- Economics Education
- Posted 2 years ago
How to research and publish in economics education
As you develop your career in higher education economics, you will likely be carrying out research within a field in economics. But you will also likely be involved in delivering and developing teaching within your department. As a result, you may be interested in developing and disseminating an understanding of what students should learn and how they learn.
- Learning Tools
- Posted 2 years ago
Top YouTube Channels to Learn Econometrics and Economics
Online learning is not a novelty anymore. During the coronavirus pandemic and subsequent lockdown, many institutions were forced to invest in their online program offerings - or simply adjust their courses to be online-friendly. But sometimes it’s nice to learn without having to fully commit to a long program. Other times, learning from a different source can help new concepts make sense, or can refresh the memory.
- Journal Resources
- Posted 2 years ago
The Places to Be for Economics Pedagogy
As an academic economist, it is likely that you will be engaged in both research and teaching. As you develop your skills, it will be important to think about what makes good teaching, and how the discussion about pedagogy in economics education develops over time. Knowledge and appreciation of the debates in pedagogy may also be important as you apply for external certification, such as an Advance HE fellowship. You may even want to develop and write for publication about economics pedagogy. There are a range of journals and conferences for those interested in higher education pedagogy.
- Economics Terms A-Z
- Posted 2 years ago
La microeconomia
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- Economics Terms A-Z
- Posted 2 years ago
La macroeconomia
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- Research/Project Funding Opportunity
- Posted 2 years ago
NIDCR Small Research Grants for Oral Health Data Analysis and Statistical Methodology Development (R03 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
at Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health in Stati Uniti -
- Into the Economist's Mind
- Posted 2 years ago
The INOMICS Questionnaire: Fratzscher vs Miguel
Esteemed economist, Berkeley Professor, and friend of INOMICS, Edward Miguel generously took time out of his busy schedule to take part in the fourth INOMICS Handbook Questionnaire. Opposite him in his customary role of quizmaster was Professor Marcel Fratzscher, president of the DIW Berlin, and one of Germany’s leading voices in macroeconomics. Observing tradition, and as a nod to those involved, the encounter has been dubbed ‘Fratzscher v Miguel’. What took place was both in-depth and personal, the conversation ranging from the beauty of Hawaii and gender bias in economics, all the way to wealth taxes and COVID-19. For anyone connected to economics, especially those starting out, this one is not to be missed.
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- Utilizziamo ancora un modello antico?
- Posted 2 years ago
La vita dell’uomo economico razionale
Humanity’s evolving nature has propelled it up the food chain, from prey to planetary predator. Just 60,000 years ago, homo sapiens roamed the earth, insignificant and insecure, their existence of little consequence. Life, as Thomas Hobbes put it, was ‘nasty, brutish, and short’. Fast forward to the present and man’s mark is unmistakable, the dawn of the ‘anthropocene’ testament to mesmerizing advances in technology - and a masochistic disregard for our ecosystems.
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- Come ogni ricerca può diventare un successo
- Posted 2 years ago
5 competenze che non avrei mai immaginato avrei sfruttato nel mio dottorato
Economics PhDs are aware of the transferable skills they should master to land a job in industry. But what about the reverse: is prior industry experience valuable for a PhD program?
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- Economics Terms A-Z
- Posted 2 years ago
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- An Economist's Critique
- Posted 2 years ago
The 'Recipe With No Ingredients' in Macroeconomics Textbooks
Production is interaction of man and nature Karl Polanyi, The Great Transformation
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- Economics Terms A-Z
- Posted 2 years ago
Welfare Economics
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- Career Advice
- Posted 3 years ago
Policy or academic economist: Which should I become?
“I am an economist,” I once proudly mentioned at a party, in a round of small talk. “Oh, so you do a lot of money counting and financial reporting?” was the reply I heard, like so many economics graduates before me. “Nah, let’s leave that to the business and finance professionals,” I answered. But what do real economists do exactly?
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- Economics Terms A-Z
- Posted 3 years ago
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- Economics Term
- Posted 3 years ago
Indice dei prezzi al consumo
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- Economics Terms A-Z
- Posted 3 years ago
GDP Deflator
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- Current Events
- Posted 3 years ago
Solidarity with Ukraine, ways to help and assisting international students fleeing war
A historic tragedy like the war in Ukraine calls for historic measures of outreach and solidarity. There is an urgent demand for humanitarian aid and safe passage for the hundreds of thousands of refugees already created by the war. This includes thousands of students at Ukranian universities who have had to flee the conflict.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 3 years ago
Le 10 qualità che distinguono un buon economista
Having helped so many economists take their next career step, we at INOMICS know full well how rewarding working in economics can be. When you find that solution you've been looking for, or contribute some research that actually seems to get read and make a difference, it can be the best feeling in the world. But this won't happen unless you work on yourself and the skills that are essential for becoming a successful economist in general.
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- Ti senti bloccato?
- Posted 3 years ago
Trovare ispirazione come economista
In a culture obsessed with measuring capabilities and results, we often overlook the important role of inspiration. As economists, inspiration awakens us to new possibilities within ourselves, allowing us to conquer our own limitations, and to succeed at doing what we do.
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- Economics Terms A-Z
- Posted 3 years ago
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- Blog Post
- Posted 3 years ago
Cos’è la supply-side economics?
Supply-side economics. Since its conception in the 1970s, debating its merits – or lack thereof – has been at the heart of political discourse, demarcating Republican from Democrat, Tory loyalist from Labour devotee, and informing not just an economic outlook, but a world view.
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- Primi passi nel mondo dell’economia
- Posted 3 years ago
Microeconomia contro Macroeconomia: quale corso dovrei seguire per primo?
When you're just beginning your economics degree, you'll quickly come across two very important branches – microeconomics and macroeconomics. It's highly likely that you'll study both at some point during your degree, as they are two of the foundational planks of the subject. It is also likely, however, that you will have to choose which to take first, prompting the question: which is the best theoretical starting point for your studies? Having just started out, this can be a tough question to answer. That's why we're going to give you a little run down of each, to help you make the most informed decision possible. So let's begin.
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- Termini economici A-Z
- Posted 3 years ago
Azzardo morale
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- Economics Terms A-Z
- Posted 3 years ago
L’effetto reddito e l’effetto sostituzione
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- Postdoc Jobs
- Posted 3 years ago
Job Market Scramble for Economists & Useful Resources for Postdoc Job Search
The job market for economics postdoc jobs in the United States is highly seasonal. The primary recruitment phase for post-doc positions closes every year in February or March. It is therefore best to plan your econ job search early and apply well in advance of the deadline.