- INOMICS Recommendations
- Posted 4 weeks ago
Top Summer Schools in Economics 2025
Whether you want to learn about a new topic, to brush up on your skills, or to meet more people in your economics field, summer schools are an ideal opportunity for you. Many reputable universities run intensive but stimulating summer courses that give students the chance to increase their academic standing.
- INOMICS-Empfehlungen
- Posted 1 month ago
Top PhD-Programme in Wirtschaftswissenschaften
If you're looking to choose an economics PhD program, it's important to consider options that match your research interests, career goals, and personal goals. Below is a selection of some of the best PhD programs in economics that are offered by European universities, to help you find the right postgraduate program for you.
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- INOMICS-Empfehlungen
- Posted 7 months ago
Beste Masterstudiengänge in Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Choosing your master's program is a big decision – with so many courses available, how can you find the right one for you? We're here to help by sharing a selection of great master's programs that you can find on INOMICS.
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- INOMICS Recommendations
- Posted 2 years ago
Top Professional Training Courses in Economics
Learning shouldn't only be something which you do in school and university – in order to maximize your personal development and career prospects in economics, further education is always valuable online and in-person.
- Rangliste
- Posted 2 years ago
Die Nützlichsten Apps für Wirtschaftsstudenten
Your phone is one of the most useful tools you’ve got. Using the technology accessible to us is a great way to keep abreast of economics research, enhance studying, and remain up-to-date with economics-related news. Most of the apps listed below are available on tablets too, so you can download them on whichever device is more appropriate for you.
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- The INOMICS Handbook
- Posted 3 years ago
The 2021 INOMICS Awards
Now in their fifth year, the INOMICS Awards remain unique in their celebration of institutions committed to the career development of economists worldwide. The awards recognise the universities, research centres, economics schools, banks, think tanks, and government and private institutions which listed their career and study opportunities on INOMICS in 2020, and were the most popular among our users.
- Study Advice Article, Career Advice Article, Advice, Other Teaching Resource, Ranking
- Posted 3 years ago
Die besten internationalen Economics Fachjournale
Whether you are a seasoned researcher or a new economics student, it pays to know which journals are the most prestigious and well-known for certain topics. They can help you find the right papers for a literature review, stay on top of the latest research in the field, and even help you set your own publishing goals.
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- Teaching Aids
- Posted 3 years ago
10 Great Resources to Help Teach Economics
Teaching in any capacity, let alone in economics, can be a daunting prospect: the prepping, marking, not to mention the actual teaching. It’s hard work. This reality is most acutely felt when you are starting out or moving institutions and having to settle in somewhere new. In both instances, the pressure and workload can feel intense. That is why it's useful – if not essential – to be aware of all the support that's out there, most of which – conveniently – is free and accessible online. So, without further ado, here are ten of our favourite tools for helping teach economics.
- Advice, Teaching Tool Resource, Ranking
- Posted 3 years ago
Die besten Open-Source-Softwares für das Erstellen von ökonomischen Grafiken
A great way to make your presentations or papers slick and memorable is to improve your graphs and diagrams. The standard graphs produced by software such as Excel or SPSS can convey the required information, but tend to lack style as these tools have limited customisation options. Other software exists for the singular purpose of configuring your diagrams, including many which are open-source and hence freely available. As an economist, it's important to make sure your graphs are looking as good as possible, as they are essential for winning over and keeping the attention of your audience.
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- Ranking
- Posted 4 years ago
The Best Microeconomic Books
Anyone in the midst of their undergraduate degree will know of the two main tenets of economics: micro and macro. If you’re looking for the best macroeconomic books, you can head over to our article on that topic, because in this piece, we’ll be going through some of the most useful and interesting microeconomic books which will help you get up to speed on all of the fundamentals of the discipline. And remember, these books aren’t only for students - laypeople who are interested in the subject can also benefit from picking up one of these tomes. And what better time to do some reading than when stuck inside during the pandemic?
- Ranking
- Posted 4 years ago
The Top Macroeconomics Books
If you’re currently in the throes of an undergrad degree in economics, or even if you’re just a layman looking to brush up on your macroeconomic knowledge, it’s essential you have the right literature to help you keep up to date. There are plenty of textbooks out there which purport to be the best way to get to grips with the discipline, but some are, naturally, better than others. On top of that, there are plenty of more popular economics books which deal with a specific topic in more detail. So without further ado, INOMICS brings you the list of the best books on macroeconomics.
- Preparing for Your Conference
- Posted 4 years ago
5 Books You Should Read Before a Conference
Networking is one of the most important parts of a conference, but lots of people find it hard to engage with other people. At conferences it's even more difficult: you're talking with so many people, many of whom are successful businesspeople or established academics.
