- Career Advice Article
- Posted 7 years ago
How to Connect With Other Economists in Your Field
So you know that getting to know other people in your field is important, and that you need to network when you attend a conference. But what about the rest of the time? What websites can you use to get in touch with other experts in your field? Here are some ideas:
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 7 years ago
5 Effective Ways Professors Can Build a Personal Brand
Brands? Aren’t those for corporations and businesses? Not anymore. Building your brand is about what people think of when they think of you. As a professor, you represent your institution, but you also want to work on your personal brand. Having a reputable brand can help you advance your career whether it’s in academia or not.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 7 years ago
How to Switch from Academia to Industry
This article was featured in the INOMICS Handbook 2017, a new career guide for Economists. Download it here.
- Academic Job Search
- Posted 7 years ago
How To Get An Academic Job After Finishing Your PhD: A Mini Guide To Academic Job Search
This article was featured in the INOMICS Handbook 2017, a new career guide for Economists. Download it here.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 7 years ago
7 Presentation Tools That Engage Students More Than Slideshows
College students complain about a lot of things—lack of sleep, dining hall food, and finals week, to name a few. As a professor, it isn't your job to address complaints about life outside the classroom. But if students take issue with your teaching style, it's time to listen up. One of their biggest gripes in the classroom: slideshows.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 7 years ago
What To Expect And How To Prepare For The Assessment Centre - A Guide For Economists
When you are applying for jobs as a graduate economist, as part of the application process you may be asked to attend an assessment centre. Assessment centres are a tool commonly used in recruitment for government jobs or for joining large companies with extensive graduate recruitment schemes. Typically, you will be invited to attend such a centre after a preliminary interview and before a final decision is made.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 7 years ago
What to Do With Your Economics Degree: Career Paths for An Economist
What kind of jobs can you get with an economics degree? Today we're considering five possible careers for economics graduates and the pros and cons of each.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 7 years ago
How to properly cite your conference paper
One of the great things about attending conferences is getting to learn about the latest and most cutting-edge research before its published in journals or books. You can hear authors presenting their newest work, sometimes even before their experiments or data collection are complete. This information is very interesting to have, however, it is also more speculative than published work as it has not been peer-reviewed or edited. For this reason, it's important to be clear when you cite a conference paper, so that your audience can see that the work has not been peer-reviewed. To help with this, here's a guide on citing conference papers.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 7 years ago
5 Tips to improve your experience at conferences
1.Talk to people you don't know as well as those you doConferences are, among other things, a great place to catch up with friends and fellow academics working in your field. If you've been in academia for a while then it's likely that you'll bump into some people you already know at a conference, or maybe you'll even arrange a meetup with friends beforehand. It's good to keep in touch and to have an excuse to get together socially with your colleagues. However, don't forget to make time for speaking to new people too. Not only will this help you hear new ideas and new perspectives, it will also help you to grow your professional network. So make an effort to talk to some new faces as well as catching up with friends.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 7 years ago
Economists and Entrepreneurship: Can Economists Be Good Entrepreneurs?
If you're studying economics and are thinking about possible career options, have you considered entrepreneurship? Studying economics gives you many skills which are useful in running your own business. Here are some of the qualities which you'll gain from training in economics which are valuable for entrepreneurship:
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
How to choose the right conference for me
With so many great conferences being held every year, it can be hard to decide which you should attend. Most researchers have a limited budget for conference travel, so it's important to pick your conferences wisely. But how do you know which conference is right for you and for your career? Here are five factors to consider when choosing a conference to attend.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
How to Wisely Plan a Budget for Conference Trip
Planning a budget for a conference trip is fairly straight forward, but if this is your first conference then you need some basic information to help you with your planning. Here are some tips on how you can plan your budget.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
5 Biggest Mistakes Conference Attendees Make
Make your conference experience better by avoiding these five common mistakes:
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
Your Must-Have Items for Conferences
When you're packing for a conference, there are some essentials to bring along that will make your life much easier. Check out our list of these items below and make sure you have them in your bag so your conference trip is as smooth as possible.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
Tips For Students Attending Their First Academic Conference
Attending a conference for the first time can be both a lot of fun and a rather scary experience! So here are some tips for students attending their first conference, to make it as enjoyable and beneficial as possible.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
5 Biggest Problems That Women Face At Academic Conferences
Attending conferences is an important part of any academic career. However, they can provide challenges that women in academia must overcome. Here are five of the biggest problems which women face at academic conferences.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
Academizing During Your First Academic Conference
There was a certain naiveté in the air when I went to my first academic conference. I thought that all I would have to do is to write a decent paper and to present it to the public. In retrospect this could have ended badly and I wish someone had intercepted me on the way to the airport and given me some key-warnings to know in advance. Thus, after this multifaceted experience, I thought to write the following points in a humble and only half-serious manner.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
Women in Academia: 5 Steps To Your Career Success
Despite great progress that has been made in recent years in making academia more friendly for women, it still remains hard for women to be accepted and to excel in many academic institutions. Many women in academia, especially those in male-dominated fields, report that they find it more difficult to be taken seriously and more difficult to get promotions to senior roles than the men in their departments. So what can you do to maximise your career prospects as a woman working in an academic setting? Here our our tips to help women achieve career success.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
Attending An Academic Conference: 5 Tips To Consider
If you're attending an academic conference for the first time, it can be a rather overwhelming experience! Follow these five tips to make your conference trip as smooth and productive possible.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
Should Graduate Students Co-Teach?
Co-teaching has become popular in recent years, especially in university teaching training. It involves two teachers, one experienced and one in training, coming together to teach a class together. They share the instruction, the setting of tasks, the marking, and the physical classroom space. The idea is that for a profession like teaching, in which teachers are constantly learning even after they finish their teacher training, more direct instruction is helpful. Observing and interacting with a more experienced colleague allows new teaches to learn more and get guidance if they are having any classroom issues.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
Job Hunting in Academia: Why Didn't They Choose You?
Applying for an academic job can be a frustrating process. If you've been rejected from an academic job and you're stewing over why, read on to find out the reasons that your job application might have been unsuccessful.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
Academic Job Applications: What Can Go Wrong?
Applying for academic jobs can be a fraught process! If you haven't had much experience with the academic job market, it can be hard to learn as it is quite different from applying for places at a university to be a student. Even if you have experience with applying for professional jobs, there are different norms in academic hiring which can take some time to grasp. To help you through this process, today we're covering some of the things that can go wrong during academic hiring, so you know what to look out for and how to prepare yourself.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
5 Reasons Why Your PhD Application Was Rejected
Applying for a PhD can be a long and difficult process, with not many opportunities for you to hear feedback on your application. If your application was not successful and you're not sure why, here are some of the most common reasons for PhD applications to be rejected. If you plan to improve your PhD application this autumn, download our free guide "How to successfully apply to a PhD in Economics".
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
Frequently Asked Questions During PhD Applications
If you're applying for a PhD, the process can be rather complex, so here are our answers to some frequently asked questions about applications. If you plan to start your PhD application this autumn, download our free guide "How to successfully apply to a PhD in Economics".
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
5 Reasons Why You Should Learn A New Language
Learning a new language can be fun and rewarding, but all too often it's considered just a necessary part of schooling for children or teenagers. However, learning a language as an adult can bring your a range of benefits, including improving your employability and career prospects. Below we're considering some of the advantages of learning a language in terms of your job or studying.