- Study Advice Article
- Posted 4 years ago
Why do a PhD?
Taking the step towards doing a PhD is a big decision, and one that shouldn't be made without the proper research and consideration. Once taken, however, it can be an extremely valuable experience and one that can set you up nicely in the future. Here we consider some of the things you should definitely think about before taking the plunge.
- Political Thought
- Posted 4 years ago
A Critique of Centrism
The current moment is one defined by crisis. It can be found everywhere: in the climate, economy, mental health, even in democracy. It’s so ubiquitous as to have almost become the new norm. Amid the chaos, politics has struggled to keep up, its landscape is in permanent shift, its rulebook long thrown away. New formations have emerged, metastasized, sometimes died, and occasionally taken over - developments often surprising and hard to make sense of. What’s clear, though, is that polarisation has set in. From Bernie to Bolsanaro, from Modi to Make America Great Again, the voices now heard, the names that fill newspaper columns, are reminding us just how wide the political spectrum is. For many, it's a terrifying prospect, for others, it’s a thrilling and necessary reset. For the centre, as developments in the US and UK are showing, it may well spell death.
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- Ranking
- Posted 4 years ago
Top Free Online Courses in Statistics and Data Analysis
There are now more online learning options than ever, including courses which are - thank you Internet - absolutely free. Whether you want to prepare for your upcoming university course, need to pick up some extra skills to help with your job, or you are just interested in a subject and want to learn more, there will be an online course out there that can help you achieve your goals. Particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, which has forced many of us to spend more time indoors and less time on campus or at evening classes, online courses can be a great way to carry on your education while minimising risk. Here are some of the best the internet has to offer in the area of statistics and data analysis.
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- Digital Resources for Teaching and Learning Econometrics
- Posted 4 years ago
Improving Fundamentals of Econometrics with Online Practice Tests
A new initiative from Hamburg University, Universität Potsdam, and the Berlin School of Economics is helping economics students get ahead in the fundamentals of econometrics. The online tool mcEmpirics offers econometrics practice tests for students and is now being rolled out for whole economics departments with new campus-licenses. Especially with the challenges of remote teaching resulting from the ongoing global pandemic, mcEmpirics is gaining notice as a digital solution for economics students and teachers worldwide.
- A Heavyweight Clash
- Posted 4 years ago
Capitalism vs Socialism
As claims go, Francis Fukuyama’s insistence that history’s run its course has aged rather badly. The ascent of China, the Great Recession, spiralling inequality across the West, and now COVID-19, have all, in their own way, undermined his notion that capitalist liberal democracy is the political endgame. If anything, political choice seems to be expanding. People are increasingly being offered the opportunity to continue with capitalism, occasionally of the nativist variety and sometimes strictly neoliberal, or, alternatively, to try a little socialism.
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- INOMICS Salary Report 2020
- Posted 4 years ago
How COVID-19 has Affected Economists in the Global North and South
The damage wrought by COVID, far from equalising, has been pointedly prejudiced. While the virus itself may struggle to differentiate between people, the world in which it operates has no such problem. Indeed, its structures have ensured COVID’s disruption of employment has fallen unevenly across regions - the experience of economists a case in point. Data from the forthcoming INOMICS’ Salary Report speaks to this directly, revealing the relationship between where one works - specifically in which country - and the level of vocational dislocation.
- Home Office and Uncertainty
- Posted 4 years ago
COVID-19: The Economists' Experience
That the world of work has radically changed we know, we see it before our eyes: kitchens have replaced offices; pajamas, suits; and housemates often now fill the space previously occupied by colleagues. But how have these changes - and others - been felt by economists around the world? Through a textual analysis undertaken in the INOMICS Salary Survey, we answer that question and, in doing so, paint an anecdotal picture of economists’ COVID experience.
- Multichannel Promotion
- Posted 4 years ago
Why you should be using a multi-channel marketing approach
Multi-channel marketing is the practice of interacting with customers by using a combination of direct and indirect communication channels such as websites, online and offline catalogues, email, direct mail, mobile, messaging apps, social media, etc. Multi-channel marketing has been heavily used mostly in the retail industry by enabling customers to buy a product or service by using the communication channel of their preference. However this approach can also be very effective in the recruitment industry.
- Ranking
- Posted 4 years ago
The Best Microeconomic Books
Anyone in the midst of their undergraduate degree will know of the two main tenets of economics: micro and macro. If you’re looking for the best macroeconomic books, you can head over to our article on that topic, because in this piece, we’ll be going through some of the most useful and interesting microeconomic books which will help you get up to speed on all of the fundamentals of the discipline. And remember, these books aren’t only for students - laypeople who are interested in the subject can also benefit from picking up one of these tomes. And what better time to do some reading than when stuck inside during the pandemic?
- Ranking
- Posted 4 years ago
The Top Macroeconomics Books
If you’re currently in the throes of an undergrad degree in economics, or even if you’re just a layman looking to brush up on your macroeconomic knowledge, it’s essential you have the right literature to help you keep up to date. There are plenty of textbooks out there which purport to be the best way to get to grips with the discipline, but some are, naturally, better than others. On top of that, there are plenty of more popular economics books which deal with a specific topic in more detail. So without further ado, INOMICS brings you the list of the best books on macroeconomics.
- Finding a Job
- Posted 4 years ago
Top Career Paths: Financial Economics
If you're working on a degree in economics with a specialisation in finance, or if you're considering doing such a course, then you might be wondering about the career options that it will open to you. Here are some of the top career paths for financial economists.
