- Ranking
- Posted 8 years ago
Top PhD Programs in Finance & Accounting 2016/2017
If you've completed a master's in finance or accounting and have developed an interest in theoretical approaches to economics research, then you could be suited to a finance or accounting PhD. These courses are more in-depth and theoretically oriented than master's programs, and they offer the chance to perform your own original research. If you're considering doing such a PhD but are unsure which university or business school would be a good fit for you, then today we're sharing a list of recommendations for the top programs in the field.
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 8 years ago
Meet Mohanapriya: a PhD student of Textile Technics and Material Engineering at the Technical University of Liberec
There are many reasons for choosing the Czech Republic as a study destination: high quality education and research, universities with long-standing reputations, interesting specializations, affordable tuition fees and living costs, and last but not least, a vibrant and colorful cultural life in the heart of Europe. In the following interview Mohanapriya Venkataraman, a PhD student of Textile Technics and Material Engineering at the Technical University of Liberec, shares why she chose the Czech Republic for her studies:
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 9 years ago
Postgraduate loans for taught Masters courses in the UK
The UK government has recently announced its plans to change the way in which postgraduate study is funded. The new system, which will come into effect in the 2016-2017 academic year, involves a system of loans for those wanting to take a taught masters degree. There is a separate proposed scheme for students embarking on a research masters or PhD, which we are covering in another post. Here, we'll describe the new scheme for the funding of taught masters degrees and how it will effect students who are planning to study at a postgraduate level in the future.
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 9 years ago
Funding Postgraduate Study: new UK loans scheme for PhDs and Research-based Masters
This week, the UK government has introduced its new scheme for funding postgraduate study, through a loans program for PhDs and research-based masters degrees. The government hopes that this new system will simplify and streamline the process of applying for, receiving, and paying back loans which are taken out in order to fund postgraduate research. This will have major changes on that finances of postgraduate students in the UK, from the time at which the new system is introduced in the 2018-2019 academic year. Here we will review the changes and how they will affect students who are hoping to study at a postgraduate level. There is also another scheme for the funding of taught masters programs which will be covering separately.
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 10 years ago
Why To Get a Graduate Degree in China
With rapid globalisation making relocation to a new country easier, more and more students are choosing to travel abroad to study. If you have already completed an undergraduate degree and feel confident in your knowledge and skills, then a postgraduate course in a foreign country can be a wonderful learning experience. While it's common to move across Europe or to the United States for graduate study, there are also great opportunities for studying further afield in Asia. China is a strong contender in the education sector – with thousands of universities in a booming higher education system – and the government is investing more money into higher education for the future. But why should you consider graduate study in China? Read on to find out.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 10 years ago
How to Enhance the Impact of Your Research
While we all know the importance of publishing widely in terms of moving forward in an academic career, what is sometimes left out of the discussion is how to make sure that your research has an actual impact in the community it is addressing, or in the world at large. If you would like your research to be read beyond the gates of the ivory tower, you need to know how to effectively promote yourself and your work.
- Start As You Mean To Go On
- Posted 10 years ago
Teaching Tips for New Professors and Lecturers
Although most new professors have already clocked countless hours in the classroom as teaching assistants, the shift to being the sole authority in the room can be a scary one. No matter how prepared you might feel, the first days (or weeks or months) at any new job tend to be a bit overwhelming – and that's totally normal. So, whether you feel like legging it home and hiding under the covers until winter break, or you just need a little extra boost to get you on the right track, the following 10 tips will help you stay motivated, organized and have you ready for the coming academic year and all it’s likely to throw at you.
- Ranking
- Posted 10 years ago
Top Political Science PhD Programs in Europe and the United States
Although summer is just getting underway in many parts of the world, fall application season is waiting just around the corner. Whether you’re a recent graduate or a professional looking to step back into academia, finding the right PhD program is not always an easy process. For that reason, it’s important to start reviewing your options early. In a post a few months back we highlighted the global Top 20 Political Science Departments, and in this post we’d like to narrow that list to the graduate level while focusing specifically on Europe and the United States.
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 10 years ago
How Does Studying Abroad Help Your Job Prospects?
With the global flow of students higher now than ever before, there is an abundance of advice available regarding the benefits of studying abroad. Whether for a semester or a full degree, studying in a foreign country can boost your CV, help you learn a new language, expand your cultural understanding and allow you to create a worldwide network of friends and colleagues.
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 11 years ago
Should I Pursue a PhD in Political Science?
As another season of graduate school applications comes to a close, we wanted to offer a few diverse perspectives on the matter for any of you still on the fence, or for those of you planning ahead for next year. Although deadlines for this coming fall have already passed for most schools in North America, potential PhD candidates looking at European, Asian, African or Latin American schools may still have some time to send in an application.
