- What You Need to Know
- Posted 2 years ago
A Post-PhD Career in Research: Jack of all Trades, Master of Some
Our favorite caricature of a post-doctoral researcher: a frail man (or woman) with unkempt hair, hunched in front of a computer screen, with a half-filled cup of coffee by his side. As the coffee gets colder and time flies by, he appears oblivious to his surroundings. He is happy spending long hours at his desk conceptualizing arcane theory on obscure topics the real world does not care about. He is in a state of eternal "tapasya" – meditating on his eternal love-affair with knowledge…because life is an eternal quest for knowledge! Or, so the world believes. Once the PhD has been completed, and freshly-minted researchers decide that research is what they would like to do for the rest of their lives, their friends and family might start assuming that a Doctor of Philosophy is just another armchair intellectual.
- Weighing Up the Options
- Posted 3 years ago
The Pros and Cons of a Career in Research
Soon after the completion of a Master's degree or PhD, everybody is faced with the big question: what next? Although it may seem like a natural progression to continue with further research, there are many other careers open to academics in business, education, communications and journalism, to name but a few examples. So how do you know if research is the right career choice for you? Well, like with most big decisions, a good way of figuring it out is to weigh the pros and cons of an academic career.
- Career Advice
- Posted 4 years ago
Jobs for Economists in the Government: The Right Career to Consider?
When discussing jobs in the government, the type of work that comes to mind is most likely influenced by your particular background. In countries in which large segments of the economy are nationalized, it’s possible to become a civil servant in nearly any field. In other places, your options might be more limited.
- A Career in Economics
- Posted 4 years ago
Additional Courses to Improve Your Prospects in a Career in Economics
If you're doing an economics degree and thinking about ways to maximise your career prospects once you graduate, there are lots of courses outside the realm of economics for you to choose from.
- Making Money With Your Degree
- Posted 4 years ago
High-Salary Career Options for Economists
Before you start considering what crazy lucrative job you are going to get with your economics degree, consider this fact: a lot of rich people don’t like their money. Many complain about not knowing what to do with it all, yet simultaneously having huge anxiety they’ll lose it. They moan about their friends treating them like walking bank accounts, being judged for not looking the part, and no longer being able to visit - how to put it delicately? - less refined establishments. Many work like dogs in jobs they don’t find fulfilling to top up the coffers, only to realise they never have any time to have fun with it. And all jokes aside, some studies suggest that, while earning more money than the national average does improve life satisfaction, once you get past a certain salary threshold, money stops making you any happier. (Depending on where you live, this is around $100,000.)
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 5 years ago
Non-Profit Sector: Job Options for an Economist
You know that there are a ton of career prospects open to someone who has studied economics, spanning from academia and the finance industry, all the way to management consulting. A big advantage of studying economics is that it gives you a skill set which is applicable and transferrable to many different fields. One particular area of work open to economists is the non-profit sector. Many are drawn to this sector for social reasons; the desire to make a positive impact on the world. It is a highly admirable area to work in, and something that we at INOMICS massively endorse! So, what kind of non-profit jobs are actually available to economists? Here are our suggestions that may be applicable to you.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 6 years ago
Top Career Paths: Public Economics and Economic Policy
If you're doing a degree in economics with a specialisation in public economics or economic policy, you might be thinking about what career you would eventually like to pursue. Here below are some of the top careers paths for graduates in this area. For a comprehensive list of available jobs check our jobs section.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 6 years ago
Top Career Paths: Labour and Demographic Economics
Are you a labour or demographic economist wondering about the career options which are open to you? Then you should consider these jobs.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 6 years ago
Top Career Paths: Econometrics
Are you studying economics, and wondering what career options are open to you? We're doing a series of articles on career paths for various specialisations in economics, and today we're looking at econometrics. With a degree in econometrics, you could of course go and work in the finance industry or for the government. But there are other options you might not have considered:
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 6 years ago
Top Career Paths: Economic History
For this week's top career paths article, we're looking at the potential careers which are open to those who have studied economic history.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 7 years ago
What To Expect And How To Prepare For The Assessment Centre - A Guide For Economists
When you are applying for jobs as a graduate economist, as part of the application process you may be asked to attend an assessment centre. Assessment centres are a tool commonly used in recruitment for government jobs or for joining large companies with extensive graduate recruitment schemes. Typically, you will be invited to attend such a centre after a preliminary interview and before a final decision is made.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 7 years ago
What to Do With Your Economics Degree: Career Paths for An Economist
What kind of jobs can you get with an economics degree? Today we're considering five possible careers for economics graduates and the pros and cons of each.