- We Stand Divided
- Posted 4 years ago
The Effects of Inequality on Society
Inequality is rampant, we hardly need telling. Rarely does the print media pass up an opportunity to remind us. We stand inundated by an endless stream of statistics – on scales barely fathomable – each one more depressing than the last. For instance, it’s widely known that: ‘8% of humanity takes home 50% of global income’; that ‘the top 1% own 45% of the world’s wealth’; and how could we forget that ‘the 26 richest people on earth had the same net worth as the poorest half’. As shocking as these stats once were, they’re now dishearteningly familiar; we can recite them unassisted; we are numb to them.
- Tools and Resources
- Posted 4 years ago
What is Innovation Economics?
Innovation Economics is a branch of economics that focuses on (rather predictably) innovation, alongside the study of technology, knowledge, and entrepreneurship. It aims to understand where new ideas come from, and how we can put forward policies which will encourage the development of new ways of thinking. As many nations move away from an industrial model of production and towards a knowledge-based economy, the economics of innovation becomes more and more relevant. Although it is a fairly new field, innovation economics has risen to prominence quickly over the last few years. The following is a list of links and resources to help teach you and keep you up to date on all the latest developments in innovation economics.
- Blog Post
- Posted 4 years ago
Sudden Delivery Disruptions Due to Pandemic Will Not Go Away Any Time Soon
At the end of 2020, chaos in the transport industry ensued after many European countries, including France, decided to ban all travel from the UK. The reason was the rapid outbreak of a new COVID-19 strand. Ultimately, the industry was not ready for such a turn of events. It is incredibly difficult to prepare for what came to pass: in the morning everything started as usual, and then a few hours later, all change and a 180-degree turn.
- INOMICS Salary Report 2020
- Posted 4 years ago
COVID-19 and the Effect on Female Employment and the Gender Pay Gap
Less than a year on from COVID’s genome sequencing, vaccination programs are being rolled out around the world. And while the pandemic is far from over, it would appear we’re approaching its endgame, arriving there faster than anyone dared hope. The previous fastest ever vaccine to be developed was for Mumps - and that took four years.
- Economics Terms A-Z
- Posted 4 years ago
Bertrand Competition
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- Career Advice
- Posted 4 years ago
Jobs for Economists in the Government: The Right Career to Consider?
When discussing jobs in the government, the type of work that comes to mind is most likely influenced by your particular background. In countries in which large segments of the economy are nationalized, it’s possible to become a civil servant in nearly any field. In other places, your options might be more limited.
- Testing Times
- Posted 4 years ago
4 Tips For Oral Exams
So you've coming up to exam season? Maybe you've already sat your written exams, and the only one left is the oral. Oral exams can be an daunting experience for students, so today we're sharing some advice on how to get through an oral exam with as little pain as possible.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 4 years ago
The Top Jobs in Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics
Studying macroeconomics, as many INOMICS users have done, opens doors to countless different jobs down the line. Companies are always looking for people who understand a bit about the world and how it functions, particularly when it comes to economics, remaining, as it does, one of the most revered disciplines of the age (for better or worse). If you have specialised in a particular area of economics, then you can use this information to narrow down your options to the kind of roles which will best fit your skills and interests. And there are, perforce, plenty of options available even once you have isolated your particular skillset. Here we've listed the top jobs that specialisation in macroeconomics and monetary economics will make available to you!
- Economics Terms A-Z
- Posted 4 years ago
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- INOMICS Salary Report 2020
- Posted 4 years ago
How Has the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Affected the Academic Sector?
Although we’ve been told time and again that the pandemic doesn’t care about who you are, in reality it hasn’t affected everyone equally. Senior Editor William Pearse has already written about how COVID-19 has been harder on those from ethnic minorities and on poorer communities in the UK.
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- INOMICS Salary Report 2020
- Posted 4 years ago
How has the Economics Job Market Been Affected by the Coronavirus? - Salary Report Introduction
In 2020, INOMICS once again carried out its salary survey, examining the state and health of the economics profession worldwide. As in previous years, the survey considered pay, sector, seniority, location, gender and educational background. Our 2020 survey was launched in the spring as cases of coronavirus began to increase exponentially around the world. Consequently, we added new questions related to the coronavirus pandemic to assess the effect of the crisis on economists and economics students.
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- The Freight Shipping Industry
- Posted 4 years ago
Who is Responsible for a Shipping Vessel? Ownership and Scrapping
The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) stipulates that the primary responsibility for vessels lies with the flag state of the vessel. Consequently, this means that each merchant vessel must be registered under the flag of a specific state. The flag state of the vessel is responsible for the inspection of the vessel and compliance with safety, pollution prevention, crew certification and international standards.
- Preparing for Your Conference
- Posted 4 years ago
5 Books You Should Read Before a Conference
Networking is one of the most important parts of a conference, but lots of people find it hard to engage with other people. At conferences it's even more difficult: you're talking with so many people, many of whom are successful businesspeople or established academics.
- Personal Stories
- Posted 4 years ago
The Benefits of an Economics Background for an Engineer
Ever since I was a kid, I dreamed of becoming an engineer. From playing with LEGO to being an active member of my high-school robotics team, I loved building things and breaking them down to learn how they worked. This being said, I have kept an open mind about a position in management down the road and from this perspective it was important to me to prepare for a career in both business and engineering. My answer: a dual degree program whereby I completed a BA in economics alongside a BSc in Mechanical Engineering.
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