- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 10 years ago
Advantages of Earning Your Master's Degree in Spain
If you are interested in earning a Master’s degree outside of your home country, Spain has a wide array of programs open to international students that make it a great place for graduate education. With 76 accredited universities spread across the country, you can choose a program and institution by discipline, location, reputation or other factors based on your individual preferences. Spain is home to a number of very well renowned institutions, particularly in fields such as economics, business and cultural studies.
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 10 years ago
Important Factors When Choosing a Graduate Program
The decision to undertake graduate study is an important one, and once you have decided to take this step, the next question is – which one!? There are so many graduate study options around the world that deciding where and what to study can be an immense task. Consider why you are interested in a graduate program, and research your options. After you’ve done some initial research, you can narrow it down to the programs and schools that interest you. If you can, attend a university fair to get a feel for a university or program.
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 10 years ago
Finding Funding for a Master’s Program in Spain
Although the range of tuition fees is quite broad in Spain (depending on the program, discipline and university, you may be asked to pay anywhere between a few hundred and many thousands of euros), nearly every Master’s program requires some level of payment. Thus, it is a good idea to carefully look through the admissions pages of each program you’re interested in and be fully aware of tuition requirements before you apply.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 10 years ago
Tips on Staying Motivated During the Holiday Season
It can be hard to stay motivated surrounded by chocolate, festive lighting and tinsel garlands. With the prospect of overseas holidays, dinners with family and friends, gift-giving and an abundance of food fast approaching, whether you work or study, maintaining focus can be an issue.
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 10 years ago
Why Study in Italy? 5 Reasons to live La Dolce Vita
We’ve already explored Spain, China and Turkey – next stop in our series exploring top destinations for students is Italy!
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 10 years ago
5 Reasons to Study in Turkey: “Crossing the Bridge”
Earlier this month we wrote about the top 5 reasons to study in the Iberian Peninsula; the high quality of education, the Spanish language, the culture, lifestyle, landscape and entertainment are factors that draw people towards study in Spain. Next up, Turkey is the second country we want to talk about in our series exploring top destinations for students from around the world.
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 10 years ago
Why Study in Spain? Top 5 Reasons to Head to the Iberian Peninsula
Spain is the first country we will be highlighting in a new series exploring top destinations for students from around the world. Spain is one of the most popular countries in Europe for students interested in either short-term or longer exchange programs, as well as for those looking to earn a full degree in a foreign country.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 10 years ago
How to Make the Most of Being Department Chair
With the start of the academic year come many changes to most university departments – new students, new courses and, every so often, a new department chair. If you happen to find yourself in the lucky position of holding this post, it’s important to be aware of the plethora of responsibilities and advantages that come with the job. In this article, we’ve gathered helpful tips and reminders from a variety of sources to create a comprehensive list of what you need to know to make the most of being a department chair.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 10 years ago
How to Create an Infographic for Academic Purposes: Tools & Resources
A picture speaks a thousand words, an adage that also holds true when presenting data to an audience. Whether to stand out during an academic conference or a class presentation, to share statistics with your customers, to explain a difficult concept to your students or to impress your friends with something funny: if you want to convey the message quickly and clearly an infographic is the tool to use!
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 10 years ago
Writing a Successful Motivation Letter for UK PhD University Applications
Regardless of what type of course you would like to study, you will almost certainly be asked to write a motivation letter, also called a cover letter or personal statement. This letter acts as an introduction, telling the admissions board who you are and why you are a good fit for the programme to which you are applying.
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 10 years ago
Writing A Thesis This Summer? 10 Tips on How to Stay Motivated
Instead of relaxing by the pool, engaging in night long barbecues or taking long awaited beach vacations, do you find yourself smoldering in the summer heat at your local library, or at your very own disheveled desk, mustering what little willpower you have left to write your thesis? As a current graduate student at the American University in Cairo I share your woes, and perhaps sleep depriving fears, but believe me when I say there is light, and the promise of a blissful graduation, at the end of that slightly terrifying thesis tunnel. Whether or not you’ve established a sizeable outline or built a praiseworthy bibliography, you will need to keep writing, and not succumb to the dastardly clutches of summertime procrastination, to ultimately reach your deadline. The key to thesis writing during this scorching summer is to stay motivated, even if it takes pitchers of iced coffee and copious amount of frozen yogurt to get you through! Take a look at my top ten tips on how to stay motivated while writing your thesis this sunny season.
- Ranking
- Posted 8 years ago
5 Apps That Every Conference Attendee Needs to Have
When you're getting ready to head off to your conference, don't forget to load up your phone while you're packing your suitcase and planning your travel. There are tons of apps which can add all sorts of great features to your phone, and they can be useful for professional work as well as for fun. Here are our tips for 5 must-have apps for conference goers to make your conference experience as smooth and easy as possible.
