- Work Abroad Article
- Posted 10 years ago
The Benefits of Working Abroad – Why It Pays to Gain Experience Elsewhere
In a previous post we delved into the topic of how studying abroad can help your future job prospects. Yet, whether or not you’ve spent time in other countries as a student, it can help your career to broaden your search parameters when looking for work later on. We’re not just talking about a semester or year spent volunteering in some remote part of the world (though that’s arguably quite a valuable experience as well) but rather about a serious career step that leads you to living and working in another country.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 10 years ago
Top Conferences in Banking, Economics and Finance – 2014 End of Year Round Up
As the year slowly draws to a close it can be easy to focus on the work in front of us and forget about the many academic conferences still taking place around the world. Such events are a great place to build your network, boost your CV and gain new insight into your field. This list offers you a brief overview of the many conferences in banking, economics, finance and related fields that will be taking place across the globe during the last months of 2014.
- Blog Post
- Posted 10 years ago
30 Top Twitter Feeds in Political Science
Following our highly discussed list of 30 Top Twitter Feeds in Economics and Finance, we wanted to keep the conversation going by sharing our selection of top Twitter feeds in political science. This list includes academics, researchers, journalists and many others who focus on political science, politics, international relations, public policy and related fields.
- Blog Post
- Posted 10 years ago
2014 Nobel Prize in Economics Awarded to Jean Tirole
At just after 1pm CET today, The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2014 was awarded to Jean Marcel Tirole of Toulouse, France. This prize, more commonly known as the Nobel Prize in Economics, was given to Dr. Tirole for his extensive work on the behavior of large companies in relation to market power and regulation.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 10 years ago
How to Enhance the Impact of Your Research
While we all know the importance of publishing widely in terms of moving forward in an academic career, what is sometimes left out of the discussion is how to make sure that your research has an actual impact in the community it is addressing, or in the world at large. If you would like your research to be read beyond the gates of the ivory tower, you need to know how to effectively promote yourself and your work.
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 10 years ago
Visa Requirements for Studying at a UK University
If you are an international student from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland and are interested in studying in the UK, you will need to apply for a student visa in order to do so. You may only apply for a visa if you have already been accepted to study a full-time course – part-time students will not be granted visas.
- Blog Post
- Posted 10 years ago
40 Top Mathematics Blogs
In previous posts we’ve offered lists of top blogs in the fields of economics and finance. In this post we’re shifting our focus to the broad world of mathematics. As with economics and finance, mathematics encompasses quite a diverse array of subdisciplines, meaning that this list of blogs gathers together a range of perspectives, experiences and areas of expertise. Whether you’re interested in gaining teaching tips for algebra or discussing the latest publications in top mathematics journals, these bloggers cover it all. This is by no means an exhaustive list, however, and we encourage you to add your own suggestions or ideas in the comments section here or on Facebook. The blogs listed here are shown in alphabetical order, meaning they are not ranked or grouped in any other way.
- Work Abroad Article
- Posted 10 years ago
Work Visas for Foreign University Graduates in the EU
With student mobility continually on the rise, the number of foreign students earning degrees in Europe is ever increasing. Yet, the long-term visa opportunities for such graduates are not equal across the European Union. With immigration laws changing regularly, sometimes it can be difficult to know exactly what to expect in a given country. In this post, we offer you updated information about the types of work visas available to university graduates in the most popular European destination countries for foreign students: France, Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom.
- Start As You Mean To Go On
- Posted 10 years ago
Teaching Tips for New Professors and Lecturers
Although most new professors have already clocked countless hours in the classroom as teaching assistants, the shift to being the sole authority in the room can be a scary one. No matter how prepared you might feel, the first days (or weeks or months) at any new job tend to be a bit overwhelming – and that's totally normal. So, whether you feel like legging it home and hiding under the covers until winter break, or you just need a little extra boost to get you on the right track, the following 10 tips will help you stay motivated, organized and have you ready for the coming academic year and all it’s likely to throw at you.
