- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
Current Prizes for Young Economists
If you're a young economics student, then there are a number of prizes which you might be eligible for. Various economics organisations create competitions or awards in which they give out prizes for the best project or essay submitted by young economists who are either in school, at university, or at an early stage in their career. These prizes can include cash, money for books, or even career opportunities, and winning such a prize is a great boon for your CV. So here are 10 economics prizes which you might consider applying for.
- Blog Post
- Posted 8 years ago
The Narrowing of the Gender Pay Gap For Professors in North America
As more women continue to occupy a greater number of senior positions both in academia and the private sector, the gender pay gap has become an increasingly relevant issue in the professional and academic labor market.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
10 New Year's Resolutions for an Academic Teacher of Economics
Welcome to 2017! It's the perfect time to start with your New Year's resolutions and see what you want to learn, change or improve this year. Get inspired by our list of 10 goals created especially for university teachers of Economics. We hope it will help you make 2017 even more successful than the previous year!
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
How to Find An Economics Job in an International Organisation
If you're working on your economics degree, you might be wondering about what career options are open to you before. You can do all sorts of work with the skills which you'll pick up from your degree, but one of the most highly desired jobs among ambitious students is a role in an international organisation. This job could be in an inter-governmental organisation (IGO) such as the United Nations or European Union, or in a non-governmental organisation (NGO) such as the charities Amnesty International or Oxfam. If you want to try a career in an international organisation, how do land your first job in the field? This is what we'll be looking at today, so read on for our tips on finding the job you want.
- Ranking
- Posted 8 years ago
Top PhD Programs in Economics 2016/2017
If you're just about to choose your PhD program, it's important that you consider options that match your research interests and personal style. Today we're listing a selection of the very best PhD programs in Economics, to help you find the doctoral program, which is right for you.
- Looking to the Future
- Posted 8 years ago
Top 10 Economics Employers
We're listed ten of the top employers for economists, to give you some ideas about what jobs might be available to you once you graduate.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
For Students Or Researchers Changing Disciplines: How To Survive The Shift From Economics To Business
If you are thinking about moving from the field of economics into business, here are some tips on surviving the shift.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
Top Soft Skills To Boost Your Career As An Economist
Hard skills are abilities such as technical skills, programming, or factual knowledge, which can be tested and which generally form the basis for academic assessment. These skills are surely important for you to achieve your career goals. However, there are other important skills which aren't usually taught, but are just as vital for success. They are known as soft skills, and today we're considering some of the soft skills you'll need to distinguish yourself in a career in economics.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
Top Upcoming Economics & Business Events 2016/2017
To keep up to date with the latest news in economics and business, there's more that you can do than just reading! Events such as lectures, workshops, and debates are excellent ways to keep up with developments in your field. Plus, they give you the chance to meet and network with other people in your field and to hear new perspectives on your work. If you're interested in attending events in economics or finance, then today's article is a list of some of the greatest events coming up soon from around the world.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
What Can You Do With a Master’s in Economics?
If you're thinking about doing a master's degree in economics, or you're already studying for one, then you're sure to be interested in the job prospects for economics students. What kind of job can you get with a master's in economics, and in what kind of organisations do graduates end up working? We covered this issue last year, but now we've got new data on the employment of economics students for this year, so we're sharing an updated perspective. Read on to find out more about the kinds of careers which are open to those who have studied a master's in economics.
- Blog Post
- Posted 8 years ago
Meet Guilherme: a Master’s Student in Economics at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil
Guilherme Morlin is a Brazilian currently pursuing his Master’s degree in Economics at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Guilherme is also our lucky winner of $100 Amazon Gift Card in the recent INOMICS Review Prize Draw. Students and researchers from all over the world took part in the contest by submitting reviews of the universities and institutions where they study or work.
- Blog Post
- Posted 8 years ago
Meet Carolina: a PhD Student in International Economics at Brandeis University in the USA
Carolina Pan is an Argentine student, currently in the last year of her PhD program in International Economics at Brandeis University, USA. We chose her as the winner of our Conference Grant Contest 2015 and awarded her with a €500 grant. The prize helped her to attend the 3rd Geography of Innovation Conference organized by the University of Toulouse and Sciences-Po Toulouse in France. Participants from over 50 countries took part in the contest by submitting short explanations about their personal reasons for going to their chosen event. You can see her winning answer here.
- Study Abroad Article, Ranking
- Posted 9 years ago
Top 10 Summer Schools 2016: Economics
If you want to learn about a new topic, to brush up on your skills, or to meet more people in your field, then summer schools are an ideal opportunity. Generally aimed at undergraduates, masters students, PhD students, researchers and professionals, these short courses involve teaching, discussion, and group projects.