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 8 years ago
Five Best Ways For Making Friends While Studying Abroad
One of the most important factors affecting the total experience of your semester studying abroad are the friends that you make. While some students go on a study exchange with a friend or a few from back home, many decide to go abroad by just themselves.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 8 years ago
Pros & Cons Of Online Learning
With the arrival of reliable, high-speed internet, distance learning for university students has become much more feasible. Students can now sign up for single classes or whole courses to be taught online, which may include streaming lectures, live Q&A chats with tutors, and submitting coursework electronically. But how does an online course compare with a traditional course at a brick and mortar university? Today we're looking at both the pros and cons of learning online.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 9 years ago
Unique alternatives to PowerPoint for your presentations
When you're presenting your work to an academic audience, you want to make sure that your talk is as exciting and engaging as possible. One way to do this is to work on your slides; using something more interesting and original than standard PowerPoint. Today we're recommending some of the best alternatives to PowerPoint to make your presentation truly unique.
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 9 years ago
Top Apps for Students for iPhone & Android
Technology is changing the way we work, especially for students who are learning in an increasingly technology-rich environment. There are a ton of smartphone apps which can help make your life easier as a student, so here we're recommending some of the best.
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 9 years ago
MBA: Applying to Graduate School in Europe versus North America
For those looking to start an MBA, there has never been more choice. There are hundreds of schools offering MBA courses to choose from, with different styles, academic emphasis and assessment styles. One of the most prominent distinctions between MBA programs though is the divide between North American (the US and Canada) and European schools (with courses in UK, France, Spain, the Netherlands, Germany and so on). The US is considered the home of the MBA, where the course concept was first developed and put into practice. Now, with more and more students leaving their home country to study for an MBA, Europe also offers strong MBA teaching. How should you decide where to pursue your MBA? Read on for tips and advice on making this important decision about your MBA.
- Study Advice Article
- Posted 9 years ago
To MBA, or not to MBA? The Benefits of Earning a Master of Business Administration
With fees ranging up to six digit figure sums, choosing to enrol in an MBA program can be an enormous decision, particularly if you’re leaving a well-paid career or trying to juggle work and family commitments. Regardless, more and more executives, students and business people are taking the time to earn an MBA.
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 10 years ago
What British Admission Officers look for in Students
The United Kingdom has been recognised for years as one of the most popular destinations for postgraduate education. The international reputation of British education, the diversity of culture and the connections to other European countries have made the UK one of the favorite destinations for students.
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 10 years ago
Visa Requirements for Master's Programs in Spain
If you are from a country within the European Union (EU), Switzerland, Norway, Lichtenstein or Iceland, you will not need a student visa to study in Spain. If you are not a citizen or permanent resident of the EU or one of the previously mentioned countries, however, you will need to apply for a visa if you plan on staying in Spain for longer than 90 days.
- Blog Post
- Posted 10 years ago
10 Ways to Use a Selfie Stick in Academia
“Selfie” was declared a word of the year in 2013 as a result of a seventeen thousand per cent increase in usage. But selfies have, arguably, shifted from being the product of a purely narcissistic act to that of a normalised cultural phenomenon – even celebrities and politicians indulge in the not-so-occasional self-portrait.
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 10 years ago
Language Requirements for Master’s Programs in Spain
Since 2011, the number of Master’s programs across Europe taught entirely in English has increased by 42%. Quite a large number of these programs are in Spain. Thus, if you are applying to a Master’s program in Spain, the language requirements will likely differ depending on the language of instruction – whether it’s a program fully in Spanish, both in Spanish and in English, fully in English or in another language such as Catalan or Basque. We will focus here on English and Spanish, offering information regarding the most common examinations and scores required for both of these languages.
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 10 years ago
Study in China: Top 10 Universities for International Students
Choosing a destination to study abroad in, either for a semester or the entire degree, can be an extremely daunting task. Mainland China is currently home to thousands of international students looking for an international education. Since the 1990s, China has been rapidly expanding its number of universities and higher education programs. This expansion runs parallel to the large economic growth that China continues to experience, making Chinese universities an attractive destination for international students. Thousands of students from around the world are going to China to experience the waking of the ‘sleeping dragon’ and the fast growth of the Chinese markets. All major cities in China have at least one university, and international students are often drawn to these metropolitan hubs.
- Study Abroad Article
- Posted 10 years ago
Application Requirements for Master’s Programs in Spain
If you are interested in earning your Master’s degree in Spain, it is important to pay close attention to the specific guidelines of the programs to which you are applying, as requirements can vary greatly from program to program. Yet, there are certain elements that tend to be quite universal across applications. Whether you are applying to a program fully in Spanish or one of the growing number of courses taught in English, you will almost certainly be asked to provide most, if not all of the following components as part of your application.
- Work Abroad Article
- Posted 10 years ago
The Benefits of Working Abroad – Why It Pays to Gain Experience Elsewhere
In a previous post we delved into the topic of how studying abroad can help your future job prospects. Yet, whether or not you’ve spent time in other countries as a student, it can help your career to broaden your search parameters when looking for work later on. We’re not just talking about a semester or year spent volunteering in some remote part of the world (though that’s arguably quite a valuable experience as well) but rather about a serious career step that leads you to living and working in another country.