- Recruiter Advice Article
- Posted 9 years ago
Recruitment for Academic Positions: Timing & Strategy
Applying for an academic job, like in most other professions, requires a long and sometimes exhausting process of applications and interviews. And like in every other profession, every applicant wants to be as efficient as possible and quickly succeed in getting his or her dream job with as little effort and fuss as possible.
- Fellowship
- Posted 1 year ago
DoD Peer Reviewed Cancer, Career Development Award
Starts 1 Jun at Department of Defense Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA in États-Unis -
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 5 years ago
The Top Jobs in Environmental Economics
If you're a current economics student and you've chosen to specialise in environmental economics, then the good news is that there are a ton of job opportunities in this field. With the growing awareness of environmental issues and concern for sustainability, you can find work in all sorts of areas. But what are some of the specific jobs that you could do as an environmental economist? Today we're looking at possible career paths to give you some ideas about the kind of work which you might like to do once you graduate.
- Recruiting Advice
- Posted 6 years ago
Recruitment Trends: Interviews with Top Employers
We spoke to top hiring managers Kalpana Kochhar, Director of Human Resources Department at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Jordi Roca Solanelles, Head Manager of the University of Barcelona’s School of Economics (UB) and Professor Dr Florian Englmaier, Professor for Organisational Economics as the Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich (LMU), to discover what challenges economics post-graduates should expect from prospective careers in some of the biggest institutions around.
- Looking Forward
- Posted 6 years ago
A Career in Microeconomics
Microeconomics is one of the most prominent subfields of economics and is one which many people studying economics find themselves drawn to. But if you are studying economics now and you decide to specialise in microeconomics, what kind of career options would be open to you? To assist you in planning your career, we're listing some of the top career paths for different economics specialisations, and today we're looking at the top career paths for specialists in microeconomics.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
6 Steps To Become a College Professor
1. Publish, publish, publish.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
How Can Social Media Help Researchers In Their Career Development?
Nowadays it's almost expected for academics to be active on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook. For a generation who grew up with internet technology as a part of their lives, it's natural that young academics would share their thoughts on academia with an online audience. There are distinct advantages for academics in making use of social media too, for career goals as well as personal fulfilment. If you're wondering whether your online profile is in need of an update, here are a few reasons to consider expanding your online presence to make greater use of social media.
- Ranking
- Posted 8 years ago
Top 10 Finance Employers
What kind of jobs are open to recent graduates in finance? What are some of the biggest employers in this field? We're answering these questions with our list of 10 of the top employers for finance.
- Looking to the Future
- Posted 8 years ago
Top 10 Economics Employers
We're listed ten of the top employers for economists, to give you some ideas about what jobs might be available to you once you graduate.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
Energy Sector: Possible Careers
As businesses and individuals become more aware of climate change and environmental issues, a stronger focus is being put on the ways in which we use resources – especially energy. A whole industry has grown which supports the production and management of energy resources, as well as advising companies on how they can become more energy-efficient. With the growth of this industry, new career paths have opened up from many fields which are related to energy research or consumption.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
What Can You Do With a Master’s in Economics?
If you're thinking about doing a master's degree in economics, or you're already studying for one, then you're sure to be interested in the job prospects for economics students. What kind of job can you get with a master's in economics, and in what kind of organisations do graduates end up working? We covered this issue last year, but now we've got new data on the employment of economics students for this year, so we're sharing an updated perspective. Read on to find out more about the kinds of careers which are open to those who have studied a master's in economics.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 9 years ago
How to find an internship for 2016
An internship can be a great opportunity for you to get experience in the working world and to learn the skills you'll need in order to find a job once you graduate. But with so many students looking for internship opportunities, there can be fierce competition for the best internships and it can be hard to find the right setting for you. You want to make sure that the internship you choose gives you useful real-world training and the chance to get to know people working in your field and to network with prospective employers. A good internship can go a long way to selling your CV to employers once you have graduated and started job hunting. Internships are clearly important, but how can you find the one which is right for you? Today we're discussing how to find the internship you want for 2016.
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 12 years ago
Graduates in Economics: Statistics (UK example)
What happens to economics students once they complete their first degree? Here is a snapshot of economics graduates’ activities detailing their occupation six months after graduation.