- Blog Post
- Posted 8 years ago
Will Obtaining a PhD in Economics Guarantee a Higher Salary in the Future?
With 2017 ASSA Annual Meeting in mind, we thought that this information will be helpful for all of you who are considering pursuing a PhD degree in Economics as many students and prospective PhD candidates often question whether obtaining a PhD in Economics is worth it. Will the time, effort and money spent on working towards a PhD guarantee you a higher salary when compared to the salary that can be earned with a Master’s or Bachelor’s degree?
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
Study Scholarships in Czech Republic: Types and Application Procedures
Interested in studying in the Czech Republic but worried about the costs? We've selected the most important scholarship opportunities for international students in the Czech Republic, that you should check out.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
10 New Year's Resolutions for an Academic Teacher of Economics
Welcome to 2017! It's the perfect time to start with your New Year's resolutions and see what you want to learn, change or improve this year. Get inspired by our list of 10 goals created especially for university teachers of Economics. We hope it will help you make 2017 even more successful than the previous year!
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
How to Find An Economics Job in an International Organisation
If you're working on your economics degree, you might be wondering about what career options are open to you before. You can do all sorts of work with the skills which you'll pick up from your degree, but one of the most highly desired jobs among ambitious students is a role in an international organisation. This job could be in an inter-governmental organisation (IGO) such as the United Nations or European Union, or in a non-governmental organisation (NGO) such as the charities Amnesty International or Oxfam. If you want to try a career in an international organisation, how do land your first job in the field? This is what we'll be looking at today, so read on for our tips on finding the job you want.
- Ranking
- Posted 8 years ago
5 Apps That Every Conference Attendee Needs to Have
When you're getting ready to head off to your conference, don't forget to load up your phone while you're packing your suitcase and planning your travel. There are tons of apps which can add all sorts of great features to your phone, and they can be useful for professional work as well as for fun. Here are our tips for 5 must-have apps for conference goers to make your conference experience as smooth and easy as possible.
- Ranking
- Posted 8 years ago
Top PhD Programs in Business & Management 2016/2017
If you're considering doing a PhD, it's vital to find both a supervisor and an institution which fit with your research interests and personal style. Structured PhD programs have the advantage of making it easier to meet other students and to build up a network, and of providing a set timeframe in which to meet certain goals. Today we're listing a selection of the very best PhD programs in Business and Management to help you find the course, which is right for you.
- Ranking
- Posted 8 years ago
Top PhD Programs in Economics 2016/2017
If you're just about to choose your PhD program, it's important that you consider options that match your research interests and personal style. Today we're listing a selection of the very best PhD programs in Economics, to help you find the doctoral program, which is right for you.
- Ranking
- Posted 8 years ago
Top PhD Programs in Finance & Accounting 2016/2017
If you've completed a master's in finance or accounting and have developed an interest in theoretical approaches to economics research, then you could be suited to a finance or accounting PhD. These courses are more in-depth and theoretically oriented than master's programs, and they offer the chance to perform your own original research. If you're considering doing such a PhD but are unsure which university or business school would be a good fit for you, then today we're sharing a list of recommendations for the top programs in the field.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
10 Biggest Struggles of Conference Attendees
Academic conferences can be productive, helpful, and even fun. But they're not without their challenges! Here are some struggles which conference attendees have to deal with:
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
6 Steps To Become a College Professor
1. Publish, publish, publish.
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 8 years ago
Meet Mohanapriya: a PhD student of Textile Technics and Material Engineering at the Technical University of Liberec
There are many reasons for choosing the Czech Republic as a study destination: high quality education and research, universities with long-standing reputations, interesting specializations, affordable tuition fees and living costs, and last but not least, a vibrant and colorful cultural life in the heart of Europe. In the following interview Mohanapriya Venkataraman, a PhD student of Textile Technics and Material Engineering at the Technical University of Liberec, shares why she chose the Czech Republic for her studies:
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
Which Academic Conferences Should You Attend?
