- Santa Claus is Coming to Town
- Posted 3 months ago
Die 10 besten Weihnachtsgeschenk-Ideen für Ökonomen
The holiday season is coming and Christmas is just around the corner. If you want to avoid buying presents for the holidays in a panic, you had better get to planning the gifts you'll be giving.
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- Ein Leitfaden für Anfänger
- Posted 10 months ago
Wie Du Deinen ersten Job überlebst
It’s your first day at work and you’re nervous, naturally. You decide to quickly remember the journey that brought you to the computer screen you are now looking at. Many INOMICS readers will relate to this journey.
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- Teaching Economics to Undergraduates
- Posted 3 years ago
Teaching Tips for Teaching Assistants
Being a Teaching Assistant (TA) at a university is rewarding, but also tough, particularly when you’re just starting out and learning the ropes. Perhaps you might appreciate some guidance - roll on INOMICS top tips for econ TAs who are preparing for their first role. Oh, and congratulations by the way!
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 3 years ago
Muster eines akademischen Anschreibens
When applying for an academic position as a researcher, lecturer, or for a fellowship, a cover letter is usually required to accompany your CV or resume. Stating your particular interest in the role, and showing how your academic and work experience enables you to excel at the job, is the aim of a successful cover letter. They can be one of the most important parts of your application, giving the recipient an idea of who you are and what your relevant expertise is. Essentially, it's the first impression an institution will have of you, so it's important to get it right.
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- Make it Count
- Posted 3 years ago
How to Give a Great Academic Presentation
Whether you’re a graduate student giving a presentation for a course or a researcher presenting at a conference, being able to give an engaging and well-prepared presentation is a valuable skill for anyone in academia – in COVID times it is invaluable. Today, hardly a talk is given without an accompanying PowerPoint presentation full of flashy graphs, images, exploding sub-titles, and often far too many bullet points.
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- Eine Blaupause für Erfolg
- Posted 3 years ago
Tipps für eine erfolgreiche PhD-Bewerbung
Whether you are applying to a structured program like those typically found in the United States, an independent research PhD like those in much of Europe and elsewhere, or a hybrid of the two, the first step is to gather your thoughts (and paperwork) in an effort to convince the admissions board that you are the most qualified and motivated candidate for the position.Regardless of location or discipline, your application will almost certainly include a personal statement, transcripts, copies of your previous degrees and letters of recommendation. If you plan to start your PhD application this autumn, download our free guide "How to successfully apply to a PhD in Economics".
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- Testing Times
- Posted 4 years ago
4 Tips For Oral Exams
So you've coming up to exam season? Maybe you've already sat your written exams, and the only one left is the oral. Oral exams can be an daunting experience for students, so today we're sharing some advice on how to get through an oral exam with as little pain as possible.
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 4 years ago
Letters of Reference for UK University Applications
Regardless of where you are applying, nearly every course requires at least one, if not two or three letters of reference. Such documents are sometimes also referred to as letters of recommendation. In general, it is best for reference letters to be written by professors with whom you have worked closely, so they can offer detailed insight into you and your work.
- Scholarships
- Posted 4 years ago
How to Apply for a Master’s Scholarship
Everyone wants to be admitted to a top university in their favorite location. Potential reputation among employers, high quality of education and the potential boost that they can represent for a professional career make top universities the first priority of thousands of students around the world. One factor makes the decision tough, however: the potential cost it can represent for the student budget. For this reason, it is always good to look into scholarships, whether from the university itself or from a foundation.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 5 years ago
Tips For Students: How To Find A Part-Time/Student Job To Finance Your Studies
Given the highly competitive nature of funding opportunities and the ever-increasing cost of higher education, a part-time job is seemingly an unavoidable part of the student experience. Whether it be to earn some more money to put towards tuition fees, or the cost of living expenses or even having a little aside for entertainment and leisure activities, students find themselves increasingly obliged to find a part-time job whilst at university.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 5 years ago
How to Write a Cover Letter: Five Steps to Success
Whether you’re still a student, a recent graduate, or already years into your career, mastering the art of cover letter writing is useful at every level. In one form or another, cover letters are a required component of applications to jobs, study programs, conferences, scholarships and many other important opportunities along your career path.
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 6 years ago
Tips for Improving your Economics PhD Motivation Letter
If you're writing a motivation letter to apply for a PhD in economics, then follow these tips to increase your chances of success. If you plan to start your PhD application this autumn, download our free guide "How to successfully apply to a PhD in Economics".
