New Call for GSSI PhD Applications 2023/24 now open
at GSSI - Gran Sasso Science Institute -
- Planning Your Economics Career
- Posted 1 year ago
What degree do I need to succeed as an economist?
It might be unclear to new students of economics how much schooling is necessary to succeed as an economist. For some careers, a Bachelor’s degree is sufficient. In others, a PhD is a near-necessity. This article will discuss how much education successful economists typically have.
- Into the Economist's Mind
- Posted 1 year ago
The INOMICS Questionnaire: Fratzscher vs. Ditzen
In the INOMICS interview series, Prof. Dr. Marcel Fratzscher asks economists questions about their field, their opinions on economics, some of their favorite things, and more. Today we took the chance to interview Dr. Jan Ditzen, an econometrician with a robust research presence. The interview, named Fratzscher vs. Ditzen (as is tradition), enlightens us on the contributions of Hashem Pesaran, the beauty of mountain scenery, details about econometrics and why its rigor is important for economics, and more.
- Gender Differences in Economics
- Posted 1 year ago
Publication behavior in economics – Reputation, visibility, and the gender gap
In recent times, debates on gender inequality among researchers at universities have emerged, in particular in economics. Even though leading academic societies have addressed these issues already for many years – for example, the American Economic Association has run the “Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession” (CSWEP) since 1971, and the European Economic Association established its “Standing Committee on Women in Economics” (WinE) in 2003 – they appear to be persistent.
- Into the Economist's Mind
- Posted 1 year ago
The INOMICS Questionnaire: Fratzscher vs. Tol
In this article, INOMICS interviews Dr. Richard S.J. Tol, member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) when it was awarded the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize and a researcher at the forefront of economics and climate policy. Dubbed Fratzscher vs. Tol as Prof. Dr. Marcel Fratzscher resumed his role as interviewer, the conversation touches on gender discrimination in economics, the increasing availability of historical data, and how climate policy can clash with economic research.
- Pop Culture
- Posted 1 year ago
The Economics of Star Wars
Star Wars probably needs no introduction here. One of the largest entertainment properties of all time, it has grown far beyond its (humble?) beginnings on the movie screen. Now, we can learn about “a galaxy far, far away” through books, comics, TV series, video games, and more.
- Economist Profiles
- Posted 1 year ago
Dr. Esther Duflo
In this series of articles, INOMICS will highlight the accomplishments of particular economists who have contributed greatly to the field. Students often learn about the great figures in economics only briefly and in passing, but the content taught in economics courses comes from brilliant economists such as these.
- Teaching tips
- Posted 1 year ago
Tips for teaching economics using data
Real-world data in their varied forms are the authentic artifacts through which we observe economic phenomena. Such data can be used in economics courses as part of learning and assessment activities to help students construct economic meaning and develop important employment skills in organizing, interpreting and presenting quantitative data.
- Pop Culture
- Posted 2 years ago
Pop Economics: Economics through the lens of pop culture
So, the economy is in crisis. Well, when is it not? The global economy is becoming like that one histrionic person that is always miserable, in shambles and crying for attention.
- Gender Discrimination
- Posted 2 years ago
The #EconMeToo Movement
We have previously written about the gender pay gap and the leaky pipeline in economics. This article highlights other gender-related issues within the field, particularly around gender-based harassment and discrimination in economics.
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- INOMICS Salary Report
- Posted 2 years ago
The Post-Pandemic Recovery of the Economics Job Market
The outbreak of COVID-19 created a worldwide recession, and many people experienced reduced work hours or unemployment because of it. Economists were not immune from this. In early 2021, INOMICS reported that one third of economists (especially those in the Global South) faced negative impacts on their careers due to the pandemic. Most affected were economists working in the private sector, though economists in the academic sector faced other issues.
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- INOMICS Recommendations
- Posted 2 years ago
Top Professional Training Courses in Economics
Learning shouldn't only be something which you do in school and university – in order to maximize your personal development and career prospects in economics, further education is always valuable online and in-person.
- Study Advice
- Posted 2 years ago
How To Pick A Topic For Your Economics Research Project Or Master's Thesis
One of the biggest and most exciting challenges of a young academic's career is coming up with that first economics research topic. Knowing how much is riding on the decision, it can also be pretty stressful. With so much to consider, we thought it would be easier to break the decision-making process down into some key points. Consideration of each will give you the best chance possible to make sure the topic of your economics Master's thesis is the right one - both for you personally and for your future career. Without further ado, read on for our advice on how to pick a topic for your economics thesis.
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- Economics Terms A-Z
- Posted 2 years ago
Normal Goods & Luxury Goods
- Economics Terms A-Z
- Posted 2 years ago
Inferior Goods & Giffen Goods
- Kick Back With a Film
- Posted 2 years ago
10 More Movies Economists Will Love
Economics touches every aspect of our lives, whether we know it or not. Game theory, statistics and econometrics, politics, government policy, and of course finance are all aspects of economics that affect our daily lives.
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- INOMICS Salary Report
- Posted 2 years ago
The Glass Ceiling and the “Leaky Pipeline” in Economics
The 2022 INOMICS Salary Report allowed us to examine the field of economics across employer types, job positions, and regions. This article continues with our look at gender (in)equality in economics by examining the glass ceiling. Below, we examine this effect in academia (economists employed by universities) and industry (other employer types).
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- INOMICS Salary Report
- Posted 2 years ago
The Gender Ratio in Economics in 2022
In late 2022, the field of economics came under additional scrutiny for its unequal treatment of women. This article will examine the relative share of women in the field of economics, complementing the analysis of our survey data in the INOMICS Salary Report. This is helpful context for other discussions of gender discrimination in economics, as many statistics can be better understood after learning about the distribution of men and women in economics.
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- INOMICS Salary Report
- Posted 2 years ago
The Gender Pay Gap in Economics in 2022
That gaps exist in economists’ pay and career attainment due to gender discrimination is not news. This article will discuss the findings of the 2022 INOMICS Salary Report as they relate to the gender pay gap in economics. Unless stated otherwise, the facts and figures in this article are taken from our 2022 survey data. INOMICS has previously published reports on the gender pay gap, but this is our deepest dive into the topic yet.
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- Seasonal Recruitment
- Posted 2 years ago
How to Recruit Economics Students Over Christmas
While there is a slight slowdown in the immediate period surrounding Christmas and New Year, December is still prime recruitment season and it would be a mistake to wind down your campaigns too early
- Economics Terms A-Z
- Posted 2 years ago
Tragedy of the Commons
- Follow Economists Online
- Posted 2 years ago
30 Top Twitter Feeds in Economics and Finance
Over the years, Twitter has become a useful and prominent tool within the social media fabric, particularly for professionals looking to network and make connections. Many renowned economists use Twitter, and economics researchers often post research updates using the #EconTwitter hashtag.