- Work Abroad Article
- Posted 11 years ago
Academic Salaries in the UK and Ireland
On Wednesday, January 29, INOMICS released the Economics Job Market Report 2013 (UK and Ireland). This report, based on the findings of the Economics Job Market Survey conducted in 2013, introduces the reader to various aspects of the job market in economics, business and finance, concentrating primarily on the academic field.
- Work Abroad Article
- Posted 11 years ago
Jobs for Economists in Australia: What Recruiters are Looking For?
Figure 1. Average number of applications per position
- Work Abroad Article
- Posted 11 years ago
How Much Econ Professors Earn? Salaries in Academia by Country
Yesterday INOMICS released the Economics Job Market Report 2013 (Worldwide Overview). The report contains insights about the academic job market, compiled from answers from almost 2,500 economists and recruiters from all over the world who completed a survey earlier this year. The findings of the report include salaries, recruiters’ and candidates’ employment preferences, regional disparities, skills & specializations most in demand and other general trends in the economics job market.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 11 years ago
Statistics & Data Analysis: Free Online Courses
Anyone working as an economist, mathematician, management consultant or researcher is likely to be dealing with numbers on a regular basis. Whether to refute claims, inform decisions or to build evidence to support one’s case, a good command of figures is essential for many professions. In other words, one cannot escape learning and using statistics!
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 11 years ago
How to Teach Economics
Teaching, whether at school or university level, is generally and rightly considered a worthy occupation. As supported by some Professor Ratings, however, unfortunately not every high school, college or university can boast perfect ratings for their academic staff, and many individual lecturers and professors have room for improvement, at least in the views of the students.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 11 years ago
Academic Jobs in Finance
Finance has become a very attractive field for many people in the last decades as it “smells” of money and promises a successful career after obtaining a degree, even though the financial crisis has slowed down this popularity trend. While many fresh Bachelor and Master graduates massively apply for positions in investment banks and consultancies, some decide to pursue a PhD, which is the way to life-long involvement in the academic world.
- Blog Post
- Posted 11 years ago
Professor Rating: Is It Students' Business?
In recent months the INOMICS blog has featured a series of posts about rankings of departments and universities. Traditionally, ranking has practically been an academic discipline in itself, with big names like QS, the Times Newspaper and in Economics the citation listings compiled by REPEC, dominating the field. However a trend towards a kind of “crowd-sourcing” of ranking has started to appear. The Shanghai ARWU was one of the earliest major ranking bodies to introduce this, but others are following.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 11 years ago
Introduction to Econometrics
Econometrics is something towards which many people have mixed feelings: both fear and respect. If you want to get a degree in economics, however, there is no way you can get away without studying econometrics on some level; and if you want to become a great economist you will have to master it: to build models, run regressions and (hopefully) predict the future. The economics profession has been blamed for failing to predict the global financial crisis, but as econometrics is considered to be one of the core disciplines to help prevent a recurrence in the future, we have collected a number of useful links for online learning and self-improvement in this field.
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 11 years ago
Navigating the PhD Literature
The literature research students need to rely on throughout all of their thesis writing is diverse. Broadly categorized there are three types of literature useful for PhD students: research/topic literature, methods literature, and ‘how to do your PhD’ literature. A somewhat similar classification of PhD materials can, for example, be found in Chris Hart’s Doing a Literature Search: A Comprehensive Guide for the Social Sciences (2010, Sage, p.2), which I recommend immensely.
- Ranking
- Posted 12 years ago
University Rankings: Top 10 Economics Departments in Europe
With the application deadlines for PhD and Master’s courses in Europe approaching, we decided to post a list of Top 10 European Economics Departments to support your decision when choosing the right institution. As all university rankings have their flaws and there is an obvious shortage of rankings for specific disciplines, we combined two ranking systems in one table: RePEc, Top 25% Economics Departments (February 2013) and QS World University Rankings by Subject (2012).
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 12 years ago
Conferences & Prizes for Young Economists
After our post last summer about the trend for conferences and prizes aimed at young economists, several further events are coming up this year, which could be of interest to PhD students and young researchers. Some of these are specifically for students or junior academics whilst others offer financial support or prizes to those attending or presenting papers at the meeting.
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 12 years ago
PhD Graduates: Disciplines and Numbers
Source: National Science Foundation, NSF/NIH/USED/USDA/NEH/NASA, Survey of Earned Doctorates
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 12 years ago
Chinese PhDs vs US PhDs
Source: Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China (China), The Survey of Earned Doctorates, National Science Foundation (US)
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- Career Advice Article
- Posted 13 years ago
Supply and Demand for New Ph.D.s in Economics
Source: Survey of the labor market for new PH.D. hires in economics 2011 – 12, Sam M. Walton College of Business, University of Arkansas:
- Work Abroad Article
- Posted 13 years ago
Salaries of Econ PhDs in the US
New Ph.D Hires in Economics: Expected and Actual Offers for the 2010-11 Academic Year
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