- Summer School
- Posted 6 years ago
Applying to Summer School and How To Make The Most out of Your Summer School Experience
If you're interested in attending a summer school this year, now is the time to start planning. Deadlines are approaching soon, so check out our series of posts on the top summer schools by discipline to find the best summer school opportunities in your subject. Here are some of the ways that you can make the most out of your summer school experience, during both the application period and once the course actually starts.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
Attending An Academic Conference: 5 Tips To Consider
If you're attending an academic conference for the first time, it can be a rather overwhelming experience! Follow these five tips to make your conference trip as smooth and productive possible.
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
10 Tips for a Successful Start to Your New Academic Year
The new academic year is about to begin, so follow these ten tips for a successful start to the year!
- PhD in Germany
- Posted 8 years ago
10 Things To Know Before You Start a PhD in Germany
If you are looking for a PhD studies in economics, Germany is a great option. The high quality of education available, combined with free tuition fees at public universities, makes it an attractive destination when looking for opportunities to do your doctoral research in economics.
- How to teach Article , Career Advice Article, Advice
- Posted 9 years ago
Teaching for varying class sizes
When you're teaching, it's important to find a way to engage with all of your students, to keep their interest and to make sure that they understand the information that you're conveying to them. However, the size of a class can make a huge difference to what teaching methods are most appropriate and effective.
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 9 years ago
Enrolled at University? Now just where to live?
INOMICS has partnered with Uniplaces to help students find accommodation. This means that on articles related to student accommodation or housing, we may make some money if a user clicks through to an affiliate link and makes a qualifying purchase. However, these posts are not sponsored posts.INOMICS users gain a 15% discount on the Uniplaces Service Fee at the time of booking payment (the discount of your promo code must be entered in the payment session before sending the reservation request). Use the promo code: UP15INOMICS.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 9 years ago
Working as a researcher in a company vs university: Social Sciences
For graduates of the social sciences, there is a wide range of career possibilities open. For people who are curious, self-motivated, and capable of both good organisation and creative thinking, research can be an extremely rewarding career.
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 9 years ago
Tips For Dealing With Language Issues When Studying Abroad
One big challenge for students who are studying internationally is dealing with language issues. If the native language of the country in which you're studying is not your own native language, it can be difficult to make the most of your studies. However, it can also be a fun opportunity to learn a new language and to pick up new language skills. Today we're offering some tips on dealing with language issues when studying abroad.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 9 years ago
How To Find A PhD Supervisor
When planning to pursue a PhD, one of the most important decisions you must make is to choose a supervisor for your project. A supervisor supports you and advises you in your research, helps you with your career development (for example by introducing you to relevant people in your field and suggesting conferences that you should attend), and provides encouragement to you throughout your PhD. Your supervision will be the most important academic relationship of your PhD years, so it's vital to find someone who fits your research interests and personality well. Below we'll share some tips for helping you to find the best supervisor for your project. If you plan to start your PhD application this autumn, download our free guide "How to successfully apply to a PhD in Economics".
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 9 years ago
Tips on Starting Work in a New Field for Your PhD or Postdoc
Starting out a new role as a PhD student or postdoc will often be demanding and involve a steep learning curve. This is especially true if you have moved into a new discipline or field than you have worked in previously. With different approaches to research, learning and assessment than that which you have experienced before, it can take some effort to adjust to a new setting. Below are some tips to ease this transition to help you make the most of your postdoc in a new field.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 9 years ago
Networking in Academia: a How-To Guide
Networking is a concept which is somewhat alien to many academics – you may well have heard how important it is to create an interactive network with other researchers in your field, but it's hard to know how to get started. Some people have a negative view of networking; thinking that it involves being deceptive or finding a way to turn every conversation around to yourself. But it needn't be that way! Successful networking is all about putting you in touch with other like-minded academics or professionals with whom you share interests. These networks help you both by supplying information (for example, finding someone with an expertise in a statistical technique which you are interested in using) and by providing you with a way to share your research (for example, sending your recent publications to other researchers who could find it useful). Networking can be a fun and rewarding way to build up your profile within your discipline.
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 9 years ago
Tips on Studying Abroad in Spain at the Master's Level
Even if you are not interested in earning a full graduate degree in Spain, there are many alternatives for spending time there as a student. Spain is one of the most popular destination countries for students spending a summer, semester or full year abroad. At the Master’s level, you have a number of different options available to you, which we will outline in this article.
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 9 years ago
Why and How to Change Fields for Postgraduate Work
Why move to a new field for postgraduate study? Perhaps a topic caught your eye during your undergraduate studies and you always wanted to pursue it further. Perhaps you're confident in your understanding of the essential facts of your field and feel that it's time for a change. Perhaps you want to broaden your skills and gain some variety to your studies. In any case, postgraduate study allows you to delve deeper into topics and to learn more independent research skills. If you're thinking of making a change, read on for advice on how to set yourself up in a new discipline for your postgraduate study.