- Professional Training Course
- (Online)
- Posted 5 years ago
Introduction to Statistical Learning
at Stanford University in États-Unis -
- New Metrics Needed
- Posted 5 years ago
Is it time to bin GDP?
Gross Domestic Product, or GDP, is the market value of all goods and services that a country produces in a given year, adjusted - to make it comparable to previous years - for inflation. In many ways, though, it's transcended this rather prosaic definition. It's become the barometer of a country’s progress, an indicator of a land’s prosperity, and the ultimate yardstick for assessing living standards. When growing (at expected rates), politicians refer to it as proof of the success of their policies. And when rates are not met, or, god forbid, GDP growth slows, it’s weaponised by those for whom it’s politically expedient. It has the power to both elect governments and bring them crashing down. In the theatre of politics, rarely is it anywhere but centre stage.
- Professional Training Course
- (Online)
- Posted 5 years ago
Data, Models, and Applications to Healthcare Analytics
at Stanford University -
- Economics Terms A-Z
- Posted 5 years ago
Le revenu marginal
en de fr it es -
- Cours online
- (Online)
- Posted 5 years ago
Political Economy Certificate
at University of Massachusetts Amherst in États-Unis -
- Gender Inequality
- Posted 5 years ago
Government intervention helps women. We need more of it
The jostling between market and state, and the territory that each occupies, lies at the heart of political discourse. It's the major fault line around which political parties form and debates rage. Despite their uneasy relationship, between them they generally make available all that we need, be it food, a home, healthcare, employment, or education, at varying - and often questionable - quality and cost. The demarcation between the two, rarely ever static, differs widely across states, and speaks to the values of the society in question. What, for instance, can be said of a country whose privatised higher education is financially off limits to its poorer citizens? Is it right to leave the market responsible for people’s health? And what of the provision of childcare?
- Economics Terms A-Z
- Posted 5 years ago
Rareté et choix
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- Economics Term
- Posted 5 years ago
Les barrières commerciales
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- Career Advice Article
- Posted 5 years ago
Dress Code for Economic Conferences: What to Wear and What to Avoid
While you may be used to the daily routine of graduate school or teaching, presenting at a conference, or even just attending one, can be a whole different activity. The preparatory checklist is long enough as it is, without having the added conundrum of worrying about your appearance. If you’re in business school, perhaps you’re used to ironing your button-down shirt and slacks every day, but most academics cringe when they hear the term 'business casual'. But fear not. We, the gracious folks at INOMCS, are here to help.
- Comment
- Posted 5 years ago
The US Economy is Failing Young People
The US economy is improving, so we are told. With the financial crash receding into the distance, almost out of sight, things are looking up, the future is finally brightening. Unemployment reached a 50-year low in 2019, falling to 3.5%, while US employers have added almost 5 million jobs in just two years. These are ‘the best economic numbers our country has ever experienced’, the President declared at Davos, with characteristic humility. And bombast aside, his sentiment is not without foundation, the US economy is posting some good numbers. In addition to jobs, GDP has been growing at close to 3 percent annually, and the Dow Jones has increased by 49% is the last 3 years - all of which is great election fodder for the coming campaign. Democrats should be wary.
- Economics Terms A-Z
- Posted 5 years ago
Elasticité de l'offre par rapport au prix
en de fr it es -
- Economics Terms A-Z
- Posted 5 years ago
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- Economics Term
- Posted 5 years ago
Elasticité de la demande par rapport au prix
en de fr it es -
- Cours complémentaire
- (Online)
- Posted 5 years ago
Microeconomics: An Introduction
at University of Oxford in Royaume-Uni -
- Economics Terms A-Z
- Posted 5 years ago
L’élasticité de la demande par rapport au revenu
en de fr it es -
- Economics terms A-Z
- Posted 5 years ago
Les économies d'échelle
en de fr it es -
- Economics Terms A-Z
- Posted 5 years ago
La loi des rendements marginaux décroissants
en de fr it es -
- Economics Term
- Posted 5 years ago
La perte sèche
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- Economics Term
- Posted 5 years ago
La courbe de la demande
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- Economics Terms A-Z
- Posted 5 years ago
Le coût d'opportunité
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- Economics Terms A-Z
- Posted 5 years ago
L'offre et la demande
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- Economics Terms A-Z
- Posted 5 years ago
Les politiques antitrust
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- Economics Terms A-Z
- Posted 5 years ago
Information Asymétrique
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- Economics Term
- Posted 5 years ago
Ceteris Paribus
en de fr it es -
- Economics Terms A-Z
- Posted 5 years ago
L’élasticité croisée de la demande
en de fr it es