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 10 years ago
How to Fund a Master’s Degree in the UK
For many students, one of the most difficult subjects when it comes to university applications is how they plan to obtain funding for their studies. If you feel that you fall into this category, do not let fear of high admissions fees hamper your decision to apply to the university of your choice. Although admissions fees vary widely across institutions, students can apply for funding for nearly any course, receiving small to very large amounts of money in order to cover the cost of studying a postgraduate degree.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 10 years ago
Top Conferences in Banking, Economics and Finance - Fall 2014
Although those of us in the northern hemisphere have just entered the dog days of summer, fall is just around the corner, meaning it’s the right time to start planning out your autumn conference schedule. Whether you’re dreaming of the changing leaves and crisp air or dreading the idea of darker evenings and cooler days, right now you should focus on choosing the right event for you from this great list of academic conferences taking place around the world.
- Faculty Recruitment
- Posted 10 years ago
Faculty Recruiting: Best Practices
In September the recruiting season gathers pace, a fact that candidates today know well. Last year, the number of people visiting the INOMICS job listing pages increased by 28% in the eight weeks from the start of July to late September. The rush increased even more in October, with a rise of 20% in just one month. Every institution has their own policies and guidelines for faculty hiring, but still there is a set of best practices which in many cases is applicable regardless. We explored examples of best practice for academic recruiting (before the interview stage) and put together a list of them to help INOMICS customers find the best match for their positions.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 10 years ago
How to Make the Most of a Post Doc or Junior Researcher Position
For many recent PhDs and other doctoral graduates, the first step in an academic career is at least one, if not two or three post doc or junior researcher positions. Regardless of which department you work in, such a position is a great way to make connections, publish your research, add experience to your CV and get a feel for life as an academic.
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 10 years ago
English Proficiency Exams: Which to Take and How to Prepare
If you are considering applying to a study program taught in English, whether in an English speaking country or elsewhere, you will almost certainly be required to send proof of English proficiency as part of your application. Moreover, if you are interested in applying to jobs that require English proficiency, having a language certificate will make your application process much smoother.
- Ranking
- Posted 10 years ago
Top Mathematics Departments Worldwide
In previous posts we’ve offered you lists of Top Political Science Departments Worldwide and Top Economics Departments in Spain, Latin America and Europe. In this post, we’re shifting our focus from the social sciences to highlight the best math departments around the globe.
- Ranking
- Posted 10 years ago
Top Political Science PhD Programs in Europe and the United States
Although summer is just getting underway in many parts of the world, fall application season is waiting just around the corner. Whether you’re a recent graduate or a professional looking to step back into academia, finding the right PhD program is not always an easy process. For that reason, it’s important to start reviewing your options early. In a post a few months back we highlighted the global Top 20 Political Science Departments, and in this post we’d like to narrow that list to the graduate level while focusing specifically on Europe and the United States.
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 10 years ago
How Does Studying Abroad Help Your Job Prospects?
With the global flow of students higher now than ever before, there is an abundance of advice available regarding the benefits of studying abroad. Whether for a semester or a full degree, studying in a foreign country can boost your CV, help you learn a new language, expand your cultural understanding and allow you to create a worldwide network of friends and colleagues.
- Blog Post
- Posted 10 years ago
Who Will Win the 2014 World Cup? Econometrics Can Tell Us
In a post about the Olympics this past winter, we mentioned research linking the economic development of a country to its chances of taking home a large number medals in the Games. While it might seem reasonable to extend this logic to the World Cup, in-depth econometric and statistical analysis indicates otherwise. So how can we best predict who will come out on top in this year’s World Cup?
- Ranking
- Posted 10 years ago
Top Economics Master’s Programs in the United States
While many recent Bachelor’s graduates are debating the choice between entering the job market and embarking on a PhD (take a look at this post if you find yourself in this position), it’s important to remember that there are a number of top-notch Master’s programs in economics out there as well. We recently offered you a list of Erasmus Master’s programs, but in the current post we’ll shift focus to the United States, where stand-alone Master’s programs in economics are gaining both prominence and popularity.
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 10 years ago
Which English Language Exams to Take for UK Universities and How to Study
In the first section of this advice area we briefly discussed the fact that any international students for whom English is not a native language will need to present proof of proficiency as part of their Master’s course application. Proficiency tests measure the student’s level of language comprehension and capability with the aim of offering a standardized rubric for calculating whether the individual is prepared for postgraduate study in the UK.