- Career Advice Article
- Posted 10 years ago
Networking in Academia: a How-To Guide
Networking is a concept which is somewhat alien to many academics – you may well have heard how important it is to create an interactive network with other researchers in your field, but it's hard to know how to get started. Some people have a negative view of networking; thinking that it involves being deceptive or finding a way to turn every conversation around to yourself. But it needn't be that way! Successful networking is all about putting you in touch with other like-minded academics or professionals with whom you share interests. These networks help you both by supplying information (for example, finding someone with an expertise in a statistical technique which you are interested in using) and by providing you with a way to share your research (for example, sending your recent publications to other researchers who could find it useful). Networking can be a fun and rewarding way to build up your profile within your discipline.
- Blog Post
- Posted 10 years ago
Academic Horror Stories – 5 Real Life Worst Nightmares for Halloween
In this special Halloween blog post, we aim to give you chills and keep you on the edge of your seat with these blood-curdling academic nightmares.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 11 years ago
Academic Interview Tips
Pursuing an academic career is very different from working in the private sector in many ways, including in terms of the application and recruitment process, even before you start in your first job!
- Fellowship
- Posted 1 year ago
Small Grants Programs: Promoting Economic Initiatives
at Department of State U.S. Mission to South Korea in Republic, United States -
- INOMICS Salary Report
- Posted 6 years ago
Salary Gap Between Positions in Academia Slowly Narrowing
The following is an analysis of data taken from the INOMICS Salary Report 2018 - downloadable for registered users here. Specifically, it looks at the average salaries of PhDs, Post-Docs, and Full Professors, working in economics over the last 5 years, in the U.S, the U.K, Germany, and Italy. It is the 4th instalment in a series of insights handling the Report’s findings.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 6 years ago
The United States Remains the Highest Paying Country for Working Economists
The following is an analysis of data taken from the INOMICS Salary Report 2018 - downloadable for registered users here. Specifically, it looks at the average salaries of economists working in academia and the private sector across the world.
- Blog Post
- Posted 6 years ago
The Higher the Academic Qualification the Higher the Wage
The question of how far to proceed within academia, and subsequently, where to ply one’s trade when done, is, and will always be a tricky one. In times of widespread austerity, this quandary is further complicated by a general job climate of increased precariousness, falling wages, and diminished social security - rarely before has financial planning for the future held such significance. It is for this purpose, the elucidation of the conditions of the global economics job market, that we at INOMICS compiled our 2018 Salary Report – downloadable for registered users here. With over 2000 participants from across the world, the Report serves as an invaluable resource, detailing the remuneration one can expect in academia or the private sector depending on one’s level of qualification. It also outlines the direction current salary trends seem to be headed, permitting prospective students to judge how ‘cost-effective’ future degrees are likely to be, thus making the best-informed career decisions possible.
- Ranking
- Posted 8 years ago
5 Apps That Every Conference Attendee Needs to Have
When you're getting ready to head off to your conference, don't forget to load up your phone while you're packing your suitcase and planning your travel. There are tons of apps which can add all sorts of great features to your phone, and they can be useful for professional work as well as for fun. Here are our tips for 5 must-have apps for conference goers to make your conference experience as smooth and easy as possible.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
6 Steps To Become a College Professor
1. Publish, publish, publish.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
Tips on How to Write an Academic Peer Review for Journals
Peer review is one of the cornerstones of academic progress, and it's vital that papers are reviewed by a knowledgeable party before they are published, in order to maintain quality. You see lots of advice for authors of papers, but rather less for peer reviewers. If you've been asked to review a paper, here are some tips on how to do a great job and to provide a review which is helpful to the editors and authors.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 9 years ago
5 Apps That Every Professor Needs to Know
There are lots of technological tools available to help support professors in their teaching, research, and administration. But these tools aren't just for your home computer – there are lots of apps for mobile devices which can be useful in university life too. We've covered top apps for students before, and today we're listing some of the best mobile apps for professors.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 9 years ago
Unique alternatives to PowerPoint for your presentations
When you're presenting your work to an academic audience, you want to make sure that your talk is as exciting and engaging as possible. One way to do this is to work on your slides; using something more interesting and original than standard PowerPoint. Today we're recommending some of the best alternatives to PowerPoint to make your presentation truly unique.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 9 years ago
For-profit universities: How to avoid "diploma mill" institutions
As an academic, you may feel somewhat insulated from the profit-driven business world. Certainly, academia has traditionally been regarded as an enclave separated from corporate concerns over profits; one which is supported by governments and individuals and focuses on teaching and research rather than on making money. However, with the huge growth of the education industry over the last few decades, institutions have necessarily become more corporate.
- Blog Post
- Posted 10 years ago
10 Ways to Use a Selfie Stick in Academia
“Selfie” was declared a word of the year in 2013 as a result of a seventeen thousand per cent increase in usage. But selfies have, arguably, shifted from being the product of a purely narcissistic act to that of a normalised cultural phenomenon – even celebrities and politicians indulge in the not-so-occasional self-portrait.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 10 years ago
How to Enhance the Impact of Your Research
While we all know the importance of publishing widely in terms of moving forward in an academic career, what is sometimes left out of the discussion is how to make sure that your research has an actual impact in the community it is addressing, or in the world at large. If you would like your research to be read beyond the gates of the ivory tower, you need to know how to effectively promote yourself and your work.
- Recruiter Advice Article
- Posted 10 years ago
Budget Cuts in the UK: Experienced and Expected Changes in Academic Institutions
Last year, we conducted a global survey of nearly 800 academics, asking questions about budget cuts at their respective institutions for fiscal year 2013, and their expectations for 2014. We wanted to get a sense of the climate around the world in terms of who is still being affected by the economic downturn, and to what extent, in order to better grasp the daily reality for both employers and job seekers.
- Blog Post
- Posted 11 years ago
Economists and Social Media
* The original article was published in the INOMICS Customer Newsletter. Click here to subscribe.