While we try to keep you up to date on top conferences around the world, for instance in two recent posts on 2014 conferences on econometrics and finance, sometimes it’s difficult to know which events are a good fit for you.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
Inviting Participants And Advertising Your Conference
Organizing a small conference or workshop – why and how to do it
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
Free Online Courses in Business Management & Engineering
Whilst most students still do the bulk of their learning in traditional educational institutions, alternative learning possibilities are becoming more and more common. One such possibility is taking an online course, in which materials and teaching are provided over the internet. Online learning is advantageous in that you can learn at your own pace, in an environment of your choosing, and in some cases at no cost to yourself.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
How Can Social Media Help Researchers In Their Career Development?
Nowadays it's almost expected for academics to be active on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook. For a generation who grew up with internet technology as a part of their lives, it's natural that young academics would share their thoughts on academia with an online audience. There are distinct advantages for academics in making use of social media too, for career goals as well as personal fulfilment. If you're wondering whether your online profile is in need of an update, here are a few reasons to consider expanding your online presence to make greater use of social media.
- Blog Post
- Posted 8 years ago
2016 Nobel Prize Winners Announced: Meet the Nobel Laureates
The winners of the 2016 Nobel Prizes were recently announced, to honour outstanding contributions to the fields of economics, physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, and world peace. The winners have each made a dramatic impact on the state of their various fields, so in this article we'll introduce you to the winners and to the work which they have be recognised for.
- Ranking
- Posted 8 years ago
Top 10 Finance Employers
What kind of jobs are open to recent graduates in finance? What are some of the biggest employers in this field? We're answering these questions with our list of 10 of the top employers for finance.
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
5 Top Tips For Students Dealing With Written Essay Exams
Exams can be a real stress for students! But don't panic, because we're here to help with our tips on how to ace your written essay exams:
- Looking to the Future
- Posted 8 years ago
Top 10 Economics Employers
We're listed ten of the top employers for economists, to give you some ideas about what jobs might be available to you once you graduate.
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 8 years ago
Five Best Ways For Making Friends While Studying Abroad
One of the most important factors affecting the total experience of your semester studying abroad are the friends that you make. While some students go on a study exchange with a friend or a few from back home, many decide to go abroad by just themselves.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
How to Get Accepted to an Academic Conference
Attending an academic conference is a great way to hear about new research in your field, to network with other researchers, and to present your own work to an engaged audience and receive feedback. Conferences are generally open to anyone from the field who wants to attend, however, you will get much more from the experience (and be much more likely to receive funding for your trip) if you are presenting some of your own research at the conference. But how do you get accepted to present at a conference? Today we're sharing some tips on this topic.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
For Students Or Researchers Changing Disciplines: How To Survive The Shift From Economics To Business
If you are thinking about moving from the field of economics into business, here are some tips on surviving the shift.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
Top Soft Skills To Boost Your Career As An Economist
Hard skills are abilities such as technical skills, programming, or factual knowledge, which can be tested and which generally form the basis for academic assessment. These skills are surely important for you to achieve your career goals. However, there are other important skills which aren't usually taught, but are just as vital for success. They are known as soft skills, and today we're considering some of the soft skills you'll need to distinguish yourself in a career in economics.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
Pros & Cons Of Online Learning
With the arrival of reliable, high-speed internet, distance learning for university students has become much more feasible. Students can now sign up for single classes or whole courses to be taught online, which may include streaming lectures, live Q&A chats with tutors, and submitting coursework electronically. But how does an online course compare with a traditional course at a brick and mortar university? Today we're looking at both the pros and cons of learning online.
- Ranking
- Posted 8 years ago
Top 10 English Summer Schools 2016
Make the most of your summer break, and sign up for a summer school! You can learn new skills, visit a new place, and meet fellow students with similar interests to you. For those of you who are studying a language like English, summer schools can be especially helpful as they give you lots of opportunities to practise speaking with other learners and experts. If you're considering attending a summer school this year, now is the time to start looking for schools, and we're here to help with this list of the top 10 summer schools for English in 2016. Remember to apply early, as these schools will fill up fast!