- The Internet Speaks
- Posted 4 years ago
Top Memes All Economists Will Love
Economics is serious business, but sometimes we all need a break! And that's when the internet is there: to sympathise, to commiserate, and to make us smile at the end of a tough day. Fortunately the stereotype of economists being humourless is not true – there are plenty of fun and funny economists who are out there sharing their humour. From students to senior professors, there are memes on the internet to express all aspects of the study and practice of economics. Below you'll find 10 of our favourite memes that we know all economists will love!
- Reading During the Pandemic
- Posted 4 years ago
The Best Behavioral Economics Books
The current circumstances can be tough: being isolated from families and friends is difficult, and having to spend most of our time inside isn’t particularly healthy. However, there is one thing you can spend a lot of time doing which will improve your quality of life exponentially: reading!
- Ranking
- Posted 4 years ago
The Top Finance Books for Economists
Starting out in a finance degree? Stuck at home during lockdown and want to remain safe while improving your financial knowledge? Simply interested in the topic? INOMICS is here to help. If you're looking for the most-talked-about books in the field, or planning on getting some interdisciplinary knowledge, check out our list of the top books in finance.
- Rankings
- Posted 4 years ago
Top fiction books for economists
There are plenty of books which are important for economists to read in the non-fiction department, from the very popular to the extremely academic. But what of fiction books - novels, plays, and the like? It's important not to forget that even stories which aren't 'true' in the dictionary definition sense of the word can tell us a lot about the realities of the world.
- Rankings
- Posted 5 years ago
Top Economics Think Tanks and Research Institutes in the US
Think tanks are important institutions in the modern world. As the world becomes more globalised, think tanks which can undertake research and advocacy work at a transnational level become essential players in the global scene. Seeing as economics doesn't happen in a vacuum - each country's economic situation affects the political situation of every other country - they are also crucial to the profession (or at least, line of academic study) of most of the readers of this website. But which ones are the ones you should be following? Which think tanks conduct the most groundbreaking, critical economic research? And which one would be the best one to work for, if you ever had the chance to get your feet in the doors of such prestigious institutions? We've taken a look at the best ones in the United States, so you don't have to do the legwork yourself.
- Ranking
- Posted 4 years ago
The Top Business Books
If you're interested in the world of business, there are a huge number of books written each year on the topic. To help you keep up to date and to identify any interesting books which you might have missed, today we're sharing a list of the top bestselling books in the field of business.
- Ranking
- Posted 4 years ago
Top Helpful Apps for Economics Students Studying at Home
Technological advancement gives college kids an unprecedented medium for boosting their academic performance with just a few taps on their smartphones. Modernizing and optimizing the studying habits of today’s students, digitalization provides essential tools and techniques which, especially in the current isolated state of affairs, they may not be able to access. Mobile applications for studying are surely novel, but have the benefit of being innovative and finding new ways to help students learn, rather than simply repeating the old tired techniques.
- Ranking
- Posted 5 years ago
Top Highest Paying Graduate Degrees In Social Sciences for 2019
While pursuing a graduate degree is undeniably interesting and challenging, tuition fees and other costs associated with studying have been getting higher and higher over the last decade. This has lead to plenty of students questioning whether the expense in terms of time and money that they will have to put into obtaining a graduate degree is worth it. In a difficult job market, students are less willing to take on large debts to finance their study unless they can be reasonably sure that they will get a well-paying job at the end of it.
- Ranking
- Posted 5 years ago
Top Economics Think Tanks and Research Institutes in Europe
If you're an economist looking for the very best think tanks and research institutes in Europe, look no further, you're in the right place. Here's our top ten list to help you out:
- Career Advice Article, Ranking
- Posted 6 years ago
The Best Cryptocurrency Conferences in 2019
As we can all envision, the world of cryptocurrency is most decidedly here to stay! Gone are the days of “we’ll just wait to see how things go” as the words Blockchain and Bitcoin more and more common in everyday conversations with both colleagues and friends. But as we look forward to upcoming trends or even attemp to develop a better understanding of cryptocurrencies and how they work, there comes a time when doing a few random Google searches just isn’t going to cut it any more when expanding your business or making an investment. The good news is that online searches, e-books and lunchtime chats no longer have to be your only source for information.
- Ranking
- Posted 7 years ago
Top Economics Think Tanks and Research Institutes in Latin America
In the field of economics, many students want to eventually work in a think tank or research institution. That's why we're compiling lists of the best institutions around the world, and today we're looking at Latin America.
- Ranking
- Posted 7 years ago
5 Best Cities for Conferences
Trying to choose a conference? Not sure where to go? Here are our tips for five of the best cities in which to attend a conference.
- Study Abroad Article, Ranking
- Posted 7 years ago
Top Interdisciplinary Summer Schools 2017: Social Sciences
When you're working on interdisciplinary topics, it's extremely helpful to have contact with other students and researchers in related fields. Getting to know people who are working in different academic disciplines to you gives you new perspectives on your research, as well as improving your communication skills and broadening your knowledge. So interdisciplinary summer schools are the ideal chance to interact with other students and get in practise at presenting your work to an interdisciplinary audience.