- Ranking
- Posted 9 years ago
Top 10 Interdisciplinary Summer Schools 2016: Social Sciences
When you're working on interdisciplinary topics, it's extremely helpful to have contact with other students and researchers in related fields. Getting to know people who are working in different academic disciplines to you gives you new perspectives on your research, as well as improving your communication skills and broadening your knowledge. So interdisciplinary summer schools are the ideal chance to interact with other students and get in practise at presenting your work to an interdisciplinary audience.
- Blog Post
- Posted 9 years ago
Top Finance Podcasts
One great way to keep up to date with the latest news in your field is to listen to podcasts. These are regularly broadcast audio programs which address specific topics, and often include interviews, discussions, and news. We've previously covered some of the best podcasts in economics, but today we're looking at podcasts in the field of finance.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 9 years ago
15 Must-Attend Conferences and Workshops 2015/2016: Social Sciences
With the summer behind us (at least for those in the northern hemisphere), now is the best time to start planning your academic calendar for the coming year. However, the number of conferences and workshops taking place in the next twelve months is enormous and may be overwhelming when it comes to choosing the best one(s) for you. In order to help you with this endeavour, we have put together a selection of conferences and workshops organized by national and international organizations, covering a wide range of topics in social sciences.
- Ranking
- Posted 9 years ago
Top Economics Departments Worldwide 2015
Economics is a science related to all aspects that happen in the daily lives, from decisions made in the familiar level to decisions made in governments and companies. Studying economics is ideal for people who are curious about facts that happens in their surroundings. Moreover the study of economics is an excellent way to acquire problem-solving skills and cultivate logic thinking. A degree in economics open opportunities in different industries, whether you would like to explain the performance of financial markets, analyze macroeconomic policies or provide insight about the performance of markets for goods and services, the economics knowledge prospects a brilliant future and carrier.
- Ranking
- Posted 9 years ago
Top Economics Departments in USA 2015
Study economics gives a full understanding of the monetary decisions people make that have a direct influence in poverty, tax rates and inflation. In the same way, a degree in economics delivers valuable understanding of statistics and its use to plan better financial decisions. Economy is a science that is related to all aspects of the life, whether a micro-economy or global macro-economic issues, a career in economics is suitable for people with an understanding and delight for academic reading and mathematics.
- Ranking
- Posted 9 years ago
Top 10 Summer Schools in Math & Stats 2015
Now we're over the hump of winter and looking ahead to sunnier days, the time has come to start considering academic activities for the summer break. Summer schools run by top universities give you the chance to attend lectures and courses conducted by top researchers in your field, to practise skills in small groups or seminars, and to get to know students from other institutions. As well as social activities and the opportunity for travel, you can benefit from making new professional contacts, hearing about the latest research, and building your CV.
- Ranking
- Posted 10 years ago
Top Economics Departments in Europe 2015
Economics topics are an inherent part of our lives. Employment, global competition in world markets, agreements for free trade zones, social and monetary policies affect our lives constantly. The social science of economics attempts to analyze and understand many of those problems. To study economics have the potential to bring you a deep understanding of the world apart from opening a wide range of opportunities in the job market.
- Ranking
- Posted 10 years ago
Top Economics Summer Schools 2015
Summer courses are a great way to broaden your knowledge, travel around the world and socialize with international students. Attending a Summer School is one of the ways in which you can efficiently combine the development of your knowledge and career with rewarding social activities. What is more, most Summer Schools are located right next to sandy beaches, hiking and cycling hotspots, water sports-friendly lakes and rivers, or cities where there is always something going on.
- Recruiter Advice Article
- Posted 10 years ago
AEA Annual Meeting 2015: January 3-5, Boston, MA
Today marked the first day of this year’s American Economic Association (AEA) Annual Meeting. The AEA Meeting is an annual event that brings together some of the superstars of economics in one of the largest economics-focused gatherings in the world. Every year, upwards of 10,000 academics come together for discussions, presentations, and – equally important! - socialising, over a long weekend.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 10 years ago
Conference Round Up – Events in Early 2015
With the end of the year approaching, we feel it’s time to look to the start of next year and start planning which conferences to attend. The number of events available is overwhelming, so following up on our 2014 End of Year Round Up, we decided to draft a list for the start of 2015.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 10 years ago
Top Conferences in Banking, Economics and Finance – 2014 End of Year Round Up
As the year slowly draws to a close it can be easy to focus on the work in front of us and forget about the many academic conferences still taking place around the world. Such events are a great place to build your network, boost your CV and gain new insight into your field. This list offers you a brief overview of the many conferences in banking, economics, finance and related fields that will be taking place across the globe during the last months of 2014.
- Blog Post
- Posted 10 years ago
2014 Nobel Prize in Economics Awarded to Jean Tirole
At just after 1pm CET today, The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2014 was awarded to Jean Marcel Tirole of Toulouse, France. This prize, more commonly known as the Nobel Prize in Economics, was given to Dr. Tirole for his extensive work on the behavior of large companies in relation to market power and regulation.